Results for ' Rhetoric and psychology'

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  1.  19
    Rhetoric and Psychology in Alcidamas’ work.Julie Tramonte - 2019 - Methodos 19.
    L'importance de l'analyse psychologique dans ce que l'on pourrait appeler, à la suite de George Briscoe Kerferd, « le mouvement sophistique », n'est pas en soi une découverte. De nombreuses études se sont en effet attachées à en souligner la portée, notamment dans ses rapports avec l'art rhétorique et son application pratique dans le cadre de la πόλις athénienne du Ve siècle où la parole — sous forme d'ἀγών, de débat contradictoire à l'assemblée ou au tribunal — prévalait sur tous (...)
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  2. Rhetoric and Subjectivity: The Theoretical and Literary Figuration of Romantic Self-Consciousness.Thomas Pfau - 1989 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo
    The thesis argues for the need to reexamine current theoretical conceptions or assumptions regarding Romantic self-consciousness and its perceived dependency on a productive dimension of expression. The origins of the allegedly aporetic relation between an inward form of consciousness and its linguistic "presentation" are traced in the Idealist reflection on self-consciousness by Kant, Fichte, and Schelling. Inadvertently, language as a productive force reveals itself as the contingent "ground" for the highly elusive, though philosophically essential, "unity" of self-consciousness. Thus the respective (...)
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    Rhetoric and the Familiar in Francis Bacon and John Donne.Daniel Derrin - 2013 - Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
    Rhetoric and the Familiar examines the rhetorical practice of Francis Bacon and John Donne in both their writing and public speaking. It explores how their rhetorical planning negotiates the need both to use and combat familiar ideas, images, and emotions, when engaging different audiences. The book’s main selling points are that it explores well-known texts from the neglected angle of faculty psychology. Its ability to illuminate familiar ground in an important but neglected way will be its main selling (...)
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  4. Psychology, rhetoric, and cognition.Michael Billig - 1989 - History of the Human Sciences 2 (3):289-307.
  5.  14
    Classical Rhetoric and the Promotion of the New World.Andrew Fitzmaurice - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (2):221-243.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Classical Rhetoric and the Promotion of the New WorldAndrew FitzmauriceFor many years historians have characterized the relation between the Old World and the New as an encounter in which the New was assimilated to the Old. There is a striking uniformity in the reasons given for this process. It is argued that in their “discovery” the Europeans encountered a world which was radically different from their own and (...)
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    Rhetoric and the Unconscious.Michael Billig - 1997 - Argumentation 12 (2):199-216.
    This paper develops the ideas of rhetorical psychology by applying them to some basic Freudian concepts. In so doing, the paper considers whether there might be a ‘Dialogic Unconscious’. So far rhetorical psychology has tended to concentrate upon conscious thought rather than on the unconscious. It has suggested that thinking is modelled on argument and dialogue, and that rhetoric provides the means of opening up matters for thought and discussion. However, rhetoric may also provide the means (...)
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    Rhetorical and historical aspects of attitudes: The case of the british monarchy.Michael Billig - 1988 - Philosophical Psychology 1 (1):83 – 103.
    This paper seeks to develop the rhetorical approach to the study of social psychology, by looking at the rhetorical aspects of British attitudes towards the monarchy. The rhetorical approach stresses that attitudes are stances in public controversy and, as such, must be understood in their wider historical and argumentative context. Changes in this context can lead to changes in attitudinal expression, such as the phenomenon of Taking the Side of the Other, which should be distinguished from the sort of (...)
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    Rhetoric and Human Consciousness: A History.Craig R. Smith - 2012 - Waveland Press.
  9. The Rhetoric and Reality of Anthropomorphism in Artificial Intelligence.David Watson - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (3):417-440.
    Artificial intelligence has historically been conceptualized in anthropomorphic terms. Some algorithms deploy biomimetic designs in a deliberate attempt to effect a sort of digital isomorphism of the human brain. Others leverage more general learning strategies that happen to coincide with popular theories of cognitive science and social epistemology. In this paper, I challenge the anthropomorphic credentials of the neural network algorithm, whose similarities to human cognition I argue are vastly overstated and narrowly construed. I submit that three alternative supervised learning (...)
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  10. Sophistics, Rhetorics, and Performance; or, How to Really Do Things with Words.Barbara Cassin & Andrew Goffey - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (4):349 - 372.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sophistics, Rhetorics, and Performance; or, How to Really Do Things with WordsBarbara CassinTranslated by Andrew Goffey"How to do things with words?" How can you really do things with nothing but words? It seems to me that sophistics is in a way the paradigm of discourse that does things with words. Doubtless it is not a "performative" in Austin's sense of the word, although Austin's sense varies considerably in extension (...)
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  11. Representing reality: discourse, rhetoric and social construction.Jonathan Potter - 1996 - Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
    How is reality really manufactured? The idea of social construction has become a commonplace part of much social research, yet precisely what is constructed, how it is constructed, and what constructionism means are often left unclear or taken for granted. In this major work, Jonathan Potter explores the central themes raised by these questions. Representing Reality explores the different traditions in constructivist thought--including sociology of scientific knowledge; conversation analysis and ethnomethodology; and semiotics, poststructuralism, and postmodernism--to provide a lucid introduction to (...)
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  12. Amenable to reason: Aristotle's rhetoric and the moral psychology of practical ethics.Alex John London - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (4):287-305.
    : An Aristotelian conception of practical ethics can be derived from the account of practical reasoning that Aristotle articulates in his Rhetoric and this has important implications for the way we understand the nature and limits of practical ethics. An important feature of this conception of practical ethics is its responsiveness to the complex ways in which agents form and maintain moral commitments, and this has important implications for the debate concerning methods of ethics in applied ethics. In particular, (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Aristotle's Rhetoric and the Cognition of Being: Human Emotions and the Rational-Irrational Dialectic.Brian Ogren - 2004 - Minerva 8:1-19.
    Within the second book of his Rhetoric, intent upon the art of persuasion, Aristotle sets forth theearliest known methodical explication of human emotions. This placement seems rather peculiar,given the importance of emotional dispositions in both Aristotle’s theory of moral virtues and in hismoral psychology. One would expect to find a full account of the emotions in his extensivetreatment of virtues as it appears in his ethical treatises, or as part of his psychological system in DeAnima. In none of (...)
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  14.  31
    Truth and Rhetoric: The Promise of John Dean's Memory to the Discipline of Psychology.David Kaposi - 2012 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42 (1):1-19.
    The paper unpacks the far-reaching theoretical and practical issues that underlay the classical debate between cognitive psychologist Ulric Neisser and discursive social psychologists Derek Edwards and Jonathan Potter on Watergate witness John Dean's memory. Accounting for their disagreements, Neisser claimed the mantle of the cognitive-ecological approach to memory and emphasized the psychologist's ultimate priority of truth over discourse, while Edwards and Potter claimed that of discursive/rhetorical psychology and focused exclusively on discourse over truth. As such, the debate at the (...)
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  15.  25
    Sophistry in Vygotsky: Contributions to the Rhetorical and Poetic Pedagogy.Erika Natacha Fernandes de Andrade & Marcus Vinicius da Cunha - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (1):85-99.
    This work relates L. S. Vygotsky’s theory to the rhetorical and poetic pedagogy, which is a set of educational ideas and practices derived from the philosophical-educational tradition initiated by the Sophists. It is verified that the Vygotskyan concepts contribute to broaden the foundations of poetic and rhetorical pedagogy, presenting a psychology of language that integrates decorum, kairos and antilogical argumentation within aesthetic experiences; communication sustains knowledge and reflection of reality, aiming at the strengthening of the individual’s identity, the education (...)
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  16.  73
    Subjects of the World: Darwin’s Rhetoric and the Study of Agency in Nature.Paul Sheldon Davies - 2009 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Being human while trying to scientifically study human nature confronts us with our most vexing problem. Efforts to explicate the human mind are thwarted by our cultural biases and entrenched infirmities; our first-person experiences as practical agents convince us that we have capacities beyond the reach of scientific explanation. What we need to move forward in our understanding of human agency, Paul Sheldon Davies argues, is a reform in the way we study ourselves and a long overdue break with traditional (...)
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  17.  9
    Somatic Markers, Rhetoric, and Post-truth.José M. Muñoz - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Rhetorical Strategies in the Presentation of Ethology and Comparative Psychology in Magazines after World War II.Donald A. Dewsbury - 1997 - Science in Context 10 (2):367-386.
    The ArgumentEuropean ethology and North American comparative psychology have been the two most prominent approaches to the study of animal behavior through most of the twentieth century. In this paper I analyze sets of popular articles by ethologist Nikolaas Tinbergen and psychologist Frank Beach, in an effort to understand the contrasting rhetorical styles of the two. Among the numerous ways in which Tinbergen and Beach differed were with respect to expressing the joy of research, the kind of scientific approach (...)
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  19. Authorizing happiness: Rhetorical demarcation of science and society in historical narratives of positive psychology.Jeffery Yen - 2010 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 30 (2):67.
    Notwithstanding the numerous critiques that have been leveled at the field of positive psychology over its short history, the field and its practitioners continue to enjoy substantial growth and popularity. Although several factors have no doubt contributed to their advancement, work in the field of science studies suggests that rhetorical demarcation in scientific writing, by which scientific fields establish their domains and distinguish themselves from other forms of intellectual activity, may be equally significant. Such “boundary work” is an important (...)
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  20.  12
    The Myth of Psychotherapy: Mental Healing as Religion, Rhetoric, and Repression.Thomas Szasz - 1978 - Anchor Books.
    This intriguing book undercuts everything you thought you knew about psychotherapy.
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  21.  86
    Anorexia, Welfare, and the Varieties of Autonomy: Judicial Rhetoric and the Law in Practice.Mark Bratton - 2010 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17 (2):159-162.
    In English medical law, it is something of an axiom that adult competent patients have an absolute right to refuse all and any medical treatment, including potentially life-saving and life-sustaining treatment. This legal proposition, which is embedded in the doctrine of consent, has for the last few decades been regarded as the expression of the philosophical principle of personal autonomy and ethical right of self-determination. The Western ethical and legal traditions places heavy emphasis on notions of personal sovereignty reflected in (...)
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  22. Arguing and Thinking: A Rhetorical Approach to Social Psychology.Michael Billig - 1995 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 28 (1):83-86.
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  23. Commentary on Sober and Wilson, Unto Others: The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior.Daniel C. Dennett - 2002 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 65 (3):692-696.
    Have Sober and Wilson salvaged a sophisticated and sound perspective for group selection from the rhetorical overkill of the selfish-gene’s-eye gang, or have they merely reinvented Hamilton’s and Maynard Smith’s alternative to group selection models, models that can do justice to all the observed and even imagined phenomena of cooperation in the biosphere? One of the main lessons I have learned in thinking about the issues raised by Unto Others over the last two years is that they are, at least (...)
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  24. Late scholastic probable arguments and their contrast with rhetorical and demonstrative arguments.James Franklin - 2022 - Philosophical Inquiries 10 (2).
    Aristotle divided arguments that persuade into the rhetorical (which happen to persuade), the dialectical (which are strong so ought to persuade to some degree) and the demonstrative (which must persuade if rightly understood). Dialectical arguments were long neglected, partly because Aristotle did not write a book about them. But in the sixteenth and seventeenth century late scholastic authors such as Medina, Cano and Soto developed a sound theory of probable arguments, those that have logical and not merely psychological force but (...)
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  25.  47
    Mind, meaning and metaphor: the philosophy and psychology of metaphor in 19th-century Germany.Brigitte Nerlich & David D. Clarke - 2001 - History of the Human Sciences 14 (2):39-61.
    This article explores a German philosophy of metaphor, which proposed a close link between the body and the mind as the basis for metaphor, debunked the view that metaphor is just a decorative rhetorical device and questioned the distinction between the literal and the figurative. This philosophy of metaphor developed at the intersection between a reflection on language and thought and a reflection on the nature of beauty in aesthetics. Thinkers such as Giambattista Vico, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jean Paul (...)
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  26.  20
    Faith and Rhetoric in Giles of Rome.Nicolas Faucher - 2019 - Vivarium 57 (1-2):1-21.
    Giles of Rome’s view of faith in the reportatio of his questions on book III of the Sentences is founded on a likening of faith to rhetoric. The firm intellectual assent that characterizes them both is caused by the will, motivated by emotion, or affective bias. This paper argues that this is made possible by Giles’ move away from Aquinas’ position on the assent produced by rhetorical discourse, which Aquinas thought to be of little certainty, while Giles affirms that, (...)
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    Rhetorical Structure Theory: looking back and moving ahead.William C. Mann & Maite Taboada - 2006 - Discourse Studies 8 (3):423-459.
    Rhetorical Structure Theory has enjoyed continuous attention since its origins in the 1980s. It has been applied, compared to other approaches, and also criticized in a number of areas in discourse analysis, theoretical linguistics, psycholinguistics, and computational linguistics. In this article, we review some of the discussions about the theory itself, especially addressing issues of the reliability of analyses and psychological validity, together with a discussion of the nature of text relations. We also propose areas for further research. A follow-up (...)
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  28.  18
    Scare rhetoric as a device used to bolster Jewish fighting and pioneering spirit: David Ben-Gurion’s use of antithesis reference.Aadel Shakkour - 2022 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 18 (2):323-342.
    In this article we examined Ben-Gurion’s scare rhetoric reflected in the antithesis relation as a device used to bolster the fighting and pioneering spirit of the Jewish people. We tried to show how Ben-Gurion strove to skew and manipulate the political discourse in order to raise the soldiers’ fighting morale, promote ideological positions on Zionist pioneering, and the Jewish people’s psychological fortitude, and, thus amplify its fighting spirit based on the belief that it would be the soldiers’ fighting spirit (...)
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  29.  77
    Plato on the rhetoric of philosophers and sophists (review).Michael Svoboda - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (2):pp. 191-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Plato on the Rhetoric of Philosophers and SophistsMichael SvobodaPlato on the Rhetoric of Philosophers and Sophists by Marina McCoy New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. vii + 212 pp. $74.00, hardcover.With her new book, Marina McCoy, an assistant professor of philosophy at Boston College, succeeds in opening up new lines of inquiry into Plato’s formative engagement(s) with rhetoric: first, by involving other Platonic dialogues in (...)
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  30. Pragmatics and rhetoric for discourse analysis: some conceptual remarks.Jésus Larrazabal & Kepa Korta - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (2):233-248.
    This paper focuses on discourse analysis, particularly persuasive discourse, using pragmatics and rhetoric in a new combined way, called by us Pragma-Rhetoric. It can be said that this is a cognitive approach to both pragmatics and rhetoric. Pragmatics is essentially Gricean, Rhetoric comes from a new reading of Aristotle’s Rhetoric, extending his notion of discourse to meso- and micro-discourses. Two kinds of intentions have to be considered: first, communicative intention, and, then, persuasive intention. The fulfilment (...)
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  31.  47
    Constructing psychological objects: The rhetoric of constructs.Kathleen L. Slaney & Donald A. Garcia - 2015 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 35 (4):244-259.
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  32. Aristotle on emotion: a contribution to philosophical psychology, rhetoric, poetics, politics, and ethics.William W. Fortenbaugh - 2002 - London: Duckworth.
    When "Aristotle on Emotion" was first published it showed how discussion within Plato's Academy led to a better understanding of emotional response, and how that understanding influenced Aristotle's work in rhetoric, poetics, politics and ethics. The subject has been much discussed since then: there are numerous articles, anthologies and large portions of books on emotion and related topics. In a new epilogue to this second edition, W.W. Fortenbaugh takes account of points raised by other scholars and clarifies some of (...)
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  33.  46
    Theophrastus and Recent ScholarshipOn Stoic and Peripatetic Ethics: The Work of Arius Didymus.Theophrastus of Eresus on his Life and Work.Theophrastean Studies on Natural Science, Physics and Metaphysics, Ethics, Religion and Rhetoric.Cicero's Knowledge of the Peripatos.Theopharastus His Psychological, Doxographical and Scientific Writings.Theophrastus of Eresus Sources for his Life, Writings, Thought and Influence. [REVIEW]Deborah K. W. Modrak, William W. Fortenbaugh, Pamela M. Huby, Anthony A. Long, Robert W. Sharples, Peter Steinmetz & Dimitri Gutas - 1994 - Journal of the History of Ideas 55 (2):337.
    Work in the last decade in the history of philosophy has been characterized by the effort to reclaim texts and make available in English translations and commentaries the full range of philosophical writings of major figures and schools. The focal point of this article is the work of the Theophrastus Project, which has produced over the last fifteen years, eight biennial conferences with published proceedings and a truly comprehensive collection of fragments and testimonia, "Theophrastus of Eresus Sources for his Life, (...)
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    Disappearances, silences, and anxious rhetoric: Gender in abnormal psychology textbooks.Jeanne Marecek - 1993 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 13 (2):114-123.
    Argues that from a feminist perspective the history of clinical psychology reveals a troubled relationship with women. Diagnoses and treatments have at times controlled and victimized women. Over the past 25 yrs, feminist scholarship, activism, and practice have contributed to knowledge. Yet, these accomplishments may go unnoticed in the field of abnormal psychology. Besides sexism, there may be other sources of resistance. Textbooks present disorders as abstracted, medicalized entities. Within this frame of reference, everyday identities, social categories , (...)
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  35.  54
    (1 other version)Colonial Violence And The Rhetoric Of Evasion.Cheryl B. Welch - 2003 - Political Theory 31 (2):235-264.
    Tocqueville's contradictory writings on imperialism have produced interpretations that range from unrepentant realism to lapsed universalism. This essay considers the moral psychology that underlies his position. It argues that Tocqueville's writings on colonialism exemplify his resort to apologia when his deepest apprehensions are aroused and offers a typology of Tocquevillean rhetorical evasions: the mechanisms by which he attempts to quell perceptions of moral dissonance. It also argues that Tocqueville's evasion of the challenge of Algeria illustrates a particular kind of (...)
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  36. Persuasion and Social Psychology.Ivana Marková - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (1):5-8.
    This editor’s introduction to the issue recalls the main methodological approaches to persuasion, rhetoric and propaganda in social psychology. It summarizes the classical theories issued from Hovland’s Yale Communication Program in experimental social psychology, like dissonance, attitude changes, inoculation approach, elaboration likelihood model. Yet there are, today, competing perspectives on persuasion, which turn attention to the meaning of persuasion in modern complex societies, in technology and the media. These perspectives place emphasis not on changes of attitudes, but (...)
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  37.  22
    Neuroessentialism and the Rhetoric of Neuroscience.Douglas Porter - 2020 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 27 (3):239-241.
    At the very beginning of Lavallee’s article on addictive craving, they note that they will avoid using the term addict in an attempt to avoid essentializing the identities of people who experience addiction. Neuroscientific approaches to the study of mental disorders could benefit from a similar level of caution with regard to discouraging essentialism. Zachar characterized psychological essentialism as the “cognitive predisposition to view entities as possessing underlying natures that make them be the kind of things that they are”. The (...)
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  38.  90
    New Rhetoric’s Empire: Pragmatism, Dogmatism, and Sophism.Romain Laufer - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (4):pp. 326-348.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:New Rhetoric's Empire:Pragmatism, Dogmatism, and SophismRomain LauferPragmatism vs. RationalismThere are at least two reasons to devote some attention to sophism when dealing with the relationship between philosophy and rhetoric in the context of Franco-American intellectual exchanges. The first reason is that it lies at the very origin of classical philosophy which could be described as resulting directly from the way in which Plato and Aristotle succeeded in (...)
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  39.  86
    Power, Resentment, and Self-Preservation: Nietzsche’s Moral Psychology as a Critique of Trump.Aaron Harper & Eric Schaaf - 2018 - In Marc Benjamin Sable & Angel Jaramillo Torres (eds.), Trump and Political Philosophy: Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism, and Civic Virtue. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 257-280.
    We use Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality as a touchstone for comprehending Trump’s appeal and victory. Following Nietzsche’s concerns, the most noteworthy puzzle is that of Trump’s peculiar popularity, especially given his impolitic statements and policy proposals that often appear in tension with the interests of his voter base. While Nietzsche’s discussions of power and resentment would seem obvious starting points to examine the success of Trump and Trumpism, we contend that these provide largely superficial and, at best, incomplete (...)
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    Psyche and Ethos: Moral Life after Psychology.Matthew Mutter - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):450-452.
    For decades, Anderson has been pressing critical theorists and literary scholars to acknowledge the inescapably normative dimensions of their work. Through careful attention to rhetorical styles, she has persuasively argued that epistemological positions and social theories are tethered to “characterological” judgments—to implicit endorsements of ethos. Meanwhile, critical discourse has warmed to the claims of lived experience (the “turn to ethics,” the interest in “affect”), but the “ethical” has remained a negative movement, either as the critique of social and discursive structures (...)
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  41. Reviews : Michael Billig, Arguing and Thinking: a rhetorical approach to social psychology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989 (1987), paper £9.95, vi + 290 pp. [REVIEW]Mike Michael - 1991 - History of the Human Sciences 4 (3):441-444.
  42. Paying attention to attention: psychological realism and the attention economy.Dylan J. White - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2):1-22.
    In recent years, philosophers have identified a number of moral and psychological harms associated with the attention economy (Alysworth & Castro, 2021; Castro & Pham, 2020; Williams, 2018). Missing from many of these accounts of the attention economy, however, is what exactly attention is. As a result of this neglect of the cognitive science of attention, many of these accounts are not empirically credible. They rely on oversimplified and unsophisticated accounts of not only attention, but self- control, and addiction as (...)
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    Discursive psychology and the “new racism”.Kevin McKenzie - 2003 - Human Studies 26 (4):461-491.
    This paper addresses a range of theoretical issues which are the topic of recent social psychological and related research concerned with the “new racism.” We critically examine examples of such research in order to explore how analyst concerns with anti-racist political activism are surreptitiously privileged in explanations of social interaction, often at the expense of and in preference to the work of examining participants' own formulations of those same activities. Such work is contrasted with an ethnomethodologically-informed, discursive psychology which (...)
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  44. Aristotle’s Phantasia in the Rhetoric: Lexis, Appearance, and the Epideictic Function of Discourse.Ned O'Gorman - 2005 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 38 (1):16-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aristotle’s Phantasia in the Rhetoric:Lexis, Appearance, and the Epideictic Function of DiscourseNed O’GormanIntroductionThe well-known opening line of Aristotle's Rhetoric, where he defines rhetoric as a "counterpart" (antistrophos) to dialectic, has spurred many conversations on Aristotelian rhetoric and motivated the widespread interpretation of Aristotle's theory of civic discourse as heavily rationalistic. This study starts from a statement in the Rhetoric less discussed, yet still important, (...)
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    The Nature and Goals of Rhetoric.Christof Rapp - 2008 - In Georgios Anagnostopoulos (ed.), A Companion to Aristotle. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 577–596.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Dialectical Approach The Moral‐psychological Approach Rhetoric as Dealing with Accepted Beliefs (endoxa) The Stylistic Approach The Conventional Approach The Purpose Of Rhetoric Note Bibliography.
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  46. Reductionist rhetoric : Expository strategies and the development of the molecular neurobiology of behavior.Edward Manier - 1989 - In Steve Fuller (ed.), The Cognitive turn: sociological and psychological perspectives on science. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    The psychology of creative writing.Scott Barry Kaufman & James C. Kaufman - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Psychology of Creative Writing takes a scholarly, psychological look at multiple aspects of creative writing, including the creative writer as a person, the text itself, the creative process, the writer's development, the link between creative writing and mental illness, the personality traits of comedy and screen writers, and how to teach creative writing. This book will appeal to psychologists interested in creativity, writers who want to understand more about the magic behind their talents, and educated laypeople who enjoy (...)
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    Intuitive and analytical processes in insight problem solving: a psycho-rhetorical approach to the study of reasoning.Laura Macchi & Maria Bagassi - 2012 - Mind and Society 11 (1):53-67.
    Language and thought share a unitary cognitive activity, addressed by an interpretative function. This interpretative effort reveals the assonance between the attribution of meaning to an utterance and the discovery of a solution via restructuring in insight problem solving. We suggest a view of complex integrated analytical thinking, which assumes that thinking processes information in different ways, depending on the characteristics of the tasks the subject has to solve, so that reasoning results in a stepwise, rule-based process or in a (...)
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    Aristotle's Practical Side: On His Psychology, Ethics, Politics and Rhetoric.William W. Fortenbaugh - 2006 - Boston: Brill.
    Aristotle’s analysis of emotion and his moral psychology are discussed, as are the relation of virtue to emotion, the status of animals, human friendship and the subordinate role of slaves and women. Persuasion through words and character also receive attention.
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  50. The rise and decline of character: humoral psychology in ancient and early modern medical theory.Jacques Bos - 2009 - History of the Human Sciences 22 (3):29-50.
    Humoralism, the view that the human body is composed of a limited number of elementary fluids, is one of the most characteristic aspects of ancient medicine. The psychological dimension of humoral theory in the ancient world has thus far received a relatively small amount of scholarly attention. Medical psychology in the ancient world can only be correctly understood by relating it to psychological thought in other fields, such as ethics and rhetoric. The concept that ties these various domains (...)
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