Results for ' Preschoolers'

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  1. Prospective preschool teachers learning to use picturebooks for philosophical inquiries.Sofia Nikolidaki - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 11 (2):92-118.
    Prospective preschool teachers often incorporate picturebooks into their teaching practices in kindergartens as part of their training. However, they often rely heavily on asking children numerous questions while reading picturebooks, such as identifying the protagonists of the story, detailing the sequence of events, and exploring the who, what, when, where, and why. This approach may result in a superficial interrogation of the text, overlooking (i) the nuanced messages conveyed through illustrations or the synergy of text and imagery, and (ii) the (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Preschool Children's Mapping of Number Words to Nonsymbolic Numerosities.Jennifer S. Lipton & Elizabeth S. Spelke - unknown
    Five-year-old children categorized as skilled versus unskilled counters were given verbal estimation and number word comprehension tasks with numerosities 20 – 120. Skilled counters showed a linear relation between number words and nonsymbolic numerosities. Unskilled counters showed the same linear relation for smaller numbers to which they could count, but not for larger number words. Further tasks indicated that unskilled counters failed even to correctly order large number words differing by a 2 : 1 ratio, whereas they performed well on (...)
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    Guiding Preschool Play for Cultural Learning: Preschool Design as Cultural Niche Construction.Robin Samuelsson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:545846.
    This paper explores how preschools can be purposefully designed to aid cultural learning through guided play practices. In recent literature, there has been a renowned interest in the role of the exogenous environment in psychological processes, including learning. The idea that the design of preschools can meaningfully be seen as cultural niche construction and that guided play practices in these environments can aid the preparation for cultural action is promoted, and a theoretical framework is presented. The empirical data draw from (...)
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    Preschoolers decide who is knowledgeable, who to inform, and who to trust via a causal understanding of how knowledge relates to action.Rosie Aboody, Holly Huey & Julian Jara-Ettinger - 2022 - Cognition 228 (C):105212.
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    Preschoolers Understand the Moral Dimension of Factual Claims.Emmily Fedra & Marco F. H. Schmidt - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:398137.
    Research on children's developing moral cognition has mostly focused on their evaluation of, and reasoning about, others' intrinsically harmful (non-)verbal actions (e.g., hitting, lying). But assertions may have morally relevant (intended or unintended) consequences, too. For instance, if someone wrongly claims that “This water is clean!”, such an incorrect representation of reality may have harmful consequences to others. In two experiments, we investigated preschoolers' evaluation of others' morally relevant factual claims. In Experiment 1, children witnessed a puppet making incorrect (...)
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    Preschoolers’ Induction of the Concept of Material Kind to Make Predictions: The Effects of Comparison and Linguistic Labels.Ilonca Hardy, Henrik Saalbach, Miriam Leuchter & Lennart Schalk - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:531503.
    Analogical reasoning by comparison is considered a special case of inductive reasoning, which is fundamental to the scientific method. By reasoning analogically, learners can abstract the underlying commonalities of several entities, thereby ignoring single objects’ superficial features. We tested whether different task environments designed to trigger analogical reasoning by comparison would support preschoolers’ induction of the concept of material kind to predict and explain objects’ floating or sinking as a central aspect of scientific reasoning. Specifically, in two experiments, we (...)
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    Preschoolers Focus on Others’ Intentions When Forming Sociomoral Judgments.Julia W. Van de Vondervoort & J. Kiley Hamlin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Preschool Metacognitive Skill Assessment in Order to Promote Educational Sensitive Response From Mixed-Methods Approach: Complementarity of Data Analysis.Elena Escolano-Pérez, Maria Luisa Herrero-Nivela & M. Teresa Anguera - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  9. Preschoolers' imaginative play as precursor of narrative consciousness.Jerome L. Singer & Dorothy G. Singer - 2006 - Imagination, Cognition and Personality 25 (2):97-117.
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    Preschool Minority Children’s Persian Vocabulary Development: A Language Sample Analysis.Mohamad Reza Farangi & Saeed Mehrpour - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study linked background TV and socioeconomic status to minority children’s Persian vocabulary development. To this end, 80 Iranian preschool children from two minority groups of Arabs and Turks were selected using stratified random sampling. They were simultaneous bilinguals, i.e., their mother tongue was either Arabic or Azari and their first language was Persian. Language sample analysis was used to measure vocabulary development through a 15-min interview by language experts. The LSA measures included total number of utterances, total number of (...)
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    Categorization Activities in Norwegian Preschools: Digital Tools in Identifying, Articulating, and Assessing.Pål Aarsand - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:452210.
    The article explores digital literacy practices in children’s everyday lives at Norwegian preschools and some of the ways in which young children appropriate basic digital literacy skills through guided participation in situated activities. Building on an ethnomethodological perspective, the analyses are based on 70 hours of video recordings documenting the activities in which 45 children, aged 5-6, and eight preschool teachers participated. Through the detailed analysis of two categorization activities – identifying geometrical shapes and identifying feelings/thoughts –the use of digital (...)
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    Preschool children master the logic of number word meanings.Jennifer S. Lipton & Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2006 - Cognition 98 (3):57-66.
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    Preschool period development of implicit and explicit remembering.Julia L. Greenbaum & Peter Graf - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (5):417-420.
  14. Preschoolers Benefit Equally From Video Chat, Pseudo-Contingent Video, and Live Book Reading: Implications for Storytime During the Coronavirus Pandemic and Beyond.Caroline Gaudreau, Yemimah A. King, Rebecca A. Dore, Hannah Puttre, Deborah Nichols, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek & Roberta Michnick Golinkoff - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Preschoolers’ selective learning is guided by the principle of relevance.Annette Me Henderson, Mark A. Sabbagh & Amanda L. Woodward - 2013 - Cognition 126 (2):246-257.
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    Preschoolers' and adults' belief reasoning and task demand.Lu Wang - unknown
    Thirty-years research seemed to reveal that there is a U-shape development in children’s theory-of-mind abilities: infants have the competence to attribute false beliefs properly when measured by looking time and anticipatory eye gaze, while children younger than four systematically fail the standard false belief tasks measuring their voluntary responses. Why is it, and why does the infants’ implicit belief reasoning seem to be free from the inhibition and selection requirements? Are there really two systems, one explicit measured by verbal tasks (...)
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    Preschoolers Favor Their Ingroup When Resources Are Limited.Kristy Jia Jin Lee, Gianluca Esposito & Peipei Setoh - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:398351.
    The present study examined how two- to four-year-old preschoolers in Singapore (N = 202) balance fairness and ingroup loyalty in resource distribution. Specifically, we investigated whether children would enact fair distributions as defined by an equality rule, or show partiality toward their ingroup when distributing resources, and the conditions under which one distributive strategy may take precedence over the other. In Experiment 1, children distributed four different pairs of toys between two puppets. In the Group condition, one puppet was (...)
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    Preschoolers’ preferences and moral judgements are biased towards those who have more resources.Katarzyna Myślińska-Szarek & Wiesław Baryła - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin.
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    Looking for Theory in Preschool Education.Christine Stephen - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (3):227-238.
    This paper sets out to examine the place of theory in preschool education, considering the theories to which practitioners and providers have access and which provide a rationale for everyday practices and shape the experiences of young children. The paper reflects the circumstances of preschool provision, practices and thinking in the UK in general and in Scotland in particular. The central argument is that while there may be little obvious recourse to theorising and limited exposure to explicit theory about children’s (...)
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    Preschoolers’ interpretations of gesture: Label or action associate?Paula Marentette & Elena Nicoladis - 2011 - Cognition 121 (3):386-399.
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    Chinese Preschool Children’s Socioemotional Development: The Effects of Maternal and Paternal Psychological Control.Shufen Xing, Xin Gao, Xinxin Song, Marc Archer, Demao Zhao, Mengting Zhang, Bilei Ding & Xia Liu - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The sandbox investment: the preschool movement and kids-first politics.David L. Kirp - 2007 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Introduction : before school -- Small miracles -- Life way after preschool -- The futures market -- The imprimatur of science -- Who cares for the children? -- Jump-starting a movement -- The politics of the un-dramatic -- English lessons -- Kids-first politics.
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    Preschoolers’ emotion knowledge: Self-regulatory foundations, and predictions of early school success.Susanne Ayers Denham, Hideko Hamada Bassett, Erin Way, Melissa Mincic, Katherine Zinsser & Kelly Graling - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (4):667-679.
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    Preschoolers are sensitive to the speaker's knowledge when learning proper names.Paul Bloom - manuscript
    Unobservable properties that are specific to individuals, such as their proper names, can only be known by people who are familiar with those individuals. Do young children utilize this “familiarity principle” when learning language? Experiment 1 tested whether forty-eight 2- to 4-year-old children were able to determine the referent of a proper name such as “Jessie” based on the knowledge that the speaker was familiar with one individual but unfamiliar with the other. Even 2-year-olds successfully identified Jessie as the individual (...)
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    Preschool teachers’ perspective on factors of intergenerational learning important for professional development.Aleksandra Šindić, Dragan Partalo & Nives Ličen - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (1):125-142.
    Teorijski okvir studije predstavljaju dva koncepta: međugeneracijko učenje i profesionalno usavršavanje. Kvantitativno istraživanje provedeno 2021. godine na uzorku od 108 odgojitelja predškolskih ustanova banjolučke regije imalo je za cilj ispitati perspektivu odgojitelja o čimbenicima međugeneracijskog učenja važnima za vlastito profesionalno usavršavanje. Korištenjem faktorske analize izdvojena su tri čimbenika međugeneracijskog učenja iz perspektive odgojitelja i to su: profesionalna suradnja i osobni rast; inkluzija starijih u odgojno obrazovni rad i humanističko obrazovanje; predrasude i stereotipi. Nalazi ukazuju na to da odgojitelji naglašeno prepoznaju (...)
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    Contrasting preschoolers’ verbal reasoning in an object-individuation task with young infants’ preverbal feats.Horst Krist, Karoline Karl & Markus Krüger - 2016 - Cognition 157 (C):205-218.
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    The Relationship Between Preschool Teachers’ Proactive Personality and Innovative Behavior: The Chain-Mediated Role of Error Management Climate and Self-Efficacy.Baocheng Pan, Zhanmei Song & Youli Wang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: This study, aims to explore the relationship of error management climate and self-efficacy between preschool teachers’ proactive personality and innovative behavior.Methods: Four hundred thirty-nine preschool teachers were tested by proactive personality scale, error management climate scale, general self-efficacy scale, and employee innovation behavior scale.Results: Preschool teachers’ proactive personality can directly predict their innovative behaviors, has a significant indirect effect on innovative behaviors through error management climate, and has a significant indirect effect on innovative behaviors through self-efficacy. Error management climate (...)
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    Montessori Preschool Elevates and Equalizes Child Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study.Angeline S. Lillard, Megan J. Heise, Eve M. Richey, Xin Tong, Alyssa Hart & Paige M. Bray - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  29. Preschoolers’ Attitudes, School Motivation, and Executive Functions in the Context of Various Types of Kindergarten.Jana Kvintova, Lucie Kremenkova, Roman Cuberek, Jitka Petrova, Iva Stuchlikova, Simona Dobesova-Cakirpaloglu, Michaela Pugnerova, Kristyna Balatova, Sona Lemrova, Miluse Viteckova & Irena Plevova - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    European policy has seen a number of changes and innovations in the field of early childhood preschool education over the last decade, which have been reflected in various forms in the policies of individual EU countries. Within the Czech preschool policy, certain innovations and approaches have been implemented in the field of early children education, such as the introduction of compulsory preschool education before entering primary school from 2017, emphasis on inclusive education, equal conditions in education and enabling state-supported diversity (...)
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    Preschoolers prefer to learn causal information.Aubry L. Alvarez & Amy E. Booth - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:127756.
    Young children, in general, appear to have a strong drive to explore the environment in ways that reveal its underlying causal structure. But are they really attuned specifically to casual information in this quest for understanding, or do they show equal interest in other types of non-obvious information about the world? To answer this question, we introduced 20 three-year-old children to two puppets who were anxious to tell the child about a set of novel artifacts and animals. One puppet consistently (...)
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    Preschoolers' attention and emotion in an achievement and an effect game: A longitudinal study.Klaus Schneider & Lothar Unzner - 1992 - Cognition and Emotion 6 (1):37-63.
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    Preschoolers value those who sanction non-cooperators.Amrisha Vaish, Esther Herrmann, Christiane Markmann & Michael Tomasello - 2016 - Cognition 153:43-51.
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    Philosophy for Preschoolers? A Critical Review to Promote informed Implementation of P4C in Preschools.Hélène Maire & Emmanuèle Auriac-Slusarczyk - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-24.
    Between the elitist “philosophy is for grown-ups” and the demagogic “everyone can be a philosopher”, where does Philosophy for Children (P4C) belong in preschools? What is it assumed, expected, or intended to achieve? How is it implemented? This article reviews the literature evaluating the impact of P4C practices on preschool children (aged 3–6). It identifies the main actual or purported obstacles signaled by educators to argue that philosophy cannot be practiced before age 6. It then appraises, from a cognitive developmental (...)
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    Identical but not interchangeable: Preschoolers view owned objects as non-fungible.Stephanie McEwan, Madison L. Pesowski & Ori Friedman - 2016 - Cognition 146:16-21.
    Owned objects are typically viewed as non-fungible-they cannot be freely interchanged. We report three experiments (total N=312) demonstrating this intuition in preschool-aged children. In Experiment 1, children considered an agent who takes one of two identical objects and leaves the other for a peer. Children viewed this as acceptable when the agent took his own item, but not when he took his peer's item. In Experiment 2, children considered scenarios where one agent took property from another. Children said the victim (...)
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    Preschool children's understanding of the situational determinants of others' emotions.Kirsten A. Deconti & Donald J. Dickerson - 1994 - Cognition and Emotion 8 (5):453-472.
  36. Preschoolers rationally sample hypotheses.S. Denison, E. Bonawitz, A. Gopnik & T. Griffiths - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Preschoolers’ conceptual and acoustic encoding as evidenced by release from PI.Linda V. Esrov, James W. Hall & Diane K. LaFaver - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (2):89-90.
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    The preschool years and beyond.Thomas Keenan - 2003 - In Betty Repacholi & Virginia Slaughter (eds.), Individual Differences in Theory of Mind: Implications for Typical and Atypical Development. Hove, E. Sussex: Psychology Press. pp. 122.
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    Preschoolers’ Development of Theory of Mind: The Contribution of Understanding Psychological Causality in Stories.Wakako Sanefuji & Etsuko Haryu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Preschool children’s use of cues to generic meaning.Andrei Cimpian & Ellen M. Markman - 2008 - Cognition 107 (1):19-53.
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    Parallels in Preschoolers' and Adults' Judgments About Ownership Rights and Bodily Rights.Julia W. Van de Vondervoort & Ori Friedman - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (1):184-198.
    Understanding ownership rights is necessary for socially appropriate behavior. We provide evidence that preschoolers' and adults' judgments of ownership rights are related to their judgments of bodily rights. Four-year-olds and adults evaluated the acceptability of harmless actions targeting owned property and body parts. At both ages, evaluations did not vary for owned property or body parts. Instead, evaluations were influenced by two other manipulations—whether the target belonged to the agent or another person, and whether that other person approved of (...)
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  42. Preschoolers recall and recognition of naturalistic enactments and descriptions.R. E. Gehring & M. P. Toglia - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):500-500.
  43. Mathematics for Preschoolers. Handboook for parents and educators.Boris Culina - manuscript
    In this handbook, I put into practice my philosophical views on children's mathematics. The handbook contains brief instructions and examples of mathematical activities. In the INSTRUCTIONS section, instructions are given on how, and in part why that way, to help preschool children in their mathematical development. In the ACTIVITIES section, there are examples of activities through which the child develops her mathematical abilities.
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    Preschoolers and multi-digit numbers: A path to mathematics through the symbols themselves.Lei Yuan, Richard W. Prather, Kelly S. Mix & Linda B. Smith - 2019 - Cognition 189:89-104.
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    Preschoolers favor the creator's label when reasoning about an artifact's function.Vikram K. Jaswal - 2006 - Cognition 99 (3):B83-B92.
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    Differences in preschoolers’ and adults’ use of generics about novel animals and artifacts: A window onto a conceptual divide.Amanda C. Brandone & Susan A. Gelman - 2009 - Cognition 110 (1):1-22.
    Children and adults commonly produce more generic noun phrases (e.g., birds fly) about animals than artifacts. This may reflect differences in participants’ generic knowledge about specific animals/artifacts (e.g., dogs/chairs), or it may reflect a more general distinction. To test this, the current experiments asked adults and preschoolers to generate properties about novel animals and artifacts (Experiment 1: real animals/artifacts; Experiments 2 and 3: matched pairs of maximally similar, novel animals/artifacts). Data demonstrate that even without prior knowledge about these items, (...)
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    Preschoolers' Helping Motivations: Altruistic, Egoistic or Diverse?Jian Hao & Xu Du - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Based on Eisenberg et al.'s model of prosocial motivations, the present study examined what motivates preschoolers to display instrumental helping and how various motivations develop during the preschool years. The participants were 477 preschoolers aged 3–5 years assigned to one of five groups. In each experimental group, the experimenter emphasized an altruistic or egoistic helping motivation, namely, empathic concern, moral rules, praise or rewards. In the control group, no helping motivations were emphasized. Their instrumental helping was then measured (...)
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    (1 other version)Preschool teachers and musically gifted children in Slovene kindergartensOdgojitelji i glazbeno nadarena djeca u slovenskim vrtićima.Jerneja Žnidaršič, Barbara Sicherl Kafol & Olga Denac - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 28 (2):221-245.
    The aim of the present study, which involved preschool teachers, was to explore the area of working with musically gifted children. In particular, we focused on the identification of musically gifted children and monitoring of their musical development, preschool teachers’ competence for working with children, and evaluation of factors important for the development of musically gifted children. Research results showed that the majority of preschool teachers: were able to identify musically gifted children; rarely monitored and documented children’s musical development systematically (...)
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    Perceptions of preschool teachers of the characteristics of gifted learners in Abu Dhabi: A qualitative study.Ahmed Mohamed & Hala Elhoweris - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Considerable evidence supports that preschool education is a milestone stage for children. Nonetheless, systematic preschool gifted education programs rarely exist in public elementary schools. The current study explored the perceptions of 16 preschool teachers from seven public schools in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates regarding their views about various components of gifted education for preschool children. Qualitative analyses, using the inductive data analysis method, revealed several themes such as the concept and identification of giftedness, characteristics of gifted preschoolers, (...)’ problem-solving skills, the communication and social skills of gifted preschoolers, resources/services offered by the school to serve gifted preschoolers, enrichment programs available for gifted preschoolers, inclusive education for gifted preschoolers, twice-exceptional preschoolers, and governmental support. The results of this study may help advocate for infusing more services and programs related to the identification and education of gifted preschoolers in public schools. The findings identified the need to have an abundance of assessment tools and enrichment programs that can empower preschool teachers to cater for giftedness. (shrink)
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    Preschool Phonological and Morphological Awareness As Longitudinal Predictors of Early Reading and Spelling Development in Greek.Vassiliki Diamanti, Angeliki Mouzaki, Asimina Ralli, Faye Antoniou, Sofia Papaioannou & Athanassios Protopapas - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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