Results for ' Inanna'

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  1.  8
    The SAGE handbook of the history, philosophy and sociology of international relations.Andreas Gofas, Inanna Hamati-Ataya & Nicholas Onuf (eds.) - 2018 - Los Angeles: SAGE reference.
    This Sage handbook offers a panoramic view of the broad field of international relations by integrating three distinct but interrelated foci. It retraces international relations' historical devolopment as a professional field of study, expolores the philosophical foundations of international relations, and interrogates the sociological mechanisms through which scholarship is produced and the field is structured. The 41 chapters are structured into five parts: 01. Reflections on a disciplinary practice02. Imagining the international, acknowledging the global03. The search for (an) identity04. International (...)
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    Inanna und Šukaletuda: Zur historisch-politischen Deutung eines sumerischen LiteraturwerkesInanna und Sukaletuda: Zur historisch-politischen Deutung eines sumerischen Literaturwerkes.Bendt Alster & Konrad Volk - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (4):687.
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    Inanna and Dumuzi: A Sumerian Love StoryLove Songs in Sumerian Literature.Gonzalo Rubio & Yitschak Sefati - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (2):268.
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    Der Mythos "Inanna und Enki" unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Liste der meDer Mythos "Inanna und Enki" unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Liste der me.M. W. Green, Gertrud Farber-Flügge & Gertrud Farber-Flugge - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (2):283.
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    Die Ninegalla-Hymne: Die Wohnungnahme Inannas in Nippur in altbabylonischer Zeit.Miguel Civil & Hermann Behrens - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (4):674.
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    The Ur III Temple of Inanna at Nippur: The Operation and Organization of Urban Religious Institutions in Mesopotamia in the Late Third Millennium B. C.J. N. Postgate & Richard L. Zettler - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):494.
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    Childlike Goddess.Shane M. Thompson - 2024 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 144 (2):369-379.
    This article examines the derivation of toy and game imagery in “The Elevation of Ištar.” I argue that the presence of these metaphors in a first-millennium text represents a late stage in the development of Ištar’s characterization as a childlike goddess. Tracing this development from Sumerian mythological and lexical texts into the Sumero-Akkadian and Akkadian traditions reveals Inanna/Ištar’s well-known attribute of violent rage in a different manner. This suggests that the characterization of the goddess as childlike existed over a (...)
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    Speculations on the City and the Evolution of Consciousness.William Irwin Thompson - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (7):35-42.
    [opening paragraph]: The city is not simply a location in space, but also a vehicle in time that can itself accelerate the evolution of consciousness. Like molecules packed into the membrane of a cell, the minds that are packed into a city take on a new life that is energized by the city's intensification of space and time. The first cities of ancient Sumer were ceremonial centres organized around the sacred precinct of the temple. Sumerian mythology stated that these cities (...)
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    The Problem of Woman as Hero in the Work of Joseph Campbell.Sarah Nicholson - 2011 - Feminist Theology 19 (2):182-193.
    Through the frame of the Sumerian myth of Inanna, this essay explores Joseph Campbell’s body of work on the hero’s journey and living mythology. Particular focus is placed on examining both the place of woman as hero and the symbol of woman for the hero in Campbell’s work. This essay suggests that Campbell’s theories present both possibilities and problems from the perspective of feminist analysis for the representation of woman as hero.
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  10. Göğün Kraliçesi İsis’in Geri Dönüşü: Hristiyanlıkta Meryem Ana Tapınması / The Queen of Heaven Isis Come Back: The Mary Worship in Christianity.Kürşat Haldun Akalın - 2016 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 45:81-107.
    Antik Mısır’da Meryem isminin yazılışı mr sözcüğüyledir, sevilen anlamına gelir. İsis de Meryem de, özü itibarıyla aynı Tanrıça olduğu gibi Tanrısal ananın aynı bedenleşmiş görünümüdür. Bu nedenle, Hıristiyanlar, İsis’in tapınaklarını yıkıp yerle bir etmişler ve tapınanlarını da öldürmüşler; fakat bütün bu olup bitenlere rağmen, İsis, Meryem’e beslenilen iman ve tapınmada yaşamaya devam etmiştir. Nitekim İsis’e okyanus yıldızı anlamına gelen “Pelagia” unvanı verilmişken, benzeri şekilde Meryem de denizyıldızı olarak tanınmıştır. İştar ya da İnanna’nın tanındığı unvanlar gibi, Meryem de İsis’e verilen “Göğün (...)
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    Who were the Authors before Homer in Mesopotamia?Jean-Jacques Glassner - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (196):86-92.
    Mesopotamian works are usually anonymous; at best the names of some copyists are known. Some significant exceptions, such as Saggil-kênam-ubbib, the author of Théodicée babylonienne, Kabti-ilî-Marduk, author of the ‘myth of Erra’, and Shamash-muballit, the son of Warad-Sîn, who may have been the author of a hymn to the goddess Inanna, do not make up for this lacuna.
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    On not passing the acid test: Bad trips and initiation.Maura Lucas - 2005 - Anthropology of Consciousness 16 (1):25-45.