Results for ' Pūrṇā'

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    Religion, Politics, Evangelism.Purna Chandra Jena - 2009 - Imprint Academic.
    This book seeks to show how religion is controlled by political ideologies, and how evangelism is moulded and manipulated by the demands of the dominant political order of the day. Out of his experience as a Christian in India, the author challenges churches and congregations to participate in political action as an expression of their commitment to evangelism and to a better society.
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    Development projects, success or failure? Personal perspectives on an FAO fertilizer project in Nepal.Anil Shrestha & Purna B. Chhetri - 1996 - Agriculture and Human Values 13 (4):71-74.
    A development project introduces various changes into a community. Some of these changes are positive while others are negative or warrant better planning. Evaluation reports designed strictly for quantitative, targetoriented physical and fiscal achievements often overlook many of these changes. Our personal field observations and experiences with an agricultural development project showed us several examples of impacts brought about in the local farming system in some hill districts of Nepal. These impacts cannot be neglected and project evaluation and progress reports (...)
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    The Effect of Transformational Leadership, Servant Leadership, and Organizational Learning on Manufacturing Industry Performance.Francisca Sestri Goestjahjanti, Sahala Benny Pasaribu, Tatang Iman Sadewo, Srinita Srinita, Isyak Meirobie & Agustinus Purna Irawan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    The Glorious Deeds of Purna. A translation and study of the Purnavadana. Joel Tatelman.Michael Hahn - 2003 - Buddhist Studies Review 20 (1):85-88.
    The Glorious Deeds of Purna. A translation and study of the Purnavadana. Joel Tatelman. Curzon, Richmond 2000, £40.00; Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi 2001. xii, 228 pp. Rs 295.00. ISBN 0-7007-1082-5.
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  5. Gopinath Kaviraj on Purna.Ha Upanisad - 2005 - In Bettina Baumer & John R. Dupuche, Void and fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian traditions: Sunya-Purna-Pleroma. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. pp. 239.
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  6. Book Review The Truth Will Set You Free by Swami Purna. [REVIEW]Swami Narasimhananda - 2010 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 115 (1):162.
    Book review of the book 'The Truth Will Set You Free' by Swami Purna.
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    Void and fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian traditions: Sunya-Purna-Pleroma.Bettina Baumer & John R. Dupuche (eds.) - 2005 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    Contributed research papers presented at seminar.
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    Bāuls, Bhakti, Beats, and Bob: the Influence of Oral Indian Tradition in the Poetry of Allen Ginsberg and Its Connection with Bob Dylan.Geetanjali Joshi - 2019 - Journal of Dharma Studies 1 (2):241-258.
    The term Bāul is universally associated with singing. It is a form of folk music that emerges from Bengal in India. However, Bāul does not simply imply singing. It is more of a philosophy which is deeply rooted in the quest for self-realization. The raison d’être for the kind of attraction the music of Bāuls and the poetry of Kabir had for the West is that their music and poetry was essentially a poetry of simplicity, peace and celestial love. Since (...)
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  9. Attaining the Form of the Void.Bettina Bdumer - 2005 - In Bettina Baumer & John R. Dupuche, Void and fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian traditions: Sunya-Purna-Pleroma. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. pp. 159.
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  10. The Silence and the Cry.John R. Dupuche - 2005 - In Bettina Baumer & John R. Dupuche, Void and fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian traditions: Sunya-Purna-Pleroma. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. pp. 243.
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  11. The Themes of Light and Dark in the Greek Fathers.John R. Dupuche - 2005 - In Bettina Baumer & John R. Dupuche, Void and fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian traditions: Sunya-Purna-Pleroma. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. pp. 171.
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  12. Sunya Sampadana.Rama Ghose - 2005 - In Bettina Baumer & John R. Dupuche, Void and fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian traditions: Sunya-Purna-Pleroma. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. pp. 201.
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  13. IAM expected to give a philosophical introduction. An introduction it will be, because it will not enter into the profundities of these three words. It is philosophical—in the real sense of the word: philosophy is as much the love of. [REVIEW]Raimon Panikkar - 2005 - In Bettina Baumer & John R. Dupuche, Void and fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian traditions: Sunya-Purna-Pleroma. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. pp. 11.
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  14. AN appropriate English lexiconic equivalent of sunyata is not available because each word derives its meaning from its context. That is why it is so difficult to translate a word from one language to another. Sttnya in English is" void;" sunyata is.Suniti Kumar Pathak - 2005 - In Bettina Baumer & John R. Dupuche, Void and fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian traditions: Sunya-Purna-Pleroma. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
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  15. Concept of Fullness or Purnatva in Indian Philosophy.Deba Brata Sen Sharma - 2005 - In Bettina Baumer & John R. Dupuche, Void and fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian traditions: Sunya-Purna-Pleroma. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
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