Hans Oppermann [7]Serpil Oppermann [4]Matthias Oppermann [3]Bernd Oppermann [2]
Reinhard Oppermann [2]Jan Patrick Oppermann [2] Oppermann [1]L. Oppermann [1]

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  1.  39
    Material Ecocriticism.Serenella Iovino & Serpil Oppermann (eds.) - 2014 - Indiana University Press.
    Material Ecocriticism offers new ways to analyze language and reality, human and nonhuman life, mind and matter, without falling into well-worn paths of thinking. Bringing ecocriticism closer to the material turn, the contributions to this landmark volume focus on material forces and substances, the agency of things, processes, narratives and stories, and making meaning out of the world. This broad-ranging reflection on contemporary human experience and expression provokes new understandings of the planet to which we are intimately connected.
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  2.  12
    Environmental Humanities: Voices From the Anthropocene.Serpil Oppermann & Serenella Iovino (eds.) - 2016 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    An international and interdisciplinary team of scholars offer innovative models of thinking about environmentality in the humanities and in Anthropocene discourse in the environmental sciences.
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  3.  5
    Der souveräne Nationalstaat: das politische Denken Raymond Arons.Tobias Bevc & Matthias Oppermann (eds.) - 2012 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Raymond Aron (1905-1983) gehört unzweifelhaft zu den grossen politischen Denkern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Als Professor fuer politische Soziologie an der Sorbonne hat er die Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts ebenso begleitet und kommentiert wie als Leitartikler fuer die Tageszeitung Le Figaro oder das Nachrichtenmagazin L'Express. Er verband auf vorbildliche Weise die Rolle des politischen Beobachters mit derjenigen des Gelehrten, dessen Werk - trotz seiner Verankerung in der eigenen Zeit - bis heute nichts von seiner Bedeutung und Strahlkraft eingebuesst hat. Obwohl Aron (...)
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  4.  8
    Bildung und Leben: Erinnerungen eines deutschen Pädagogen.Heinrich Deiters & Detlef Oppermann - 1989 - Köln: In Kommission bei Böhlau. Edited by Detlef Oppermann.
  5.  6
    Die außerschulische politische Bildung in Corona-Zeiten und danach?!Julia Oppermann - 2022 - Polis 25 (4):15-17.
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  6.  28
    Dimensionen der Religiosität und Bedeutungsstruktur religiöser Konzepte.Albert Fuchs & Reinhard Oppermann - 1975 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 11 (1):260-266.
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  7.  7
    Humanismus.Hans Oppermann - 1914 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, [Abt. Verl.].
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  8. In the "era of tyrannies" : the international order from nazism to the cold war.Matthias Oppermann - 2015 - In José Colen & Élisabeth Dutartre-Michaut, The Companion to Raymond Aron. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US.
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  9.  22
    Non-analytic quantum oscillator image of complete replica symmetry breaking.R. Oppermann & H. Schenck - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (1-3):145-159.
  10.  8
    Raumöffner und Impulsgeber für Zivilcourage.Sophia Oppermann & Jan Krebs - 2019 - Polis 23 (2):24-25.
  11.  29
    Burnout undermines empathising: do induced burnout symptoms impair cognitive and affective empathy?Mareike Trauernicht, Elisa Oppermann, Uta Klusmann & Yvonne Anders - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (1):185-192.
    Empathy is crucial for the quality of social interactions and thus highly relevant in human service professions. At the same time, people belonging to this occupational group are especially vulnerable to developing burnout symptoms. With this study, we aimed to investigate the causal link between burnout symptoms and empathy by using a novel experimental design. Our participants (N = 355; 44.5% women; Mage = 36.37) filled out an online questionnaire; in an autobiographical memory task, the experimental group retrieved previous burnout (...)
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  12.  44
    An operational definition of context.Andreas Zimmermann, Andreas Lorenz & Reinhard Oppermann - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman, Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 558--571.
  13.  44
    Bodily Natures. [REVIEW]Serpil Oppermann - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (1):103-106.
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