Results for ' Naxalite'

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    The importance of not being earnest: a memoir.Bidyut Chakrabarty - 2024 - New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
    This biographical account situates the unfolding of the life of an educator in varied socio-economic contexts. It is not just a narrative of how an individual evolves but also analyses how a particular mindset develops by being dialectically entwined with the milieu in which one passes different stages of their life. At one level, it is a historical narrative since it deals with a particular period of human history critical to the growth of a specific individual. At another, it provides (...)
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    Naxalbari e i movimenti popolari. Conversazione con Ranabir Samaddar.Ranabir Samaddar - 2018 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 30 (59).
    The interview to Ranabir Samaddar – translated from the original in Bengali by V. Ramaswamy – deals with the Naxalite decade in the perspective of the history it grew from, the history it was part of, and the history it created. The underlying question is: has this decade inaugurated a new phase in the Indian history of rebellions? Samata Biswas and Sandip Bandopadhyay, speaking on behalf of the Calcutta Research Group, engage in a deep dialogue on the novelties and (...)
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    “Draupadi” avant-propos de la traductrice.Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak - 2007 - Multitudes 2 (2):23-36.
    Résumé Draupadi, protagoniste de la nouvelle de Mahasweta Devi publiée ici dans sa version anglaise, est une femme assujettie, mais capable de se rebeller, de résister jusqu’à la mort. Elle ne cherche pas la compassion. Son corps nu et mourant devant l’ennemi, elle résiste, son dernier acte est un acte de résistance dans lequel elle défie son ennemi de la (ren)contrer : pour la première fois, son ennemi, Senanayak, a peur, peur de faire face à un « objectif désarmé ». (...)
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    This dog barking: the strange story of U.G. Krishnamurti.Nicolas C. Grey - 2017 - Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India: HarperCollins Publishers India. Edited by James Farley.
    "... chronicles the story of U.G. Krishnamurti, the Cosmic Naxalite, from his troubled childhood to his disillusionment with many of the leading spiritual teachers of the twentieth century and his catastrophic personal life. In 1967, UG underwent a series of biological mutations that left him in the 'natural state'--functioning without the interference of thought. With no fixed address, no followers and no organization, UG spent the next thirty years travelling the world with an uncompromising message: that 'mind is a (...)
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    Revolutionary Marriage: On the Politics of Sexual Stories in Naxalbari.Srila Roy - 2006 - Feminist Review 83 (1):99-118.
    Marriage practices, the dynamics of interpersonal relationships and the politics of sexuality are relatively under-researched themes in the study of Bengali communism. Historical scholarship on the revolutionary politics of the extreme left Naxalbari andolan of the late 1960s–1970s, the object of this piece of study, is no exception. The article engages with women and men's narratives on the practice of ‘revolutionary’ marriage in the movement through the prism of contemporary popular memory studies and narrative analysis. Drawing on field interviews with (...)
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    Conquest and Conflict: The Colonial Roots of Maoist Violence in India.Emmanuel Teitelbaum & Ajay Verghese - 2019 - Politics and Society 47 (1):55-86.
    Does colonialism have long-term effects on political stability? This question is addressed in a study of India’s Naxalite insurgency, a Maoist rebellion characterized by its left-wing proponents as having roots in the colonial period. The article highlights three mechanisms linking colonialism with contemporary Naxalite violence—land inequality, discriminatory policies toward low-caste and tribal groups, and upper-caste-dominated administrative institutions. It analyzes how the degree of British influence relates to Naxalite conflict in 589 districts from 1980 to 2011. A positive (...)
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    Music for Euro-Maoists.John Hutnyk - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (3):136-158.
    This article takes up the appearance in the club circuits of Europe of cultural matter derived from radical peasant insurgency in West Bengal. It asks why the political content of cultural performance is so often glossed as exotica, and writes back some of the history of transnational, or internationalist, politics into this forum. Linking this to the celebrated Booker Prizewinning text of Arundhati Roy, and Gayatri Spivak's translations of Mahasweta Devi's writing, the contradictions of cultural politics are foregrounded.
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