Results for ' Montague grammar'

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  1. Mats Rooth.Noun Phrase Interpretation In Montague, File Change Semantics Grammar & Situation Semantics - 1987 - In Peter Gärdenfors (ed.), Generalized Quantifiers. Reidel Publishing Company. pp. 237.
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    (1 other version)Montague Grammar.Barbara H. Partee - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (5):278-312.
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  3. Dynamic Montague grammar.Martin Stokhof - 1990 - In L. Kalman (ed.), Proceedings of the Second Symposion on Logic and Language, Budapest, Eotvos Lorand University Press, 1990, pp. 3-48. Budapest: Eotvos Lorand University Press. pp. 3-48.
    In Groenendijk & Stokhof [1989] a system of dynamic predicate logic (DPL) was developed, as a compositional alternative for classical discourse representation theory (DRT ). DPL shares with DRT the restriction of being a first-order system. In the present paper, we are mainly concerned with overcoming this limitation. We shall define a dynamic semantics for a typed language with λ-abstraction which is compatible with the semantics DPL specifies for the language of first-order predicate logic. We shall propose to use this (...)
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    Linguistics, Philosophy, and Montague Grammar.Steven Davis & Marianne Mithun - 2014 - University of Texas Press.
    This volume presents significant developments in the field of Montague Grammar and outlines its past and future contributions to philosophy and linguistics. The contents are as follows: Introduction by Steven Davis and Marianne Mithun Emmon Bach, "Montague Grammar and Classical Transformational Grammar" Barbara H. Partee, "Constraining Transformational Montague Grammar: A Framework and a Fragment" James D. McCawley, "Helpful Hints to the Ordinary Working Montague Grammarian" Terence Parsons, "Type Theory and Ordinary Language" David (...)
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  5. Universal grammar.Richard Montague - 1970 - Theoria 36 (3):373--398.
  6. Word Meaning and Montague Grammar.David R. Dowty - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (2):290-295.
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  7. An Integrated Interpretation of Montague Grammar.Heidi Savage - manuscript
    This is what I hope is an illuminating, and to a certain degree, novel exposition of Montague Grammar. It is against many standard interpretations, and perhaps even against things Montague himself says at times. However, it makes more sense of how his various commitments fit together in a systematic way. Why, for instance, is it called "Montague Grammar" rather than "Montague Semantics," and what role does his commitment to Fregeanism plays in his conception of (...)
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  8. Nominalization and Montague grammar: A semantics without types for natural languages.Gennaro Chierchia - 1982 - Linguistics and Philosophy 5 (3):303 - 354.
    We started from the fact that type theory, in the way it was implemented in IL, makes it costly to deal with nominalization processes. We have also argued that the type hierarchy as such doesn't play any real role in a grammar; the classification it provides for different semantic objects is already contained, in some sense, in the categorial structure of the grammar itself. So, on the basis of a theory of properties (Cocchiarella's HST*) we have tried to (...)
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  9. Questions and Answers in Montague Grammar.Nuel D. Belnap - 1981 - In Stanley Peters & Esa Saarinen (eds.), Processes, Beliefs, and Questions: Essays on Formal Semantics of Natural Language and Natural Language Processing. Dordrecht, Netherland: Reidel. pp. 165--198.
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    A parsing method for Montague grammars.Joyce Friedman & David S. Warren - 1978 - Linguistics and Philosophy 2 (3):347 - 372.
    The main result in this paper is a method for obtaining derivation trees from sentences of certain formal grammars. No parsing algorithm was previously known to exist for these grammars.Applied to Montague's PTQ the method produces all parses that could correspond to different meanings. The technique directly addresses scope and reference and provides a framework for examining these phenomena. The solution for PTQ is implemented in an efficient and useful computer program.
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  11. Demonstratives and indexicals in Montague grammar.Michael Bennett - 1978 - Synthese 39 (1):1--80.
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    Montague Grammar by Barbara H. Partee, ed. [REVIEW]James Higginbotham - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (5):278-312.
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    Composition A Lity In Montague Grammar.Marcus Kracht - 2012 - In Markus Werning, Wolfram Hinzen & Edouard Machery (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Compositionality. Oxford University Press.
    The most popular version of linguistic semantics was Generative at the time of the publication of Montague's papers. Generative Semantics did semantics essentially in a syntactic fashion: meanings were bits of representation, like CAUSE, BECOME, and RED, and were combined in a tree that was subject to transformations. The analysis offered by Montague uses some non-standard mechanisms for handling strings. One is arbitrary insertion, and the other is the use of deletion. One problem area of Montague (...) is the idea of type raising. Montague did not think of raising as rules but rather assumed raised types to begin with. In order to allow names to be coordinated with ordinary noun phrases, Montague assumed that the semantics of names is similar to that of NPs. (shrink)
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  14. Branching Quantifiers, English and Montague Grammar.D. M. Gabbay & J. M. E. Moravcsik - 1974 - Theoretical Linguistics 1:140--157.
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    Word Meaning and Montague Grammar. The Semantics of Verbs and Times in Generative Semantics and in Montague's PTQ.David R. Dowty - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):501-502.
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  16. Some transformational extensions of Montague grammar.Barbara Partee - 1973 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 2 (4):509 - 534.
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    Treatments of the word 'true' in Montague grammar.John David Stone - 1978 - Synthese 38 (1):113 - 125.
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    Strategies in universal grammar: The case of meaning postulates in classical Montague grammar.Giorgio Sandri - 1987 - In D. D. Buzzetti & M. Ferriani (eds.), Speculative Grammar, Universal Grammar, and Philosophical Analysis of Language. John Benjamins. pp. 42--229.
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    Word Meaning and Montague Grammar[REVIEW]Terence Parsons - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (2):290-295.
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    On the treatment of perceptual verbs in Montague grammar: Some philosophical remarks. [REVIEW]Gabriele Usberti - 1977 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (1):303 - 317.
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    Dowty David R.. Word meaning and Montague grammar. The semantics of verbs and times in generative semantics and in Montague's PTQ. Synthese language library, vol. 7. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Boston, and London, 1979, xvii + 415 pp. [REVIEW]F. Guenthner - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):501-502.
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    Montague-Grammatik: d. log. Grundlagen.Godehard Link - 1979
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  23. Introduction to Montague Semantics.David R. Dowty, Robert Eugene Wall & Stanley Peters - 1981 - Springer.
    INTRODUCTION Linguists who work within the tradition of transformational generative grammar tend to regard semantics as an intractable, perhaps ultimately ...
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    Phrase structure grammar, Montague semantics, and floating quantifiers in japanese.Kazuhiko Fukushima - 1991 - Linguistics and Philosophy 14 (6):581 - 628.
  25. Montague's 'universal grammar': An introduction for the linguist. [REVIEW]Per-Kristian Halvorsen & William A. Ladusaw - 1979 - Linguistics and Philosophy 3 (2):185 - 223.
  26. The Analysis of Activity Verbs in a Montague-Type Grammar.J. Hoepelman - 1978 - In Franz Guenthner & Christian Rohrer (eds.), Studies in formal semantics: intensionality, temporality, negation. New York: sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland.
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    Einführung in die Montague-Grammatik.Sebastian Löbner - 1976 - Kronberg/Ts.: Scriptor.
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  28. Tarski's t-scheme as an alleged basis of Montague semantics.Anna Pietryga - 2006 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 15 (4):369-379.
    My point in this paper is to focus on some details of Alfred Tarski’s writing that in my opinion have not been aptly represented — or aptly rejected — in Richard Montague’s grammar and to agree with those who share Tarski’s view that human language is something uncapturable. The paper consists of two parts, concerning 1) some attempts to formalize the non-declarative utterances, and 2) the limitations of T-scheme and of Montague grammar.
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  29. Lambda Grammars and the Syntax-Semantics Interface.Reinhard Muskens - 2001 - In Robert Van Rooij & Martin Stokhof (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium. Amsterdam: ILLC. pp. 150-155.
    In this paper we discuss a new perspective on the syntax-semantics interface. Semantics, in this new set-up, is not ‘read off’ from Logical Forms as in mainstream approaches to generative grammar. Nor is it assigned to syntactic proofs using a Curry-Howard correspondence as in versions of the Lambek Calculus, or read off from f-structures using Linear Logic as in Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG, Kaplan & Bresnan [9]). All such approaches are based on the idea that syntactic objects (trees, proofs, (...)
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    From Whorf to Montague: Explorations in the Theory of Language.Pieter A. M. Seuren - 2013 - Oxford University Press.
    Introduction -- 1. The settling of a language -- 2. The Whorf hypothesis -- 3. Relativism or a universal theory? -- 4. What does language have to do with logic and mathematics? -- 5. A test bed for grammatical theories -- 6. The Chomsky hierarchy in perpsective -- 7. Reflexivity and identity in language and cognition -- 8. The generalized logic hierarchy and its cognitive implications -- 9. The intensionalization of extensions.
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  31. On contextual domain restriction in categorial grammar.Erich H. Rast - 2013 - Synthese 190 (12):2085-2115.
    Abstract -/- Quantifier domain restriction (QDR) and two versions of nominal restriction (NR) are implemented as restrictions that depend on a previously introduced interpreter and interpretation time in a two-dimensional semantic framework on the basis of simple type theory and categorial grammar. Against Stanley (2002) it is argued that a suitable version of QDR can deal with superlatives like tallest. However, it is shown that NR is needed to account for utterances when the speaker intends to convey different restrictions (...)
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    On the membership problem for non-linear abstract categorial grammars.Sylvain Salvati - 2010 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 19 (2):163-183.
    In this paper we show that the membership problem for second order non-linear Abstract Categorial Grammars is decidable. A consequence of that result is that Montague-like semantics yield to a decidable text generation problem. Furthermore the proof we propose is based on a new tool, Higher Order Intersection Signatures, which grasps statically dynamic properties of λ-terms and presents an interest in its own.
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    The Temperature Paradox and Meaning Postulates.Casper Storm Hansen - 2016 - Linguistic Inquiry 47:695-705.
    Lasersohn has argued that the use of Russell's analysis of the definite determiner in Montague Grammar, which is responsible for giving the correct prediction in the case of the Temperature Paradox, is also responsible for giving the wrong prediction in the case of the Gupta Syllogism. In this paper I argue against Lasersohn, and show that the problem of the Gupta Syllogism can be solved by making a minor addition to Intensional Montague Grammar. This solution is (...)
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    Problems, Functions and Semantic Roles. A Pragmatists' Analysis of Montague's Theory of Sentence Meaning.E. M. Barth & R. T. P. Wiche - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (1):317-318.
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    Sound and grammar: a neo-Sapirian theory of language.Susan F. Schmerling - 2019 - Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
    Sound and Grammar: A Neo-Sapirian Theory of Language by Susan F. Schmerling offers an original overall linguistic theory based on the work of the early American linguist Edward Sapir, supplemented with ideas from the philosopher-logicians Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz and Richard Montague and the linguist Elisabeth Selkirk. The theory yields an improved understanding of interactions among different aspects of linguistic structure, resolving notorious issues directly inherited by current theory from (post- ) Bloomfieldian linguistics. In the theory presented here, syntax is (...)
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    Meaning and Formal Semantics in Generative Grammar.Anna Kollenberg & Alex Burri - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (1):61-87.
    A generative grammar for a language L generates one or more syntactic structures for each sentence of L and interprets those structures both phonologically and semantically. A widely accepted assumption in generative linguistics dating from the mid-60s, the Generative Grammar Hypothesis, is that the ability of a speaker to understand sentences of her language requires her to have tacit knowledge of a generative grammar of it, and the task of linguistic semantics in those early days was taken (...)
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  37. Meaning and Formal Semantics in Generative Grammar.Stephen Schiffer - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (1):61-87.
    A generative grammar for a language L generates one or more syntactic structures for each sentence of L and interprets those structures both phonologically and semantically. A widely accepted assumption in generative linguistics dating from the mid-60s, the Generative Grammar Hypothesis , is that the ability of a speaker to understand sentences of her language requires her to have tacit knowledge of a generative grammar of it, and the task of linguistic semantics in those early days was (...)
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  38. Structured Propositions in a Generative Grammar.Bryan Pickel - 2019 - Mind 128 (510):329-366.
    Semantics in the Montagovian tradition combines two basic tenets. One tenet is that the semantic value of a sentence is an intension, a function from points of evaluations into truth-values. The other tenet is that the semantic value of a composite expression is the result of applying the function denoted by one component to arguments denoted by the other components. Many philosophers object to intensional semantics on the grounds that intensionally equivalent sentences do not substitute salva veritate into attitude ascriptions. (...)
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    Type-Theoretical Interpretation and Generalization of Phrase Structure Grammar.Aarne Ranta - 1995 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 3 (2-3):319-342.
    In this paper, we shall present a generalization of phrase structure grammar, in which all functional categories have type restrictions, that is, their argument types are specific domains. In ordinary phrase structure grammar, there is just one universal domain of individuals. The grammar does not make a distinction between verbs and adjectives in terms of domains of applicability. Consequently, it fails to distinguish between sentences like every line intersects every line, which is well typed, and every line (...)
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    Quantification and Syntactic Theory.R. Cooper & Roger Cooper - 1983 - Dordrecht: Reidel.
    The format of this book is unusual, especially for a book about linguistics. The book is meant primarily as a research monograph aimed at linguists who have some background in formal semantics, e. g. Montague Grammar. However, I have two other audiences in mind. Linguists who have little or no experience of formal semantics, but who have worked through a basic mathematics for linguists course (e. g. using Wall, 1972, or Partee, 1978), should, perhaps with the help of (...)
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    CWI Tract.Theo M. V. Janssen - 1986
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  42. Knowledge of Meaning: An Introduction to Semantic Theory.Richard K. Larson & Gabriel M. A. Segal - 1995 - MIT Press.
    Current textbooks in formal semantics are all versions of, or introductions to, the same paradigm in semantic theory: Montague Grammar. Knowledge of Meaning is based on different assumptions and a different history. It provides the only introduction to truth- theoretic semantics for natural languages, fully integrating semantic theory into the modern Chomskyan program in linguistic theory and connecting linguistic semantics to research elsewhere in cognitive psychology and philosophy. As such, it better fits into a modern graduate or undergraduate (...)
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  43. A partial account of presupposition projection.David Beaver & Emiel Krahmer - 2001 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 10 (2):147-182.
    In this paper it is shown how a partial semantics for presuppositions can be given which is empirically more satisfactory than its predecessors, and how this semantics can be integrated with a technically sound, compositional grammar in the Montagovian fashion. Additionally, it is argued that the classical objection to partial accounts of presupposition projection, namely that they lack “flexibility,” is based on a misconception. Partial logics can give rise to flexible predictions without postulating any ad hoc ambiguities. Finally, it (...)
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    Implicit epistemic aspects of constructive logic.Göran Sundholm - 1997 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6 (2):191-212.
    In the present paper I wish to regard constructivelogic as a self-contained system for the treatment ofepistemological issues; the explanations of theconstructivist logical notions are cast in anepistemological mold already from the outset. Thediscussion offered here intends to make explicit thisimplicit epistemic character of constructivism.Particular attention will be given to the intendedinterpretation laid down by Heyting. This interpretation, especially as refined in the type-theoretical work of Per Martin-Löf, puts thesystem on par with the early efforts of Frege andWhitehead-Russell. This quite (...)
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    The Meaning Of Language, Second Edition.Heidi Savage, Melissa Ebbers & Robert M. Martin - 2020 - Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
    A new edition of a comprehensive introduction to the philosophy of language, substantially updated and reorganized. The philosophy of language aims to answer a broad range of questions about the nature of language, including “what is a language?” and “what is the source of meaning?” This accessible comprehensive introduction to the philosophy of language begins with the most basic properties of language and only then proceeds to the phenomenon of meaning. The second edition has been significantly expanded and reorganized, putting (...)
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  46. Formal Languages and Intensional Semantics.Sten Carl Lindstrom - 1981 - Dissertation, Stanford University
    This is a thesis in formal semantics. It consists of two parts corresponding to the distinction, due to Richard Montague, between universal grammar and specific semantic theories. The first part concerns universal grammar and is intended to provide a precise and unified conceptual framework within which different theories of formal semantics can be represented and compared. ;The second part of the thesis is concerned with intensional logic, i.e., with the logical analysis of discourse involving so called oblique (...)
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    Computational Semantics with Functional Programming.Jan van Eijck - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Almost forty years ago Richard Montague proposed to analyse natural language with the same tools as formal languages. In particular, he gave formal semantic analyses of several interesting fragments of English in terms of typed logic. This led to the development of Montague grammar as a particular style of formal analysis of natural language.
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    Compositionality and Model-Theoretic Interpretation.Hendriks Herman - 2001 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 10 (1):29-48.
    The present paper studies the general implications of theprinciple of compositionality for the organization of grammar.It will be argued that Janssen''s (1986) requirement that syntax andsemantics be similar algebras is too strong, and that the moreliberal requirement that syntax be interpretable into semanticsleads to a formalization that can be motivated and applied more easily,while it avoids the complications that encumber Janssen''s formalization.Moreover, it will be shown that this alternative formalization evenallows one to further complete the formal theory of compositionality, (...)
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  49. Incremental dynamics.Jan van Eijck - 2001 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 10 (3):319-351.
    A new system of dynamic logic is introduced and motivated, witha novel approach to variable binding for incremental interpretation. Thesystem is shown to be equivalent to first order logic and complete.The new logic combines the dynamic binding idea from DynamicPredicate Logic with De Bruijn style variable free indexing. Quantifiersbind the next available variable register; the indexing mechanismguarantees that active registers are never overwritten by newquantifiers actions. Apart from its interest in its own right, theresulting system has certain advantages over Dynamic (...)
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  50. (1 other version)On the meaning of indexicals.Marian Przełęcki - 1982 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 11 (1-2):65-67.
    The approach to the meaning of indexicals adopted in this paper is based on the theory known as Montague grammar. Accepting, in general, that kind of theory { especially in its modied version, which is due to Thomason and Kaplan 1 { I point out certain inadequacy in its treatment of the meaning of some indexical expressions and suggest some modication of its theoretical framework in order to avoid that shortcoming.
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