Results for ' Relativity of simultaneity'

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  1. Relativity of simultaneity and eternalism: In defense of blockworld.Daniel Peterson & Michael Silberstein - 2010 - In Vesselin Petkov (ed.), Space, Time, and Spacetime: Physical and Philosophical Implications of Minkowski's Unification of Space and Time. Springer.
    Ever since the now infamous comments made by Hermann Minkowski in 1908 concerning the proper way to view space-time, the debate has raged as to whether or not the universe should be viewed as a four-dimensional, unified whole wherein the past, present, and future are equally real or whether the views espoused by the possibilists, historicists, and presentists regarding the unreality of the future (and, for presentists, the past) are best. Now, a century after Minkowski’s proposed blockworld first sparked debate, (...)
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  2. On the Relativity of Simultaneity.Xu Shaozhi & Xu Xiangqun - 1993 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 16:8-11.
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  3. The relativity of simultaneity is not a temporal illusion.F. A. Muller - 2014 - Analysis 74 (2):232-233.
    In this journal, Brogaard and Marlow recently argued that the relativity of simultaneity is an illusion. We claim their argument is fallacious.
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    The Relativity of Simultaneity.R. T. Herbert - 1987 - Philosophy 62 (242):455 - 471.
    In connection with the special theory of relativity, Einstein made use of a now familiar thought experiment1 involving two lightning flashes, a railway train, and an embankment. Whether he used it merely to help explain the theory to others or whether it played a role in the theory's very generation as well is perhaps a matter of conjecture. However, physicist Richard Feynman, for one, believes that Einstein first conceived his theories in the visualizations of thought experiments and developed their (...)
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  5.  19
    The relativity of simultaneity: A critical analysis.Melbourne G. Evans - 1962 - Dialectica 16 (1):61-82.
    RésuméLe raisonnement selon lequel la simultanéité est relative du point de vue de l'observateur est fondamental dans la Relativité restreinte. Pourtant, l'analyse de ce raisonnement mène aux critiques suivantes:1. Le raisonnement appartient à la physique classique plutǒt qu'à la physique relativiste, en ce qu'il adopte la conception classique de la propagation de la lumière et ignore le principe de la constance de la vitesse de la lumière.2. Il entre en conflit avec l'évidence empirique, car son hypothèse de base et son (...)
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  6. The relativity of simultaneity is not a temporal illusion: a critique of Brogaard and Marlow.Dylan N. Manson - 2014 - Analysis 74 (2):234-236.
    In a recent issue of this journal Berit Brogaard and Kristian Marlow claim that an absolute frame of reference is compatible with Einstein’s Special Relativity. To achieve this they tweak Einstein’s famous train and embankment thought experiment and unjustifiably attribute, to Einstein, Hans Reichenbach’s claim that cause and effect are always temporally separated. Their conclusion is incompatible with the proper Lorentz transformations to show how time dilates from one frame of reference to another; transformations they show no evidence of (...)
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  7.  22
    Tachyon Signals, Causal Paradoxes, and the Relativity of Simultaneity.Steven F. Savitt - 1982 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1982:277 - 292.
    Some elementary properties of tachyons are described and then it is argued that the claim that (T) Tachyons exist, is incompatible with the truth of the Special Theory of Relativity (STR). First it is argued that from T, STR, and the negation of the principle that (Pl) Effect never precedes cause, one can derive a paradoxical conclusion, one of the so-called "causal paradoxes". An obvious response is to affirm (Pl), but then it is argued that (Pl) and (T) entail (...)
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  8. Is the relativity of simultaneity a temporal illusion?B. Brogaard & K. Marlow - 2013 - Analysis 73 (4):635-642.
    Tensism holds that the present moment has a special status that sets it apart from the past and the future, independently of perceivers. One of the main objections to this view has been Einstein’s argument from special relativity, which aims at showing that absolute simultaneity is a myth. We argue that the moving observer in a causal variant of Einstein’s original thought experiment is subject to a temporal illusion. Owing to the analogy of the cases, this casts doubt (...)
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  9. Discovering the relativity of simultaneity how did Einstein take "the step"?John D. Norton - unknown
    It is routinely assumed that Einstein discovered the relativity of simultaneity by thinking about how clocks can be synchronized by light signals, much in accord with the analysis he gave in his 1905 special relativity paper. Yet that is just supposition. We have no real evidence that it actually happened this way. In later recollections, Einstein stressed the importance of several thought experiments in the thinking that led up to the final theory. They include his chasing a (...)
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    Concepts of simultaneity: from antiquity to Einstein and beyond.Max Jammer - 2006 - Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    Max Jammer's Concepts of Simultaneity presents a comprehensive, accessible account of the historical development of an important and controversial concept -- which played a critical role in initiating modern theoretical physics -- from the days of Egyptian hieroglyphs through to Einstein's work in 1905, and beyond. Beginning with the use of the concept of simultaneity in ancient Egypt and in the Bible, the study discusses its role in Greek and medieval philosophy as well as its significance in Newtonian (...)
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  11.  83
    On the Conventionality of Simultaneity in Special Relativity.Marco Mamone Capria - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (5):775-818.
    In this paper the classical topic of “conventionality” in defining the simultaneity (or synchrony) of distant events is tackled again, and the validity of Reichenbach's view is carefully circumscribed. In particular, the role of “one-way” assumptions in the foundations of special relativity is emphasized. The restriction by the round-trip isotropy condition on the admissible distance functions in inertial frames is studied, and its relevance to several issues (absolute simultaneity, the interpretation of Michelson–Morley type experiments, the self-measured speed (...)
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  12.  39
    Are There Cases of Simultaneous Causation?A. David Kline - 1980 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1980 (Volume One: Contributed Papers):292 - 301.
    Alleged cases of simultaneous causation have played a prominent role in the critique of various accounts of explanation/causation and in the formation of alternative accounts. It is argued that none of the stated cases are genuine instances of simultaneous causations, since they all violate the special theory of relativity (STR). The conditions a genuine case would have to meet in light of the restrictions imposed by STR are outlined.
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  13.  57
    Two concepts of simultaneity in the special theory of relativity.Håkan TöRnebohm - 1963 - Theoria 29 (2):147-153.
  14.  63
    Symposium: The Problem of Simultaneity: Is There a Paradox in the Principle of Relativity in Regard to the Relation of Time Measured to Time Lived?H. Wildon Carr, R. A. Sampson & A. N. Whitehead - 1923 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 3 (1):15 - 41.
  15. The Sui generis conventionality of simultaneity.Laurent A. Beauregard - 1976 - Philosophy of Science 43 (4):469-490.
    In this paper, I elucidate the main points involved in the question of the non-triviality of the conventionality of simultaneity within the kinematics of special relativity. I argue that there is an important distinction to be made between the inherited component and the sui generis component of the conventionality of simultaneity. The factual core of the kinematics of special relativity is explored, and it is shown that the Round-Trip Clock Retardation effect obtains if, and only if (...)
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  16. Did Malament prove the non-conventionality of simultaneity in the special theory of relativity?Sahotra Sarkar & John Stachel - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (2):208-220.
    David Malament's (1977) well-known result, which is often taken to show the uniqueness of the Poincare-Einstein convention for defining simultaneity, involves an unwarranted physical assumption: that any simultaneity relation must remain invariant under temporal reflections. Once that assumption is removed, his other criteria for defining simultaneity are also satisfied by membership in the same backward (forward) null cone of the family of such cones with vertices on an inertial path. What is then unique about the Poincare-Einstein convention (...)
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  17. Conventionality of simultaneity.Allen Janis - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    In his first paper on the special theory of relativity, Einstein indicated that the question of whether or not two spatially separated events were simultaneous did not necessarily have a definite answer, but instead depended on the adoption of a convention for its resolution. Some later writers have argued that Einstein's choice of a convention is, in fact, the only possible choice within the framework of special relativistic physics, while others have maintained that alternative choices, although perhaps less convenient, (...)
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  18. Uniqueness of simultaneity.Domenico Giulini - 2001 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 52 (4):651-670.
    We consider the problem of uniqueness of certain simultaneity structures in flat spacetime. Absolute simultaneity is specifiled to be a non-trivial equivalence relation which is invariant under the automorphism group Aut of spacetime. Aut is taken to be the identity-component of either the inhomogeneous Galilei group or the inhomogeneous Lorentz group. Uniqueness of standard simultaneity in the first, and absence of any absolute simultaneity in the second case are demonstrated and related to certain group theoretic properties. (...)
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  19. Relativity of a Free Will Concept Depending on Both Conscious Indeterminism and Unconscious Determinism.Franz Klaus Jansen - 2011 - Philosophy Study 1 (2):103 - 117.
    Free will is difficult to classify with respect to determinism or indeterminism, and its phenomenology in consciousness often shows both aspects. Initially, it is felt as unlimited and indeterminate will power, with the potentiality of multiple choices. Thereafter, reductive deliberation is led by determinism to the final decision, which realises only one of the potential choices. The reductive deliberation phase tries to find out the best alternative and simultaneously satisfying vague motivations, contextual conditions and personal preferences. The essential sense of (...)
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  20. David Malament and the Conventionality of Simultaneity: A Reply. [REVIEW]Adolf Grünbaum - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 40 (9-10):1285-1297.
    In 1977, David Malament proved the valuable technical result that the simultaneity relation of standard synchrony $\epsilon=\frac{1}{2}$ with respect to an inertial observer O is uniquely definable in terms of the relation κ of causal connectibility. And he claimed that this definability undermines my own version of the conventionality of metrical simultaneity within an inertial frame.But Malament’s proof depends on the imposition of several supposedly “innocuous” constraints on any candidate for the simultaneity relation relative to O. Relying (...)
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  21.  61
    Relativity vs. absolute simultaneity: Varying flow of time or varying frequency?Avril Styrman - 2018 - Physics Essays 31 (3):256-284.
    The General Theory of Relativity (GR) and the Dynamic Universe (DU) are evaluated in how they explain frequencies of atomic clocks. DU and GR predict the frequencies with equal accuracy, but their explanations, the postulates they apply in the explanations and the word-views that come along with them are entirely different. The central argument is that if unified and under- standable physics is appreciated, then DU deserves to be taken as a viable alternative to GR. In GR different frequencies (...)
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  22.  17
    Time and Relativity of Time in Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity.Salvatore Principe - 2015 - In Flavia Santoianni (ed.), The Concept of Time in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy: A Philosophical Thematic Atlas. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    In 1905 Albert Einstein, in a paper entitled “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”, as a solution to the disagreement between classical mechanics and the results of the Michelson's experiment, who showed the invariance of the speed of light in vacuum measured in different inertial reference systems, developed the theory of special relativity. In this essay Einstein expounded a theory that, instead of introducing a privileged system, required the revision of the concepts of space and time of classical physics. (...)
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  23.  24
    Einstein's Second Treatment of Simultaneity.Peter A. Bowman - 1976 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1976:71-81.
    The conventionality of simultaneity at distant points is defended partly by reference to Einstein's 1905 paper founding special relativity. His famous light-signaling definition takes the transit time of light in one direction to be equal to that in the other. Conventionalists such as Reichenbach and Grunbaum argue that he could have made them unequal without denying any physical fact. However, Einstein's more detailed treatment in the 1910 Archives des sciences runs counter to this thesis. There he required that (...)
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    A new twist in the conventionality of simultaneity debate.Mark Zangari - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (2):267-275.
    To date, both sides in the conventionality of simultaneity debate grant that transformations from "standard" to "nonstandard" coordinates are possible without any empirically significant effects. However, it is argued here that the very possibility of defining nonstandard coordinates vanishes if one represents special relativity, not by real four-vectors (as has been the case so far in the debate), but by complex spinors as used in the representation of half-integer spin. Thus, in the topologically simplest representation of the Lorentz (...)
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  25. Kant and the Conventionality of Simultaneity.Adrian Bardon - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (5):845-856.
    Kant’s three Analogies of Experience, in his Critique of Pure Reason, represent a highly condensed attempt to establish the metaphysical foundations of Newtonian physics. His strategy is to show that the organization of experience in terms of a world of enduring substances undergoing mutual causal interaction is a necessary condition of the temporal ordering even of one’s own subjective states, and thus of coherent experience itself. In his Third Analogy—an examination of the necessary conditions of judgments of simultaneous existence—he argues (...)
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  26. Simultaneity by Slow Clock Transport in the Special Theory of Relativity.Adolf Grünbaum - 1969 - Philosophy of Science 36 (1):5 - 43.
    Ellis and Bowman's account of nonstandard signal synchronizations is examined as a prolegomenon to this paper. Attention is called to some consequences of an important ambiguity in their account of the transitivity of nonstandard synchrony. Then an analysis is given of the principle of relativity to assess E & B's claim that this principle either restricts nonstandard signal synchronisms or rules them out altogether. It is argued that the latitude for choices of nonstandard synchronisms is not circumscribed by the (...)
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    Aristotle on natural simultaneity of relatives in the categories.Antonio Pedro Mesquita - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book addresses the issue of natural simultaneity of relatives, discussed by Aristotle in Categories 7, 7b15-8a12. Natural simultaneity is a form of symmetrical ontological dependence that holds between items that are not causally linked. In this section of the Categories, Aristotle introduces this topic in his analysis of relatives and maintains that, although relatives seem to be for the most part simultaneous by nature, there seem to be some exceptions. He mentions two pairs of relatives as exceptions, (...)
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  28. Special Relativity in Superposition.Ted Dace - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (2):199-213.
    By deriving the Lorentz transformation from the absolute speed of light, Einstein demonstrated the relativistic variability of space and time, enabling him to explain length contraction and time dilation without recourse to a "luminiferous ether" or preferred frame of reference. He also showed that clocks synchronized at a distance via light signals are not synchronized in a frame of reference differing from that of the clocks. However, by mislabeling the relativity of synchrony the "relativity of simultaneity," Einstein (...)
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    The Hypertrophy of Simultaneity in Telematic Communication.Elena Esposito - 1997 - Thesis Eleven 51 (1):17-36.
    The paper deals with the changes in the sense of synchronicity and simultaneity connected with the transformations in the structure of society. It examines and criticizes the modern concept of absolute chronology, understood as an objective temporal reference common to all observers. This notion is compared with the relative and flexible (but neither objective nor generalizable) forms of synchronization of different societies. The paper discusses finally the hypothesis that contemporary society is realizing a more complex and recursive form of (...)
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  30. Some Thoughts on Relativity and the Flow of Time: Einstein’s Equations given Absolute Simultaneity.J. Brian Pitts - 2004 - Chronos 6.
    The A-theory of time has intuitive and metaphysical appeal, but suffers from tension, if not inconsistency, with the special and general theories of relativity (STR and GTR). The A-theory requires a notion of global simultaneity invariant under the symmetries of the world's laws, those ostensible transformations of the state of the world that in fact leave the world as it was before. Relativistic physics, if read in a realistic sense, denies that there exists any notion of global (...) that is invariant under the symmetries of the world's laws. If physics is at least a decent guide to metaphysics--as sympathies for scientific realism would suggest--then relativistic physics supports the B-theory. If there were a physically natural way to modify the symmetries of the physical laws so as to remove those that are repugnant to the A-theory, while retaining empirical adequacy, then such an altered physics might be attractive to the A-theorist and would weaken the support given by relativity to the B-theory. I exhibit a way to do so here, displaying a Lagrangian density explicitly containing distant simultaneity, yet implying Einstein's field equations. The modification involves a change in the nature of the lapse function and makes use of the Dirac-Bergmann formalism of constrained dynamics, which recently has been discussed much by John Earman. Here this formalism is adapted slightly to permit both local and global generalized coordinates. A classification of senses in which time might be absolute or not is made along the way. Some suggestions for extending the work by finding a first principles motivation are made. An appendix outlines an argument why many local presents are insufficient and a global present is attractive, while two more appendices review the Dirac-Bergmann apparatus for GTR and then apply it to the theory at hand. (shrink)
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    Simultaneity Relations Relative to Multiple Observers.Chunghyoung Lee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 43:101-107.
    I challenge the assumption in the debate on the conventionality of simultaneity that a simultaneity relation of special relativity should be defined relative to a single inertial observer, not relative to multiple inertial observers as such. I construct an example of a simultaneity relation relative to two inertial observers, and demonstrate that it is explicitly definable in terms of the causal connectibility relation and the world lines of the two observers. I argue that, consequently, thesimultaneity relation (...)
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  32. Absolute Distant Simultaneity in Special Relativity.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (12):1355-1364.
    What is simultaneous with an event is what can interact with it; events have duration; therefore, any given event has distant events simultaneous with it, even according to Special Relativity. Consequently, the extension of our pre-relativistic judgments of distant simultaneity are largely preserved.
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  33.  87
    On Writing the History of Special Relativity.John Earman, Clark Glymour & Robert Rynasiewicz - 1982 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1982:403 - 416.
    Nearly all accounts of the genesis of special relativity unhesitatingly assume that the theory was worked out in a roughly five week period following the discovery of the relativity of simultaneity. Not only is there no direct evidence for this common presupposition, there are numerous considerations which militate against it. The evidence suggests it is far more reasonable that Einstein was already in possession of the Lorentz and field transformations, that he had applied these to the dynamics (...)
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    Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and EPR.Robert Clifton, Constantine Pagonis & Itamar Pitowsky - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992 (Volume One: Contributed Papers):114 - 128.
    The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen argument for the incompleteness of quantum mechanics involves two assumptions: one about locality and the other about when it is legitimate to infer the existence of an element-of-reality. Using one simple thought experiment, we argue that quantum predictions and the relativity of simultaneity require that both these assumptions fail, whether or not quantum mechanics is complete.
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  35.  78
    Review of William Lane Craig, Quentin Smith (eds.), Einstein, Relativity and Absolute Simultaneity[REVIEW]Thomas Ryckman - 2010 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2010 (9).
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    Einstein, Relativity and Absolute Simultaneity.William Lane Craig & Quentin Smith (eds.) - 2004 - Routledge.
    Einstein, Relativity and Absolute Simultaneity is an anthology of original essays by an international team of leading philosophers and physicists who have come together to reassess the contemporary paradigm of the relativistic concept of time. A great deal has changed since 1905 when Einstein proposed his Special Theory of Relativity, and this book offers a fresh reassessment of Special Relativity’s relativistic concept of time in terms of epistemology, metaphysics, and physics.
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    Philosophical Analysis of the Special Theory of Relativity on the Correspondence of its Content to the Necessary Condition of its Objectivity.Nikolai Andreevich Popov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of this study is the special theory of relativity (SRT) by A. Einstein, the debate about which has been going on for more than a hundred years. The aim of the study is to evaluate SRT from the side of whether everything that is discussed in this theory and thus in the new, relativistic physics is possible in nature itself. At the same time, the author pays special attention to three issues: the principle of relativity, the (...)
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    On various senses of “conventional” and their interrelation in the philosophy of physics: simultaneity as a case study.Mauro Dorato - 2010 - In Thomas Uebel, Stephan Hartmann, Wenceslao Gonzalez, Marcel Weber, Dennis Dieks & Friedrich Stadler (eds.), The Present Situation in the Philosophy of Science. Springer. pp. 335--349.
    My aim in this note is to disambiguate various senses of ‘conventional’ that in the philosophy of physics have been frequently conflated. As a case study, I will refer to the well-known issue of the conventionality of simultaneity in the special theory of relativity, since it is particularly in this context that the above mentioned confusion is present.
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    Assessment of the relative importance of S+ and S− in rats, using intercurrent simultaneous and successive discriminations.David A. Stevens, J. Russell Mason & D. R. Wixon - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (4):200-202.
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    Relativity, dimensionality, and existence.Vesselin Petkov - unknown
    The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the analysis of the kinematical effects of special relativity holds the key to answering the question of the dimensionality of the world. It is shown that these effects and the experiments which confirmed them would be impossible if the world were three-dimensional. Section 2 shows that relativity of simultaneity, conventionality of simultaneity, and the existence of accelerated observers in special relativity would be impossible if the (...)
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  41.  43
    Review of Max Jammer, Concepts of Simultaneity: From Antiquity to Einstein and Beyond. [REVIEW]Jill North - 2008 - American Scientist 96 (1).
    Max Jammer’s recent book, Concepts of Simultaneity: From Antiquity to Einstein and Beyond, traces the history of our ideas on simultaneity as they evolved alongside sweeping changes in our understanding of physics. One of the interesting lessons of the book is that, even as our physical theories have become increasingly successful, the question of the proper understanding or interpretation of those theories remains extremely puzzling. The central issue is this: Is the simultaneity of events a real feature (...)
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  42. The adolescence of relativity: Einstein, Minkowski, and the philosophy of space and time.Dennis Dieks - unknown
    An often repeated account of the genesis of special relativity tells us that relativity theory was to a considerable extent the fruit of an operationalist philosophy of science. Indeed, Einstein’s 1905 paper stresses the importance of rods and clocks for giving concrete physical content to spatial and temporal notions. I argue, however, that it would be a mistake to read too much into this. Einstein’s operationalist remarks should be seen as serving rhetoric purposes rather than as attempts to (...)
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    Special Relativity from the Viewpoint of R. W. Sellars’ The Philosophy of Physical Realism.Matthias Neuber - 2023 - In Chiara Russo Krauss & Luigi Laino (eds.), Philosophers and Einstein's Relativity: The Early Philosophical Reception of the Relativistic Revolution. Springer Verlag. pp. 183-200.
    Roy Wood Sellars (1880–1973) is often reduced to his role as father of Wilfrid Sellars. This is unfair because during the 1920s, ‘30s, and ‘40s, Roy Wood was one of the leading figures of the then prevailing American realist movement. In the present paper, I will focus on one particular facet of R. W. Sellars’ philosophical approach: his continual examination of Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity. I shall primarily reconstruct his discussion of Einstein’s theory, as it can be (...)
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    Relative Space-Time and Simultaneity.George H. Mead - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):514 - 535.
    The picture which one naturally presents of the situation is that which would arise before an observer placed outside the earth, who could watch the light wave starting from the central mirror and pursuing the distant mirror, catching up with it at some distance beyond the point at which it was when the light wave started. In this case the observer is able to locate the points at which the parts of the apparatus were at different moments and to measure (...)
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  45. Einstein's special theory of relativity and the problems in the electrodynamics of moving bodies that led him to it.John Norton - unknown
    Modern readers turning to Einstein’s famous 1905 paper on special relativity may not find what they expect. Its title, “On the electrodynamics of moving bodies,” gives no inkling that it will develop an account of space and time that will topple Newton’s system. Even its first paragraph just calls to mind an elementary experimental result due to Faraday concerning the interaction of a magnet and conductor. Only then does Einstein get down to the business of space and time and (...)
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  46. Relative simultaneity in the special relativity.Frank Jackson & Robert Pargetter - 1977 - Philosophy of Science 44 (3):464-474.
    In this paper a method is proposed for empirically determining simultaneity at a distance within the special theory of relativity. It is argued that this method is independent of Einstein's signalling method and provides a basis for denying the conventionality of distant simultaneity.
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    Would Superluminal Influences Violate the Principle of Relativity?Kent Peacock - 2014 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 1 (1):49-62.
    It continues to be alleged that superluminal in uences of any sort would be inconsistent with special relativity for the following three reasons: they would imply the existence of a ‘distinguished’ frame; they would allow the detection of absolute motion; and they would violate the relativity of simultaneity. This paper shows that the first two objections rest upon very elementary misunderstandings of Minkowski geometry and on lingering Newtonian intuitions about instantaneity. The third objection has a basis, but (...)
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    On the possibility of non-eternalism without absolute simultaneity.Hassan Amiriara - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):5885-5898.
    It has been argued that the standard formulation of the Special Theory of Relativity is not only incompatible with presentism, but also strongly indicates the truth of eternalism. We should, however, distinguish two claims concerning the ontological implications of STR: STR is inconsistent with every ontology which requires an absolute relation of simultaneity; and STR implies that eternalism is the only possible ontology of time. There have been a wide range of responses designed to reject these claims, both (...)
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  49. Eternalism and the problem of hyperplanes.Matias Slavov - 2022 - Ratio 35 (2):91-103.
    Eternalism is the view that the past, the present and the future exist simpliciter. A typical argument in favor of this view leans on the relativity of simultaneity. The ‘equally real with’ relation is assumed to be transitive between spacelike separated events connected by hyperplanes of simultaneity. This reasoning is in tension with the conventionality of simultaneity. Conventionality indicates that, even within a specific frame, simultaneity is based on the choice of the synchronization parameter. Hence (...)
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  50.  16
    The Historiography of Special Relativity: Comments on the Papers by John Earman, Clark Glymour, and Robert Rynasiewicz and by Arthur Miller.Kenneth F. Schaffner - 1982 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1982:417 - 428.
    Two problems in the paper by EGR are considered. One is the lack of any direct confirmatory evidence for the elegant rational reconstruction. The second is a significant gap in the historical account, just at the critical point in Einstein's discovery process -- namely, the reanalysis of simultaneity. In addition, the EGR account appears in danger of being overly focused on the electrodynamical aspect of special relativity to the exclusion of optical null experiments, and in particular to the (...)
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