Results for ' Kalpa'

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    The Kalpa sútra and Nava tatva: two works illustrative of the Jain religion and philosophy.J. Stevenson & Bhadrabāhu (eds.) - 1848 - Varanasi: Bharat-Bharati.
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    Prātas-saṅkalpa gadyam, Sarva-samarpana gadyam, and Gayatri.Swami Rāghavēndra - 1972 - [Srirangam,: Devarnama Bhajana Sangha]. Edited by Rāghavēndra, V. Nagarajachar & S. Krishna Rao.
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    Bhadrabāhu Bṛhat-kalpa-niryukti and Sanghadāsa Bṛrhat-kalpa-bhāṣya: Romanized and Metrically Revised Version, Notes from Related Texts and Selective GlossaryBhadrabahu Brhat-kalpa-niryukti and Sanghadasa Brrhat-kalpa-bhasya: Romanized and Metrically Revised Version, Notes from Related Texts and Selective Glossary.Ludo Rocher, Willem B. Bollée & Willem B. Bollee - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):260.
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    Myriad Concerns: Indian Macro-Time Intervals (Yugas, Sandhyās and Kalpas) as Systems of Number. [REVIEW]W. Randolph Kloetzli - 2013 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 41 (6):631-653.
    This article examines the structures of the epico-Purāṇic divisions of time (yugas/sandhyās/kalpas) and asks what is joined by the Purāṇic ages known as yugas or joinings. It concludes that these structures reflect a combining of three systems of number—Greek acrophonic, Babylonian sexagesimal and Hindu decimal— represented as divisions of time. Since most interpretations of these structures, particularly yugas, focus on questions of dharma and its decline over the various ages rather than on number, it asks in conclusion if there is (...)
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  5. The idea of ultimate reality and meaning according to the Kalpa Sūtras.C. G. Kashikar - 1979 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 2 (3):172-187.
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  6. Saundaryadarśanavimarśaḥ: Śrīveṅkaṭācalasya "Śivasaṅkalpa"-purovācā puraskr̥taḥ.Govind Chandra Pande - 1995 - Vārāṇasī: Sampūrnānanda-Saṃskr̥ta-Viśvavidyālayasya.
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    Ācāra vidyā adhyayana lipi: pera'para dedega ācāravidyā saṅkalpa ha siddhānta piḷibanda tulānātmaka adyayanak.Sumēdha Vīravardhana - 2007 - [Peradeṇiya: Sumēdha Vīravardhana].
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    Translating the Esoteric.Nicholas Morrow Williams - 2024 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 144 (3):495-515.
    The Mahāvairocana sūtra was translated into Chinese by the Indian monk Śubhakarasiṃha 善無畏 (637–735) and the Chinese monk Yixing 一行 (683–727), and Yixing also composed an elaborate commentary based on the teachings of Śubhakarasiṃha. Their efforts to introduce to China this key source for esoteric Buddhist doctrine and ritual offer us a remarkable case study of Buddhological translation. The two translators respond with particular flair to the perennial challenge of translating any Buddhist scriptures, namely, how to deal with foreign terms (...)
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    China and contemporary millenarianism--something new under the sun.Benjamin Isadore Schwartz - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (2):193-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:China and Contemporary Millenarianism—Something New under the SunBenjamin I. SchwartzOne of the most obvious remarks one can make about contemporary China is that China has no reason to be excited about contemporary Western millenarianism. If by "millenarianism" one refers to an apocalyptic transformation of the entire human condition based on the Christian calendar, then there is no reason for Chinese, Jews, and Moslems, who have their own historic visions, (...)
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    Nirvāṇa and Tathatā in the Early Yogācāra Texts: The Bodhisattva’s Adaptation of the Śrāvaka-Path. [REVIEW]Yoke Meei Choong - 2013 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 41 (1):79-109.
    Indian and Chinese commentaries on the Bodhisattva-path assign to it a path of seeing analogous to that of the Śrāvaka-path. Consequently, the non- discursive insight of the bodhisattva is usually taken to be equivalent to the insight of the śrāvaka when s/he experiences the unconditioned. Yet a matter of concern for the bodhisattva in the Prajñāpāramitā literatures and many other earlier Mahāyāna texts is that s/he should not realize the unconditioned (=nirvāṇa) in the practice of the path before s/he attains (...)
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    De kāla a kṣaṇa ou da recorrência à instantaneidade.Carlos H. Do Carmo Silva - 2006 - Cultura:131-178.
    O presente estudo pretende salientar o trânsito das grandes formulações da concepção da temporalidade na tradição hindu: do tempo (kāla) à sua compreensão como instantâneo (kṣaṇa). Num ponto preliminar, salientam-se as condições linguísticas do pensar indo-europeu e a "gramática" sanscrítica a propósito do tempo. Sublinham-se de seguida os enquadramentos rituais e míticos, tanto ligados com a ciclicidade (saṃsāra), como com o imutável e eterno (ānantya). Depois percorrem-se, de forma sintética, os vários "sistemas" filosóficos salientando respectivamente: a concepção metafísica (no Vedānta (...)
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