Results for ' Orthodox Judaism'

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  1.  15
    Strauss, Spinoza & Sinai: Orthodox Judaism and modern questions of faith.Jeffrey Bloom, Alec Goldstein & Gil Student (eds.) - 2022 - New York, N.Y.: Kodesh Press.
    More than three centuries after Baruch Spinoza's excommunication from the Jewish community of Amsterdam, his legacy remains contentious. Born in 1632, Spinoza is one of the most important thinkers of the Enlightenment and arguably the paradigm of the secular Jew, having left Orthodoxy without converting to another faith. One of the most provocative critiques of Spinoza comes from an unexpected source, the influential twentieth-century political philosopher, Leo Strauss. Though Strauss was not an Orthodox Jew, in a well-known essay that (...)
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    Chesterton and Orthodox Judaism.Mark Gottlieb - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (3):414-419.
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  3. Between Feminism and Orthodox Judaism: Resistance, Identity, and Religious Change in Israel.[author unknown] - 2012
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    A Guide for the Jewish undecided: a philosopher makes the case for Orthodox Judaism.Samuel Lebens - 2022 - [New York]: Yeshiva University press.
    What makes a belief or a lifestyle rational? How much evidence do you need before deciding to act on a belief? If your religious beliefs are tightly bound up with your particular experiences and upbringing, doesn't that undermine their reliability? All these questions, and more, come to the fore in Samuel Lebens' A Guide for the Jewish Undecided. Bringing cutting-edge philosophy, science, and decision theory into conversation with Jewish tradition, this book makes the case that Jews today have cogent reasons (...)
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    Orthodox Judaism in the twentieth century: an alternative modernity Orthodox Judaism and the Politics of Religion: From Prewar Europe to the State of Israel, by Daniel Mahla. New York, Cambridge University Press, 2020, 318 pp., £75.00, ISBN 9781108481519 Sarah Schenirer and the Bais Yaakov Movement: A Revolution in the Name of Tradition, by Naomi Seidman. London: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization [Liverpool University Press], 2019, 448 pp., $44.95, ISBN 9781906764962 The Invention of Jewish Theocracy: The Struggle for Legal Authority in Modern Israel, by Alexander Kaye. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020, 272 pp., £28.99, ISBN 9780190922740 Halakha and the Challenge of Israeli Sovereignty, by Asaf Yedidya. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2019, 220 pp., $100, ISBN 9781498534970. [REVIEW]Itamar Ben Ami - 2023 - Intellectual History Review 33 (4):747-759.
    A prevalent scholarly view holds that Orthodox Judaism in the twentieth century was opposing or challenging modernity, since it refused to assign religion its appropriate modern place as a distinct sphere of values. The goal of this review essay is to reconsider the connection between Orthodox Judaism and modernity. Based on four recent works on Orthodox Judaism during the first decades of twentieth century, which are devoted to political mobilization, gender, theocracy, and law, the (...)
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    Changing the immutable: how Orthodox Judaism rewrites its history.Marc B. Shapiro - 2015 - Portland, Oregon: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization.
    A consideration of how segments of Orthodox society rewrite the past by eliminating that which does not fit in with their contemporary world-view. This wide-ranging and original review of how this policy is applied in practice adds a new perspective to Jewish intellectual history and to the understanding of the contemporary Jewish world.
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  7. Ortodoḳsyah humanit: maḥshevet ha-halakhah shel ha-rav prof. Eliʻezer Berḳovits = Orthodox Judaism - the human dimension: the Halakhic philosophy of Rabbi Prop. Eliezer Berkovits.Meir Roth - 2013 - Tel Aviv: ha-Ḳibuts ha-meʼuḥad.
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    Book Review: Between Feminism and Orthodox Judaism: Resistance, Identity, and Religious Change in Israel by Yael Israel-Cohen. [REVIEW]Faezeh Bahreini - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (4):590-592.
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    The Principles of Judaism.Samuel Lebens - 2020 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Samuel Lebens takes the three principles of Jewish faith, as proposed by Rabbi Joseph Albo (1380-1444), in order to scrutinize and refine them with the toolkit of contemporary analytic philosophy. What could it mean for a perfect being to create a world from nothing? Could our world be anything more than a figment of God's imagination? What is the Torah? What does Judaism expect from a Messiah, and what would it mean for a world to be redeemed? These questions (...)
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  10. Orthodox-Christianity and Judaism in Dialogue ‒ Modern and Contemporary Period ‒.Adrian Boldisor - 2016 - In 3rd INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL SCIENCES AND ARTS S G E M 2 0 1 6 ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, HISTORY & PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Sofia: STEF92 Technology. pp. 745-752.
    With a history of 2000 years, the dialogue between Orthodoxy and Judaism experienced difficult times that have left deep scars in the hearts of the followers of the two religions. In the modern and contemporary period, without forgetting the past, it is trying to find bridges between the two religions with the purpose to help the faithful to respond responsibly to the challenges of the present and future. The themes that have been analyzed in the past are of a (...)
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  11.  19
    Reform, conservative and neo-orthodox: distinctions in contemporary Judaism: a useful lexicon for Catholics?Richard Rymarz - 2002 - The Australasian Catholic Record 79 (1):18.
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    One man's Judaism.Emanuel Rackman - 1970 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
    Written by one of Modern Orthodoxy's most outspoken leaders, this book presents a coherent, relevant and comprehensive philosophy of Orthodoxy. It demonstrate a traditional Judaism that is creative, evolving, and yet consistent and faithful to Halakhah, Judaism that is dynamic, honors a diversity of opinions, and views modernity as a challenge, not an enemy.
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    Does Judaism Condone Violence? Holiness and Ethics in the Jewish Tradition by Alan L. Mittleman (review).Matthew Levering - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (2):745-749.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Does Judaism Condone Violence? Holiness and Ethics in the Jewish Tradition by Alan L. MittlemanMatthew LeveringDoes Judaism Condone Violence? Holiness and Ethics in the Jewish Tradition by Alan L. Mittleman (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018), v + 227 pp.Alan Mittleman has written a profoundly thought-provoking book. A main question of the book is whether a higher (revealed) law may in some cases require harm to (...)
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  14. Judaism, Business and Privacy.Elliot N. Dorff - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (2):31-44.
    This article first describes some of the chief contrasts between Judaism and American secularism in their underlying convictions about the business environment and the expectations which all involved in business can have of each other—namely, duties vs. rights,communitarianism vs. individualism, and ties to God and to the environment based on our inherent status as God’s creatures rather than on our pragmatic choice. Conservative Judaism’s methodology for plumbing the Jewish tradition for guidance is described and contrasted to those of (...)
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  15.  23
    A Survey on the Concept of ‘Tikkun olam: Repairing the World’ in Judaism.Mürsel Özalp - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):291-309.
    The Hebrew phrase tikkun olam means repairing, mending or healing the world. Today, the phrase tikkun olam, particularly in liberal Jewish American circles, has become a slogan for a diverse range of topics such as activism, political participation, call and pursuit of social justice, charities, environmental issues and healthy nutrition. Moreover, the presidents of the United States who attend Jewish religious days and Jewish ceremonies state the tikkun olam in its Hebrew origin, pointing out its origin embedded in the (...) and a religious rule and/or an obligation that is important in Jewish tradition and thought. Nevertheless, when we look at the context of religious literature in which the phrase is used, it is seen that, although it is difficult to make a clear definition, it does not reflect modern/widespread uses and their meanings. Furthermore, tikkun olam is an ignored and even rejected concept by the Rabbinic Judaism which claims to represent the tradition and its current representative Orthodox Judaism. This fact is also seen in the usage and prevalence of the term in the U.S. and Israel. Thus, in this article, especially with reference to the norms of Mishnah, the religious-juristicial contexts and possible meanings of the phrase of tikkun olam, the notion of tikkun olam in Jewish liturgy and its implied meaning and the Kabbalistic understanding of tikkun will be presented, the development, changing and conversion of the phrase in modern age and its contemporary usage areas and reinterpretations will be demonstrated.Summary: Recently and especially in the U.S., the Hebrew phrase tikkun olam are used as a slogan in a widespread manner such as for activism, political participation, social justice, all kinds of charities, environmental issues, counter terrorism and healthy nutrition. Such a common usage of the phrase is largely the result of its literal meaning and ambiguity. Hence, this article aims to explore the place of the concept of tikkun olam in Jewish religious literature and its variations and semantic changes. Tikkun olam, literally means the repairing, mending or healing the world. However, regarding its religious context, it is difficult to determine what it means accurately. In time, some has used the tikkun olam as a legislative justification for changing specific laws, some has attributed to it an eschatological meaning which indicates to the mesianic age, and some has dicussed it in the context of mystical sense. The first usage of the phrase of tikkun olam in the Jewish religious literature was simply in the form of “because of tikkun olam” in Gittin epistle, a tractate of Mishnah and Talmud. Here, the phrase was used as a reason of a judgment concerning to the subjects of marriage, divorcement, slavery, captivity etc. In the context of these subjects tikkun olam indicates to the similar meanings like “repairing, organizing, healing, changing the world; regulating and improving the society, maintaining the social order, and prioritizing the common good. In fact, the concept of tikkun olam as the reason of the judgements in these matters is likely related to a juridical reason that intends to ensure the personal and public welfare such as clarifying the marital status of woman, to prevent the capture and seizure from Jewish society, and to deal with economy and identification of juridical status of the slaves.The other reference to tikkun olam appears in the second part of the aleinu prayer. However, the notion of tikkun olam in the aleinu prayer refers to a situation that happens in God’s Kingdom if Torah and halakhah are followed carefully. Hence, the aleinu prayer’s tikkun olam points out eschatological expectation which desires a messianic age, but not the socio-political and ecological concerns of the world as in the current fields and meanings.The modern idea of tikkun olam is also associated with the Jewish mystical movement, Kabbalah. Nonetheless, the concept of tikkun in Kabbalah is not a concept related to the socio-political circumstances of the world where we live in, but it is related to the restoring of the divine world. In order to restoring the divine world, human should fulfill the commands by studying Torah and have a spiritual and moral rehabilitation process by engaging in ascetic practices.The use of the phrase of tikkun olam gradually progress in the socio-political life of the U.S. The first use of the expression of tikkun olam in the U.S. was in the 1950’s by Shlomo Bardin, the founder of the Brandeis Camp Institute in California. Bardin asserted that the Aleinu prayer was the most important expression of Jewish values, particularly the expression “le-taken olam be-malchut shaddai” that is typically translated as “when the world shall be perfected under the reign of the God.” Bardin suggested that these words referred to the obligation of Jews to work for a more perfect world. The concept of tikkun olam entered contemporary usage by the way of its being preferred as a name to those such as social justice and charity programmes which was launched by the Reformist and Conservative groups in the second half of the twentieth century. In 1970s, United Synagogue Youth which is the national youth foundation of the conservative movement adopted the expression of tikkun olam and changed the title of its social action programs from “Building Spiritual Bridges” to “Tikkun Olam.” Nowadays, United Synagogue Youth proceeds all of its social activities and tzedakah programs through the tikkun olam project.By the end of 1970’s, New Jewish Agenda, an organization devoted itself to the religious and social values, acknowledged the slogan of “Tikkun Olam” as the spirit of its ideology. In 1986, Michael Lerner entitled a left-oriented liberal publication with the concept of Tikkun by claiming that this concept represented the origin of Judaism, and he take an important role on making the concept have a prevalence.Pittsburgh Platform organized in 1999 by the Reformist Jewish Movement emphasized that people must perform the most significant moral principles in the relationships with all non-Jewish people and all other creatures. This platform also stated that making the world a better place with the help of God would quicken the upcoming the messianic age. The tikkun understanding of the Reformist movement evolved to more universal realm by embracing the non-Jewish people, as well. Over the last two decades, successive presidents of the U.S. who attended in the ceremonies of Jewish religious days and Jewish assemblages have contributed to the prevalence and usefulness of tikkun olam by mentioning the phrase of tikkun olam in Hebrew, expressing that this is an essential principle of Judaism and addressing that this has a central role in Jewish tradition and thought. On the other hand, this concept does not have an important or a central place in Rabbinic Judaism and even in Orthodox Jewish communities which are the current representatives of Rabbinic Judaism. Moreover, Reformist, Conservative, and Reconstructionist American Jews who are considered on the liberal side of the politics has put the concept on the current use and the world’s agenda. Thus, the phrase of the tikkun olam is more popular in non-Judaic milieux in the U.S. than the Jews in Israel. In Israel where the Orthodox doctrine is dominated and shaped the people, tikkun olam is regarded as a western value and is ignored. (shrink)
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    Orthodox violence: “Critique of Violence” and Walter Benjamin's Jewish political theology.Udi E. Greenberg1 - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (3):324-333.
    This paper deals with the role of Judaism in Walter Benjamin's famous 1921 essay on violence and law, Zur Kritik der Gewalt. Despite the intense attention devoted to this essay, the role of Jewish myth in it has not yet been thoroughly explained. This study contends that the association between what Benjamin termed revolutionary violence and the Jewish messianic tradition, which plays a central role in the evaluation of Benjamin's text, is far more problematic than has hitherto been assumed, (...)
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    Orthodox violence: “Critique of Violence” and Walter Benjamin's Jewish political theology.Udi E. Greenberg - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (3):324-333.
    This paper deals with the role of Judaism in Walter Benjamin's famous 1921 essay on violence and law, Zur Kritik der Gewalt. Despite the intense attention devoted to this essay, the role of Jewish myth in it has not yet been thoroughly explained. This study contends that the association between what Benjamin termed revolutionary violence and the Jewish messianic tradition, which plays a central role in the evaluation of Benjamin's text, is far more problematic than has hitherto been assumed, (...)
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    Loving Judaism through Christianity.Shaul Magid - 2020 - Common Knowledge 26 (1):88-124.
    This contribution to the Common Knowledge symposium on xenophilia examines the life choices of two Jews who loved Christianity. Elijah Zvi Soloveitchik, born into an ultra-Orthodox, nineteenth-century rabbinic dynasty in Lithuania, spent much of his life writing a Hebrew commentary on the Gospels in order to document and argue for the symmetry or symbiosis that he perceived between Judaism and Christianity. Oswald Rufeisen, from a twentieth-century secular Zionist background in Poland, converted to Catholicism during World War II, became (...)
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    Orthodox Jewish perspectives on withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment.Goedele Baeke, Jean-Pierre Wils & Bert Broeckaert - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (6):835-846.
    The Jewish religious tradition summons its adherents to save life. For religious Jews preservation of life is the ultimate religious commandment. At the same time Jewish law recognizes that the agony of a moribund person may not be stretched. When the time to die has come this has to be respected. The process of dying should not needlessly be prolonged. We discuss the position of two prominent Orthodox Jewish authorities – the late Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and Rabbi J David (...)
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  20.  21
    Women, Tradition and Icons: The Gendered Use of the Torah Scrolls and the Bible in Orthodox Jewish and Christian Rituals.Miruna Stefana Belea - 2017 - Feminist Theology 25 (3):327-337.
    This article discusses the relationship between Christian and Jewish Orthodox women with their sacred books from a feminist point of view. While recent socio-economic changes have enabled women from an orthodox religious background to become financially independent and ultimately prosperous, from a religious perspective women’s status has not undergone major transformations. Using the cognitive principle of conceptual blending, I will focus on common aspects in Orthodox Judaism and Christianity related to sacred texts as objects, in order (...)
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  21.  46
    Judaism and the doctrine of creation.Norbert Max Samuelson - 1994 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    The topic of this book is 'creation'. It breaks down into discussions of two distinct, but interrelated, questions: what does the universe look like, and what is its origin? The opinions about creation considered by Norbert Samuelson come from the Hebrew scriptures, Greek philosophy, Jewish philosophy, and contemporary physics. His perspective is Jewish, liberal, and philosophical. It is 'Jewish' because the foundation of the discussion is biblical texts interpreted in the light of traditional rabbinic texts. It is 'philosophical' because the (...)
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  22.  29
    The Ethics of Public Consultation in Health Care: An Orthodox Jewish Perspective. [REVIEW]Stephen Buetow - 2003 - Health Care Analysis 11 (2):151-160.
    New Zealand and United Kingdom governments have set new directives for increased consultation with the public about health care. Set against a legacy of modest success with past engagement with public consultations, this paper considers potentially adverse ethical implications of the new directives. Drawing on experiences from New Zealand and the United Kingdom, and on an Orthodox Jewish perspective, the paper seeks to answer two questions: What conditions can compromise the ethics of public consultation? How can the public respond (...)
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    The ambivalence of ritual in violence: Orthodox Christian perspectives.Marian G. Simion - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):1-8.
    This article demonstrates that ritual plays an ambivalent role in the interaction between religion and violence. Ritual triggers and gives meaning to violence, or it enforces peace and coexistence. The first part of the article defines the ambivalence of ritual in the context of violence. The second part surveys standard rituals of peace and violence from Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The third part focuses on the ambivalent nature of Orthodox Christian rituals.
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    Abyssinian Judaism: An Evaluation of How Abyssinian Judaism Formed through the Falasha Monks and Abyssinian Christianity.Neslihan Kuran - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (2):1275-1300.
    It is rather difficult to detail the history of Abyssinian Judaism. Although there is no clear information on the subject, the existence of a Jewish ethnic group in Abyssinia is generally explained as the result of contact with members of the ancient Jewish community. Recent research point out a much more different and complex picture of Judaism in Abyssinia. First of all, it is important to know that in the early stages of Abyssinia, an ethnically and religiously differentiated (...)
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    The evolving dynamics of Haredi Judaism in Israel: Ideological shifts and political influences.Yanyan Chen & Yong Li - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (3):8.
    This article analysed the evolution of Haredi Judaism in Israel, highlighting its deep-rooted fundamentalist beliefs and its transformation from a marginalised group to a central force in Israeli society. As the fastest-growing demographic, the Haredi community exemplified the tension between fundamentalism and modernity. The study explored the defining characteristics, political ideologies and social influence of Haredi Judaism in Israel, detailing how it transitioned from insular religious enclaves to active participants in national politics. The article also examined the Haredi (...)
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  26.  13
    Expanding the Palace of Torah: Orthodoxy and Feminism.Tamar Ross - 2021 - Waltham, Massachusetts: Brandeis University Press.
    Expanding the Palace of Torah offers a broad philosophical overview of the challenges the women’s revolution poses to Orthodox Judaism, as well as Orthodox Judaism’s response to those challenges. Writing as an insider—herself an Orthodox Jew—Tamar Ross confronts the radical feminist critique of Judaism as a religion deeply entrenched in patriarchy. Surprisingly, very little work has been done in this area, beyond exploring the leeway for ad hoc solutions to practical problems as they arise (...)
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    (1 other version)Do Religious Jews Have Faith in the Principles of Judaism.N. Verbin - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (4):360-371.
    Sam Lebens’ The Principles of Judaism is an extraordinary book in its rigor and richness. It is a sophisticated examination of three central propositions, which Lebens maintains, are the fundamental doctrines that “can make sense of continued commitment to an Orthodox Jewish lifestyle.” (Lebens, 273). He presents and discusses the following three propositions: 1) The universe is the creation of one God; 2) The Torah is a divine system of laws and wisdom, revealed by the creator of the (...)
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    The Radical Enlightenment of Solomon Maimon: Judaism, Heresy, and Philosophy (review).Gideon Freudenthal - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (4):661-663.
    Gideon Freudenthal - The Radical Enlightenment of Solomon Maimon: Judaism, Heresy, and Philosophy - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45:4 Journal of the History of Philosophy 45.4 661-663 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Gideon Freudenthal Tel-Aviv University Abraham P. Socher. The Radical Enlightenment of Solomon Maimon: Judaism, Heresy, and Philosophy. Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 2006. Pp. xiii + 248. Cloth $55.00. With few philosophers are life (...)
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    Divisions Between Traditionalism and Liberalism in the American Jewish Community: Cleft Or Chasm.Michael Shapiro - 1991 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    This is a collection of four essays that deal with the theme of the apparent rise in tension, in the last decade, within the American Jewish community. Includes: Alan Zuckerman's The Structural Sources of Cohesion and Division in the American Jewish Community; Mark Washofsky's The Proposal for a National Beit Din: Is it Good for the Jews?; Blu Greenberg's The Feminist Revolution in Orthodox Judaism in America; and Mark Shechner's Literature in Search of a Center.
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    Clinical Ethics and the Observant Jewish and Muslim Patient: Shared Theocentric Perspectives in Practice.Fahmida Hossain, Ezra Gabbay & Joseph J. Fins - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-17.
    Patients from religious minorities can face unique challenges reconciling their beliefs with the values that undergird Western Medical Ethics. This paper explores homologies between approaches of Orthodox Judaism and Islam to medical ethics, and how these religions’ moral codes differ from the prevailing ethos in medicine. Through analysis of religious and biomedical literature, this work examines how Jewish and Muslim religious observances affect decisions about genetic counseling, reproductive health, pediatric medicine, mental health, and end-of-life decisions. These traditions embrace (...)
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    Soloveitchik's children: Irving Greenberg, David Hartman, Jonathan Sacks, and the future of Jewish theology in America.Daniel Ross Goodman - 2023 - Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press.
    Orthodox Judaism is one of the fastest-growing religious communities in contemporary American life. According to the 2013 Pew Center Survey on American religious life, Orthodox Judaism is poised to surpass all other denominations of Judaism in the United States by 2050. Anyone who wishes to understand more about Judaism in America will need to consider the tenets and practices of Orthodox Judaism: who its adherents are, what they believe in, what motivates them, (...)
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    The One: God's Unity and Genderless Divinity in Judaism.Hagar Lahav - 2007 - Feminist Theology 16 (1):47-60.
    This article examines the cultural ways in which traditional Judaism understands the relationship between an individual and Divinity. The article shows that this understanding has deep gendered dimensions. Grounded in feminist critiques of theology, as well as in Jewish studies and cultural studies, the article shows that the conceptualization of God-person relationship, in both Orthodox and Kaballic Jewish streams, is based on a hierarchical division to three different spaces. These spaces are: Mitzvah, Grace, and Desire or Will. The (...)
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  33. Le judaïsme dans le monde moderne: L'exemple du Conservative Judaism.G. Comeau - 1997 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 85 (2):199-223.
    Le mouvement appelé Conservative ou massorti est le courant le plus florissant du judaïsme depuis le début du siècle aux États-Unis, d’où il s’est répandu en beaucoup de pays . Cherchant à se frayer une voie entre les tendances « réformée » et « orthodoxe », qui se sont affrontées en Allemagne depuis le milieu du XIXe siècle, puis aux Etats-Unis, ce courant est significatif des tensions et des évolutions qui traversent le judaïsme contemporain. Reprenant l'intuition fondamentale de Frankel, pour (...)
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    The Theologıcal Foundations Of Peace In Religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.Sahin Ki̇zi̇labdullah - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (53 (15-06-2018)):169-186.
    In almost all of the teaching of religion it is possible to find the message of peace and violence. Islam, as a word means peace, well-being, tranquility and surrender. The claim that Islam is a religion of peace, stems from its lexical meaning. The Torah aims to protect the peace of individuals and communities that have a different faith and relationship based on justice and empathy. The Ten Commandments is recognized as a basic summary of the belief system of Jews. (...)
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  35. The trinity and other religions: Genesis 18, judaism and hinduism in two works of art.G. D'costa - 1999 - Gregorianum 80 (1):5-31.
    L'A. se base sur deux oeuvres artistiques sur la Trinité qui se correspondent et qui soulèvent des questions sérieuses au sujet de la négociation chrétienne avec les autres religions. Ces deux oeuvres traitent de la Trinité en relation avec les autres traditions religieuses. Il s'agit de l'icône intitulée la Trinité de l'orthodoxe russe André Roublev qui date du 15siècle et de l'oeuvre contemporaine de l'artiste indien catholique romain Jyoti Sahi intitulée Abraham et Sarah recevant les trois anges. Par cette étude (...)
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    Jewish Church: A Catholic Approach to Messianic Judaism.Antoine Lévy - 2020 - Lexington Books.
    For two millennia calling oneself a Jew and confessing Jesus-Christ was perceived as nonsense. This is no longer the case. Jewish believers in Christ - “Messianics”, Catholics, Orthodox, and so forth - are now reclaiming their Jewish identity. Jewish Church is about imagining what their home in the Church would look like.
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  37. The epistemology of religiosity: an Orthodox Jewish perspective.Samuel Lebens - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 74 (3):315-332.
    This paper focusses on the Rabbinic suggestion that the attitude of awe, rather than any particular belief, lies at the heart of religiosity. On the basis of these Rabbinic sources, and others, the paper puts forward three theses: (1) that belief is not a sufficiently absorbing epistemic attitude to bear towards the truths of religion; (2) that much of our religious knowledge isn’t mediated via belief; and (3) that make-believe is sometimes more important, in the cultivation of religiosity than is (...)
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    Must a Jew Believe Anything?Menachem Marc Kellner - 1999 - Littman Library of Jewish.
    With the widening schism between Orthodox and non-Orthodox and secular Jews, Kellner (Jewish religious thought, U. of Haifa) addresses the timely issue of the future of Judaism in the context of the classical faith. Appends notes on Maimonides, other Jewish thinkers, and prayers (Yigdal,Ani ma'amin). Distributed in the US by ISBS. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  39.  44
    Is there a primordial Torah?Samuel Lebens - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 82 (2):219-239.
    Is Orthodox Judaism committed to the existence of a Torah that pre-existed the world? This paper argues that Orthodoxy is so committed unless it can find compelling philosophical or theological reasons to reject the possibility of such an entity, and then to re-interpret allegorically all of the texts that speak of such a Torah. Providing an ontology of primordial texts, I argue that no compelling reason can be found to deny the existence of the primordial Torah.
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    Climbing Jacob's ladder: one man's rediscovery of a Jewish spiritual tradition.E. Alan Morinis - 2002 - New York: Broadway Books.
    Jewish by birth, though from a secular family, Alan Morinis took a deep journey into Hinduism and Buddhism as a young man. He received a doctorate for his study of Hindu pilgrimage, learned yoga in India with B. K. S. Iyengar, and attended his first Buddhist meditation course in the Himalayas in 1974. But in 1997, when his film career went off track and he reached for some spiritual oxygen, he felt inspired to explore his Jewish heritage. In his reading (...)
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  41. Hagut Yehudit Ortodoḳsit nokhaḥ ʻolam posṭ-moderni: nisyonot hitmodedut rishoniyim.Gili Zivan - 2000 - [Israel: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  42. Mehkarim Ve- Iyunim Hagut Yehudit Be- Avar Uba-Hoveh.Eliezer Goldman, Daniel Statman & Abraham Sagi - 1996
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  43. ha-Yahadut shel yaḥid: dat, daʻat ṿe-ḥerut.Emanuel Rackman - 1988 - Yerushalayim: Gefen.
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  44. (1 other version)ha-Rav Ḳuḳ: ben ratsyonalizm le-misṭiḳah.Binyamin Ish Shalom - 1990 - Tel Aviv: ʻAm ʻoved. Edited by Avraham Shapira.
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    The secret of the Jews: letters to Nietzsche.David Morrison - 2008 - Jerusalem: Gefen Publishing.
    Friedrich Nietzsche is as often misunderstood as the Jews. Ben Moshe highlights Nietzsches admiration for the Jews of the Bible, and looks into the remarkable similarity between many of Nietzsche's writings and Jewish sacred texts.
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  46. Sefer Aḥat shaʼalti: ḥidu. T. u-maʼamre hashḳafah.Ḥayim Shaʼul ben Meʼir Ḳarelits - 2002 - Bene Beraḳ: Nitan le-haśig, Mishp. Ḳarelits.
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  47. Tehilah la-Reʼiyah: zer amarim.Abraham Isaac Kook & Re®Uven Mamu - 1997 - Reḥovot: ha-Mikhlalah ha-datit le-morim Moreshet Yaʻaḳov ʻa. sh. ha-Rav Yaʻaḳov Berman. Edited by Reʼuven Mamu & Yokheved Mamu.
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    Isaac Breuer : Philosophie des Judentums Angesichts der Krise der Moderne.Denis Maier - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    "Im Zentrum dieser Studie steht mit dem Religionsgelehrten Isaac Breuer eine der bedeutendsten Persönlichkeiten der deutsch-jüdischen Neoorthodoxie im Zwanzigsten Jahrhundert. Wie viele seiner Zeitgenossen deutete Breuer die Gegenwart des anfangenden Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts als umfassende Krise. Im Kern seiner spezifisch jüdisch-orthodoxen Krisenphilosophie steht die Forderung nach der Herrschaft der Tora."--Cover.
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    Chabad on Ice.Mercédesz Viktória Czimbalmos & Riikka Tuori - 2022 - Approaching Religion 12 (2):38-58.
    The article examines the Finnish branch of Chabad Lubavitch as a fundamentalist and charismatic movement that differs from other branches of ultra-Orthodox Judaism in its approaches to outreach to non-observant Jews. Whilst introducing the history of Chabad Lubavitch in Finland and drawing on historical and archival sources, the authors locate the movement in a contemporary context and draw on 101 semi-structured qualitative interviews of members of the Finnish Jewish communities, who either directly or indirectly have been in contact (...)
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    Conception of “spiritual eldering” of Z. Schachter-Shalomi.Angelina Angelova - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 79:103-108.
    The publication of Angelova A. «Conception of “spiritual eldering” of Z. Schachter-Shalomi» is devoted to research gerontosophy ideas of one of the leaders of the World Jewish renewal movement. The organic combination of orthodox Judaism, Kabbalah and Hasidism, as well as Christian, Eastern and Sufi mysticism engendered very actual doctrine of “spiritual eldering” to the modern world. Promoting, translating texts of Jewish thinker and reformer Z. Schachter in Ukraine and neighbour countries will help to improve difficult gerontological situation (...)
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