Results for ' Philosophy of History'

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  1.  14
    Philosophy of History at the End of the Cold War.Krishan Kumar - 2008 - In Aviezer Tucker, A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 550–560.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Recovery of the Philosophy of History The End of History: Hegel Redivivus The Clash of Civilizations: The Revenge of the Past? Bibliography.
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    On the Philosophy of Central European Art: The History of an Institution and Its Global Competitors.Max Ryynanen - 2020 - Lexington Books.
    This book is an introduction to the history of art as an institution, from its development in Central Europe to its global expansion through colonialism and diaspora. It considers how the class, gender, and race of artists function to challenge highbrow notions of art and develops the concept of nobrow as a way to democratize art in the future.
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    Classical Indian Philosophy: A History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps by Peter Adamson and Jonardon Ganeri.Joerg Tuske - 2021 - Philosophy East and West 71 (3):1-5.
    "I cannot recommend this book highly enough!" Is this statement true or have I succeeded in lavishing enough praise on this book by writing this statement, making this statement in fact false? This is one way in which Adamson and Ganeri explain the view of the Buddhist philosopher Nāgārjuna that everything is empty. Nāgārjuna has to defend himself against the objection that if everything is "empty" then this surely also applies to his own view. He famously argues that he does (...)
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    Enlightenment, Philosophy of History and Values.Concha Roldán - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (6-7):7-20.
    Philosophy of history has been condemned in recent times; however, it is becoming increasingly evident that a new Europe cannot do without a critical philosophy of history that analyses values and gives hierarchical structure to diverse experiences and historical memories. From this hypothesis, a result of previous projects, the project “Philosophy of History and Values in the Europe of the 21st century” has these fundamental objectives: 1) critically analyze the complex forms of conceiving science, (...)
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  5. Québec Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Part I: Logic, Mathematics, Physics and History of Science. Essays in Honor of Hugues Leblanc.Mathieu Marion & Robert S. Cohen - 1998 - Studia Logica 61 (3):441-446.
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    The philosophy of history: talks given at the Institute of Historical Research, London, 2000-2006.Alexander Lyon Macfie (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The Philosophy of History contains a selection of the talks given at the Philosophy of History seminar in the Institute of Historical Research, London, in the period 2000-6. It puts students of the Philosophy of History, historians, teachers of History and anyone else interested in the subject in touch with what is being researched and discussed today at the cutting edge of Philosophy of History studies. With contributions from, among others, Robert (...)
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  7. Hegel's Philosophy of the State and of History.George S. Morris - 1888 - Mind 13 (51):432-435.
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    The Philosophy of Hegel as a Doctrine of the Concreteness of God and Humanity: The Doctrine of Humanity.Philip T. Grier (ed.) - 2011 - Northwestern University Press.
    The publication of volume 2 of Philip T. Grier’s translation of _The Philosophy of Hegel as a Doctrine of the Concreteness of God and Humanity _completes the first appearance in English of any of the works of Russian philosopher I. A.Il’in. Most of the contents of volume 2 will be unknown even to those who have read the 1946 German version prepared by Il’in, because in that version he omitted eight of the original ten chapters. These omitted chapters provide (...)
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  9. Aaron Preston, Analytic Philosophy: The History of an Illusion Reviewed by.Robert Piercey - 2008 - Philosophy in Review 28 (2):141-143.
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  10. Pt. 2. the age of faith to the age of reason: Lecture 1. Aquinas' summa theologica, the thomist sythesis and its political and social context ; lecture 2. more's utopia, reason and social justice ; lecture 3. Machiavelli's the Prince, political realism, political science, and the renaissance ; lecture 4. Bacon's new organon, the call for a new science, guest lecture / by Alan Kors ; lecture 5. Descartes' epistemology and the mind-body problem ; lecture 6. Hobbes' leviathan, of man, guest lecture / by Dennis Dalton ; lecture 7. Hobbes' leviathan, of the commonwealth, guest lecture by. [REVIEW]Dennis Dalton, Metaphysics Lecture 8Spinoza'S. Ethics, the Path To Salvation, Guest Lecture by Alan Kors Lecture 9the Newtonian Revolution, Lecture 10the Early Enlightenment, Viso'S. New Science of History The Search for the Laws of History, Lecture 11Pascal'S. Pensees & Lecture 12the Philosophy of G. W. Liebniz - 2000 - In Darren Staloff, Louis Markos, Jeremy duQuesnay Adams, Phillip Cary, Dennis Dalton, Alan Charles Kors, Jeremy Shearmur, Robert C. Solomon, Robert Kane, Kathleen Marie Higgins, Mark W. Risjord & Douglas Kellner, Great Minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition, 3rd edition. Washington DC: The Great Courses.
  11.  9
    Nature Animated: Historical and Philosophical Case Studies in Greek Medicine, Nineteenth-Century and Recent Biology, Psychiatry, and Psychoanalysis/Papers Deriving from the Third International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science, Montreal, Canada, 1980 Volume II.Michael Ruse (ed.) - 1982 - Springer.
    These remarks preface two volumes consisting of the proceedings of the Third International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science. The conference was held under the auspices of the Union, The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Science. The meetings took place in Montreal, Canada, 25-29 August 1980, with Concordia University as host (...)
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  12. Tang, junyi philosophical view of history and his explanation of the philosophy of Wang, chuanshan-on reading a study of origins in chinese philosophy (zhongguo zhexue Yuan lun).Sf Xiao - 1991 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 22 (3):55-85.
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    Cultures and Institutions of Natural History: Essays in the History and Philosophy of Science.Michael T. Ghiselin & Alan E. Leviton (eds.) - 2000 - California Academy of Sciences.
    Excerpt from Cultures and Institutions of Natural History: Essays in the History and Philosophy of Science This volume consists mainly of papers delivered at two meetings cosponsored by the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale in Milan and the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. The first, on the Culture of Natural History, was held in Milan, November l4-l 6, I996. The second, on Institutions of Natural History, was held in San Francisco, October 5 - (...)
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  14.  32
    Meanings of History as Permanent Self-Tests of Groups and Societies.Nikolai S. Rozov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 38:71-81.
    The analytical and self-critical bias of modern philosophy lets ideology expand to most significant world-view and value areas. Hence, philosophy of history escapes such problems as meaning of history, course of history, and self-identification in history. Ideology aggressively grasps these ideas and transforms them into its own primitive dogmas that usually serve as symbolical tools for political struggle or for legitimating ruling elites. This paper shows how it is possible for philosophy, in cooperation (...)
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  15.  18
    How Philosophy of Nature Needs Philosophy of Chemistry.Jean-Pierre Llored - 2016 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (47):93-108.
    This paper aims to highlight how the philosophy of chemistry could be of help for rethinking Nature today. To do so, we will point out: the co-definition of chemical relations and chemical relata within chemical activities; the constitutive role of the modes of intervention in the definition, always open and provisional, of “active” chemical bodies; and the mutual dependence of the levels of organization in chemistry. We will insist on the way chemists tailor networks of interdependencies within which chemical (...)
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  16. The History and Philosophy of the Metaphysical Movements in America.J. JUDAH - 1967
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    Centennial evolution of Marxist philosophy of education in China.Boya Geng & Shi Zhongying - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (8):951-961.
    Marxist philosophy of education plays a key role in contemporary education in China, serving as an important theoretical foundation for reforms. With a history of more than one hundred years in China, Marxist philosophy of education has gone through three major historical stages: emergence (before 1949), localization (from 1949 to 1979), and new development (after 1979). Looking back and reflecting on the exploration of Marxist philosophy of education in China, it can be found that the following (...)
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  18.  14
    The philosophy of war films.David LaRocca (ed.) - 2014 - Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.
    Wars have played a momentous role in shaping the course of human history. The ever-present specter of conflict has made it an enduring topic of interest in popular culture, and many movies, from Hollywood blockbusters to independent films, have sought to show the complexities and horrors of war on-screen. In The Philosophy of War Films, David LaRocca compiles a series of essays by prominent scholars that examine the impact of representing war in film and the influence that cinematic (...)
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  19.  8
    Ontology in the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice: An Introduction.Michael N. Fried - 2024 - In Bharath Sriraman, Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Cham: Springer. pp. 2165-2177.
    This very short introduction will first outline how ontological investigations and questions of practice go together. The second section will bring in the next pole of this entire book, history of mathematics. How do ontology, practice, and history go together? Is this a forced marriage or one born in true love? That is, do these three belong together in some very basic way? One chapter in the section argues that the philosophy of mathematical practice intersects with the (...)
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  20. The Relation Between Philosophy and History in the Thought of R. G. Collingwood.Lionel Rubinoff - 1964 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
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  21.  31
    History of Philosophy.Philosophy of the Recent Past.Alfred Weber - 1927 - Philosophical Review 36:505.
  22. Philosophy and the tide of history : Bertrand Russell's role in the rise of analytic philosophy.Stewart Candlish - 2013 - In Erich H. Reck, The Historical turn in Analytic Philosophy. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  23. From the history of philosophy of education.ИЗ ИСТОРИИ ФИЛОСОФИИ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ, Autonomy In Kant & Jacques Rancière - 2010 - Educational Theory 60 (1):39-59.
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    History and philosophy of Lingāyat religion.M. R. Sakhare - 1942 - Dharwad: Karnatak University. Edited by Nandikeśvara.
  25.  13
    History and Philosophy of Science Inside Chemistry: Implications for Chemistry Education.Kevin Berg - 2016 - Science & Education 25 (7 - 8):917-922.
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  26. Education, history of philosophy of.Randall Curren - 2017 - In Francescotti Robert, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Taylor and Francis. pp. 1–23.
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    The philosophy of modernism: (in its connection with music).Cyril Scott - 1917 - London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & co..
    Excerpt from The Philosophy of Modernism (in Its Connection With Music) The prerequisite to immortality in the world of art is the capacity to create something new, or, in other words, the capacity to invent a style. Indeed, let any one but survey the past history of music, poetry and painting, and he will notice that each great name stands for a literary or musical invention: so that to talk of Keats or Shelley, Beethoven or Wagner, is not (...)
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  28.  15
    History and philosophy of Caodaism.Gabriel Gobron - 1950 - [Saigon, Vietnam,: Tu-́hài. Edited by Phạm Xuân Thái.
    Dao Cao Dai (Caodaism in English) is the third largest religion in Viet Nam (after Buddhism and Roman Catholicism).
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  29. Twentieth-Century Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, Volume 5.Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis - 2009 - Routledge.
    The fifth of the five volumes in our History of Western Philosophy of Religion. This volume deals with Western philosophy of religion in the twentieth century. It contains chapters on: James; Bergson; Whitehead; Hartshorne; Dewey; Russell; Scheler; Buber; Maritain; Jaspers; Tillich; Barth; Wittgenstein; Heidegger; Levinas; Weil; Ayer; Alston; Hick; Daly; Derrida; Plantinga; and Swinburne.
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    (1 other version)Probabilistic Thinking, Thermodynamics and the Interaction of the History and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the 1978 Pisa Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science.Evandro Agazzi, David Gruender & Jaakko Hintikka - 1980 - Springer.
    The two volumes to which this is apreface consist of the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on History and Philosophy of Science. The Conference was organized by the Joint Commission of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science (IUHPS) under the auspices of the IUHPS, the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science, and the Domus Galilaeana of Pisa, headed by Professor Vincenzo Cappelletti. Domus Galilaeana also served as the host institution, (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Historiography, Philosophy of History and the Historical Turn in Analytic Philosophy.Michael Beaney - forthcoming - New Content is Available for Journal of the Philosophy of History.
    _ Source: _Page Count 24 This article has three main interconnected aims. First, I illustrate the historiographical conceptions of three early analytic philosophers: Frege, Russell and Wittgenstein. Second, I consider some of the historiographical debates that have been generated by the recent historical turn in analytic philosophy, looking at the work of Scott Soames and Hans-Johann Glock, in particular. Third, I discuss Arthur Danto’s _Analytic Philosophy of History_, published 50 years ago, and argue for a reinvigorated analytic (...) of history. (shrink)
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  32. Adam Smith and the Philosophy of Anti-history.John Weiss - 1968 - In William John Bosenbrook & Hayden V. White, The Uses of history. Detroit,: Wayne State University Press. pp. 31.
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  33. Kant's Proleptic Philosophy of History: The World Well-Hoped.José Luis Fernández - 2019 - Dissertation, Temple University
    My dissertation examines several proleptic bases running through Immanuel Kant’s philosophy of history. After setting preliminary ground to frame Kant’s hopeful historical viewpoint, I attempt to address and answer problems such as Yirmiyahu Yovel’s notion of “the historical antinomy” by trying to bridge the gap between reason and empirical history; to extricate Kant from Arthur Danto’s inclusion of him in a group of “substantive philosophers of history,” who all share the characteristic of presenting “prophetic” accounts of (...)
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  34.  70
    Philosophy of History before Historicism.George H. Nadel - 1964 - History and Theory 3 (3):291-315.
    Philosophy of history before the nineteenth century was based on the classical theory of history. That theory, in justifying the purpose of historical studies, maintained that history was a storehouse of good and bad examples; was of particular use in educating statesmen, since it provided them with vicarious experience; and was a more compelling moral guide than the abstractions of philosophy. The unquestioned authority of Polybius and other ancient historians, as well as. of the definitions (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophy of science (wissenschaftstheorie) in denmark.Johs Witt-Hansen - 1970 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 1 (2):264-283.
    The philosophy of science discussion in Denmark has mainly concentrated on the problem of the external world, the problem of induction, the problem of dialectic in the Marxian sense and the strife between ontological viewpoints, originating in the philosophical tradition, and the analytical method emerging in modern mathematics and quantum mechanics. In this discussion Bohr's correspondence argument and his doctrine of language have functioned as tools of analysis and as objects of study as well. In general, Bohr and J. (...)
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  36.  20
    The Promise of history: essays in political philosophy.Athanasios Moulakis (ed.) - 1985 - New York: W. de Gruyter.
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    The Philosophy of Medicine: Framing the Field.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 2000 - Springer Verlag.
    The term `bioethics' was coined in 1971, just as interest in the medical humanities claimed a prominent place in medical education. Out of this interest, a substantial area of research and scholarship took shape: the philosophy of medicine. This field has been directed to the epistemological, ontological, and value-theoretical issues occasioned by medicine and the biomedical sciences. Bioethics is nested in this field and can only be fully understood in terms of the foundational issues it addresses. This collection of (...)
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  38.  10
    Intelligible design: a realistic approach to the philosophy and history of science.Julio Antonio Gonzalo & Manuel María Carreira (eds.) - 2013 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    1. Modern science in historical perspective -- On the origins of modern science -- The post-Renaissance revolution : the New Science -- Frank Sherwood Taylor : the man who was converted by Galileo -- The limits of science -- Proofs and demonstrations -- On the intelligibility of Quantum Mechanics -- Uncertainty, incompleteness, chance, and design -- A Finite, Open and Contingent Universe -- 2. On the origin and development of life -- A brief history of evolutionary thought -- Life's (...)
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  39.  11
    A Primer on the History and Philosophy of Education.Mark Mraz - 2010 - Upa.
    This book is an introductory narrative of the foundational educational history and philosophy of the American system. The author presents the history of education as a part of the larger picture of the development of civilization. Therefore, the historic and philosophical antecedents of our current education system are explained.
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  40. On philosophy and history of philosophy.N. Lobkowicz - 1994 - Filosoficky Casopis 42 (2):297-310.
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  41.  12
    The philosophy of living experience: popular outlines.Alexander Bogdanov - 2015 - Boston: Brill.
    In "The Philosophy of Living Experience," Alexander Bogdanov summarises his philosophy of empiriomonism, situates it in the history of materialist thought, explains the social genesis of each stage of that history, and anticipates his ultimate achievement universal organisational science.".
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    The Philosophy of Sanity.William F. Ryan - 1927 - Modern Schoolman 3 (6):87-88.
    PARTICULAR point is given Mr. Ryan's study of the in philosophy of sanity by reason of the recent forward strides medical science has made in cures forsanity, Hygeia for September reports cures in "nervous" hospitals running as high as 40%. The disease is no longer a mysterious "divine visitation." The Editor.
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  43.  10
    The Uses of history.William John Bosenbrook & Hayden V. White (eds.) - 1968 - Detroit,: Wayne State University Press.
    Adam Smith and the philosophy of anti-history, by J. Weiss.--Towards a dissolution of the ontological argument, by A. C. Danto.--Romanticism, historicism, realism: toward a period concept for early 19th century intellectual history, by H. V. White.--History and humanity: the Proudhonian vision, by A. Noland.--Hintze and the legacy of Ranke, by M. Covensky.--Objections to metaphysics, by J. Cobitz.--The term expressionism in the visual arts, by V. H. Miesel.--Karl Löwith's anti-historicism, by B. Riesterer.--Antonio Gramsci; Marxism and the Italian (...)
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  44.  48
    Heidegger, Hermeneutics and History: Undermining Jeff Malpas’s Philosophy of Place.David Clarke - 2014 - Philosophia 42 (3):571-591.
    Most works about the philosophy of Martin Heidegger either disregard Heidegger’s attachment to National Socialism or assume the ‘minimalist’ view that his attachment was a brief political aberration of no consequence for his philosophy. This paper contends that the minimalist view is not only factually wrong but also that its assumption promotes methodological errors and poor philosophy. To assess this contention we examine two important texts from one of the more fertile fields in current philosophy: Jeff (...)
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  45.  27
    History and Philosophy of Modern Mathematics. William Aspray, Philip Kitcher.I. Grattan-Guinness - 1989 - Isis 80 (1):154-155.
  46.  35
    The Barbarian as Agent of History.Mădălin Onu - 2016 - Cultura 13 (1):69-88.
    Herder, the German humanist from the end of the 18th century, a representative of Weimar classicism and of the Sturm und Drang movement, man of letters, philosopher of history, defender of popular cultures, advocate of the uniqueness and importance of every civilization. The ways in which one may summarize his legacy extend even further. The present paper will focus on the philosophy of history. We will prove that his writings reveal a complex and solid theory of barbarianism, (...)
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    The Moment of History and the Responsibility of Philosophy: Heideggerian Reflections on the Origins of Philosophy.Felix Ó Murchadha - 1999 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 30 (2):166-181.
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    The muse of history and the science of culture.Robert L. Carneiro - 2000 - New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
    Is history more than (in Boswell's words) a `chronological series of remarkable events'? Does it have a pattern? Is it fraught with `meaning'? Can we discern its trends? What determines its course? In short, can a substantial and coherent philosophy of history be devised that offers answers to these questions? These issues, which have intrigued -and bedeviled - historians for centuries, are explored in this thoughtful book.
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  49. What can the Philosophy of Mathematics Learn from the History of Mathematics?Brendan Larvor - 2008 - Erkenntnis 68 (3):393-407.
    This article canvasses five senses in which one might introduce an historical element into the philosophy of mathematics: 1. The temporal dimension of logic; 2. Explanatory Appeal to Context rather than to General Principles; 3. Heraclitean Flux; 4. All history is the History of Thought; and 5. History is Non-Judgmental. It concludes by adapting Bernard Williams’ distinction between ‘history of philosophy’ and ‘history of ideas’ to argue that the philosophy of mathematics is (...)
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    Mindblind philosophy of history.Stephen Turner - 2008 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 2 (2):227-236.
    Historical explanation after Hempel came to be discussed in terms of a contrast between nomic explanations and rationalizations, and later between cause and narrative. This period can be taken as an historical parenthesis, in which the notion of cause narrowed and the notion of historical understanding as empathic dropped out. In the present philosophical landscape there are different models of cause available, especially in the causal modeling literature, and a revived appreciation, through the philosophy of mind and in light (...)
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