976 found
  1.  52
    “Exploratory experimentation” as a probe into the relation between historiography and philosophy of science.Jutta Schickore - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 55:20-26.
  2.  79
    Whigs and Stories: Herbert Butterfield and the Historiography of Science.Nicholas Jardine - 2003 - History of Science 41 (2):125-140.
  3.  13
    Marxist historiographies: a global perspective.Q. Edward Wang & Georg G. Iggers (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Marxist Historiographies is the first book to examine the ebb and flow of Marxist historiography from a global and cross-cultural perspective. Since the eighteenth century, few schools of historical thought have exerted a more lasting impact than Marxism, and this impact extends far beyond the Western world within which it is most commonly analysed. Edited by two highly respected authors in the field and taking a truly global perspective on this topic, Marxist Historiographies demonstrates clearly the breadth and depth (...)
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  4.  56
    The semantic drift: Images of populism in post‐war American historiography and their relevance for political science.Anton Jäger - 2017 - Constellations 24 (3):310-323.
  5.  36
    Group Minds in Ancient Greek Historiography and the Ancient Greek Novel: Herodian's History and chariton's Callirhoe–Erratum.Chrysanthos S. Chrysanthou - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (2):888-888.
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    Scientific Historiography.Chris Lorenz - 2008 - In Aviezer Tucker, A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 393–403.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Theory and Method in Historiography: Some Preliminary Distinctions A Short History of the Historiographic Method Critical Method and Its Discontents The Comparative Method as the “Royal Road” to Scientific Historiography? Bibliography.
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  7.  26
    Is a Penny a Month a Basic Income? A Historiography of the Concept of a Threshold in Basic Income: Winner of the 2021 BIS essay contest.Toru Yamamori - 2022 - Basic Income Studies 17 (1):29-51.
    Does a penny per month constitute a Basic Income? Were that penny to be paid individually, universally, and unconditionally, the answer would be ‘yes’, following the definition of Basic Income given by some of its leading advocates, be it organisations like the Basic Income Earth Network or prominent scholars such as Philippe Van Parijs. Some might be puzzled as to how this could be ‘a capitalist road to communism’, or give us ‘freedom as the power to say no’, both of (...)
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  8. The silence of the norms: The missing historiography of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.Paul A. Roth - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (4):545-552.
    History has been disparaged since the late 19th century for not conforming to norms of scientific explanation. Nonetheless, as a matter of fact a work of history upends the regnant philosophical conception of science in the second part of the 20th century. Yet despite its impact, Kuhn’s Structure has failed to motivate philosophers to ponder why works of history should be capable of exerting rational influence on an understanding of philosophy of science. But all this constitutes a great irony and (...)
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  9.  63
    On the Nature and Role of Narrative in Historiography.William Dray - 1971 - History and Theory 10 (2):153-171.
    There is no necessary connection between the ideas of history and of narration. The historical work should be explanatory, but a narrative is not itself a form of explanation. Walsh, despite Danto's objections, is correct in distinguishing "plain" from "significant" narratives. Both White's causal-chain model and Danto's model of causal input suggest that an historical narrative can be eq~planatory only if it offers causal explanation. But Gallie's followable contingency model contains several structural ideas which bring him into logical conflict with (...)
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  10. The history of human origins research and its place in the history of science: research problems and historiography.Matthew R. Goodrum - 2009 - History of Science 47 (3):337.
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    Reading Science, Technology and Education: A Tradition Dating back to Science into the History and Historiography.Raffaele Pisano, Rémi Franckowiak & Abdelakader Anakkar - 2017 - Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science 3:77-97.
    In this paper, we present an interdisciplinary discussion on the relations between Science–Technology Education and Culture both historical standpoint and nowadays. The idea that a human mind can produce an intellectual revolution within science and its approaches strongly crossed like a paradigm both in the history of sciences and disciplines–literatures : but what about its social impact and science mission, as well? To describe the impact of the disseminated knowledge is a consequent aim. A case study on energy conceptualization and (...)
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  12.  20
    The Significance of Leibniz for Historiography.Lewis W. Spitz - 1952 - Journal of the History of Ideas 13 (1/4):333.
  13.  43
    The Alienation Effect in the Historiography of Philosophy.Dominik Perler - 2018 - In Marcel van Ackeren, Philosophy and the Historical Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 140-154.
    It has often been said that we should enter into a dialogue with thinkers of the past because they discussed they same problems we still have today and presented sophisticated solutions to them. I argue that this “dialogue model” ignores the specific context in which many problems were created and defined. A closer look at various contexts enables us to see that philosophical problems are not as natural as they might seem. When we contextualize them, we experience a healthy alienation (...)
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  14.  29
    Foucault, ambiguity, and the rhetoric of historiography.Allan Megill - 1990 - History of the Human Sciences 3 (3):343-361.
  15.  28
    Narrative and Rhetoric in Hélène Metzger's Historiography of Eighteenth Century Chemistry.J. R. R. Christie - 1987 - History of Science 25 (1):99-109.
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    The idea of Europe in the eighteenth century in history and historiography.Manuela Albertone - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (4):349-352.
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    Aphrodite's children: Hopeless love, historiography, and benjamin's dialectical image.Chris Andre - 1998 - Substance 27 (1):105.
  18.  33
    Historiography and the Formation of Philosophical Canons.Sandra Lapointe & Erich Reck (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book presents a series of case studies and reflections on the historiographical assumptions, methods, and approaches that shape the way in which philosophers construct their own past. The chapters in the volume advance discussion of the methods of historians of philosophy, while at the same time illustrating the various ways in which philosophical canons come into existence, debunking the myth of analytical philosophy's ahistoricism, and providing a deeper understanding of the roles historiographical devices play in philosophical thought. More importantly, (...)
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  19.  61
    ''Facts, or Conjectures'': Antoine-Yves Goguet's Historiography.Nathaniel Wolloch - 2007 - Journal of the History of Ideas 68 (3):429-449.
    This article examines an eighteenth-century historical work, Antoine-Yves Goguet's De L'origine des loix, des arts, et des sciences, et de leurs progrès chez les anciens peuples. Goguet studied ancient cultures, but maintained that they were inferior to modern European civilization. His methodology, wide erudition, and detailed footnotes were praised at the time, including by the customarily critical Edward Gibbon. Goguet's work was translated into several languages and was influential into the beginning of the nineteenth century, although he was later all (...)
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  20. Suresh Chandra on Historiography of Civilisation: With reference to Dravidian Civilisation.Balaganapathi Devarakonda - 2004 - In R. C. Pradhan, The Philosophy of Suresh Chandra. ICPR, New Delhi.
    This paper attempts to give a critical appraisal of Professor Suresh Chandra’s views on Historiography of Civilization with reference to Dravidian Civilization. “Historiography of Indian Civilization: Harappans, Dravidians, Aryans and Gandhi’s freedom struggle” (published in JICPR June 1996) and “Demythologizing History: Dravidians in Relation to Harappans and the Aryans” (presented in the seminar on Dravidian Philosophy organized by Dravidian University, Kuppam) are the two significant works which are devoted to Historiography of civilization by Prof. Suresh Chandra. This (...)
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  21. Hayden White and the Aesthetics of Historiography.Paul A. Roth - 1992 - History of the Human Sciences 5 (1):17-35.
  22.  43
    Newton's Third Rule of Philosophizing: A Role for Logic in Historiography.Maurice Finocchiaro - 1974 - Isis 65 (1):66-73.
  23.  40
    Historiography: A field in search of a historian?Eileen Ka-May Cheng - 2013 - History and Theory 52 (2):278-289.
    Richard Kirkendall's collection of essays, The Organization of American Historians and the Writing and Teaching of American History, examines the history of the Organization of American Historians from its founding to the present, using that history to illuminate how the writing of American history has changed over the last hundred years. The book provides coverage of all the major dimensions of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association's and the OAH's activities, ranging from the work of its scholarly publications, the Mississippi Historical (...)
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  24.  49
    The historiography of contemporary science, technology, and medicine: writing recent science.Ronald Edmund Doel & Thomas Söderqvist (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    As historians of science increasingly turn to work on recent (post 1945) science, the historiographical and methodological problems associated with the history of contemporary science are debated with growing frequency and urgency. This book brings together authorities on the history, historiography and methodology of recent and contemporary science to review the problems facing historians of contemporary science, technology and medicine and to explore new ways forward. The chapters explore topics which will be of ever increasing interest to historians of (...)
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  25.  74
    J. H. Hexter, Neo-whiggism And Early Stuart Historiography.William H. Dray - 1987 - History and Theory 26 (2):133-149.
    J. H. Hexter, an American historian of early seventeenth-century history, terms himself whiggish and claims whiggishness is returning after the misguided popularity of Marxism. The distinction "whiggish" is more elusive than his claim suggests, and the accuracy of its application to Hexter's claim is unclear. Three characteristics commonly assigned to whig interpretation by its critics can be seen as reflections of broader, unresolved historical issues. These are: attention to political and constitutional issues; a tendency to refer to the present in (...)
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  26.  18
    Postnarrativist philosophy of historiography.Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The narrativist insight -- From analytic philosophy of history to narrativism -- Three tenets of narrativist philosophy of historiography -- Representationalism and non-representationalism -- Reasoning in historiography -- Colligation -- Underdetermination and epistemic values -- From truth to warranted assertion -- The tri-partite theory of justification in historiography -- Historiography between objectivism and subjectivism -- Postnarrativist philosophy of historiography.
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  27. Intersectionality and Marxism: A Critical Historiography.Ashley Bohrer - 2018 - Historical Materialism 26 (2):46-74.
    In recent years, there has been renewed interest in conceptualising the relationship between oppression and capitalism as well as intense debate over the precise nature of this relationship. No doubt spurred on by the financial crisis, it has become increasingly clear that capitalism, both historically and in the twenty-first century, has had particularly devastating effects for women and people of colour. Intersectionality, which emerged in the late twentieth century as a way of addressing the relationship between race, gender, sexuality and (...)
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  28. Shades of orientalism: Paradoxes and problems in indian historiography.Peter Heehs - 2003 - History and Theory 42 (2):169–195.
    In Orientalism, Edward Said attempts to show that all European discourse about the Orient is the same, and all European scholars of the Orient complicit in the aims of European imperialism. There may be “manifest” differences in discourse, but the underlying “latent” orientalism is “more or less constant.” This does not do justice to the marked differences in approach, attitude, presentation, and conclusions found in the works of various orientalists. I distinguish six different styles of colonial and postcolonial discourse about (...)
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  29. The ideology of context : Uses and abuses of context in the historiography of philosophy.Yves Carles Zarka - 2005 - In Tom Sorell & Graham Alan John Rogers, Analytic philosophy and history of philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Leibniz and the Philosophical Criticism of Historiography.Daniel Fairbrother - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 11 (1):59-82.
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    Historiography in the History of Philosophy: the German Context and Experience.Vitali Terletsky - 2022 - Sententiae 41 (3):56-74.
    The paper aims to disclosure of key points in the development of the German tradition of historiography of philosophy after the 90s of the 18th century. The starting point was the so-called «dispute about the method» of historiography, which erupted in the last decade of the 18th century not without the influence of Kant’s «critical philosophy». Its participants (Reinhold, Fülleborn, Goess, Grohmann, Tennemann, and others) put forward different theses, but they agreed that it is Kant’s philosophy that makes (...)
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  32.  11
    Historiography and Myth.Mary Lefkowitz - 2008 - In Aviezer Tucker, A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 353–361.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Some Basic Definitions Historiography and Myth in Ancient Greece Mythical Historiography in Antiquity Myth vs. Historiography References.
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  33. The year 1000-problems of modern historiography.D. Milo - 1988 - History and Theory 27 (3):261-281.
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    Historiography and postmodernism.F. R. Ankersmit - 2007 - Filozofski Vestnik 28 (1):121-139.
    We no longer have any texts, any past, but just interpretations of them. The evident multi -interpretability of a text causes it gradually to lose its capacity to function as arbiter in the historical debate. It is necessary to define a new link with the past based on a complete and honest recognition of the position in which we now see ourselves placed as historians. In recent years, many people have observed our changed attitude towards the phenomenon of information. For (...)
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  35.  45
    Valorizing the Barbarians: Enemy Speeches in Roman Historiography. by Eric Adler (review).T. P. Wiseman - 2013 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 106 (4):702-704.
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    Kuroda Toshio on Jōdo Shinshū: Problems in Modern Historiography.Tomoko Yoshida - 2006 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 33 (2):379-412.
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  37. On the regularity conception of causality in historiography.E. Zelenak - 2005 - Filozofia 60 (2):115-127.
    It is a crucial issue for history to determine a cause or a causal relation between two events. The regularity theory of causation is one of the most popular approach to this problem. The paper analyzes mainly how this approach deals with the determination of a causal condition and with the choice of the main cause from the remaining causal conditions. It examines also Mackie’s conception of cause as an INUS condition, which is in fact only one version of the (...)
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  38.  3
    The Historiography of Early Neo-Thomism and the Study of the Views of Ukrainian Neotomists of the First Half of the XX Century.Oksana Sheremeta - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:80-95.
    In the article, the author substantiates the thesis that the study of the historiography of early Neo-Thomism is extremely important for research on the history of its Ukrainian branch and, accordingly, the creation of its Ukrainian historiography. Early Neotomism is a significant stage in the development of Neotomism. Under its influence, Ukrainian neo-Thomists Andrei Sheptytsky, J. Slipyj, and M. Konrad formed their views. Its study is an important part of the historiography of Ukrainian Neo-Thomism. The study of (...)
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  39.  18
    The historiography of religion as knowledge of the historical nature of religion.Borys Lobovyk - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 12:3-6.
    The historiography of religion is the branch of religious studies, which is on the verge of the history and philosophy of religion. With regard to these latter, it has common and special features. If history studies the origin and development of religion in its states and forms, if the philosophy of religion is intended to give a theoretical understanding of the essence and meaning of religion as such, then the historiosophy of religion is a doctrine of the historical nature (...)
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  40.  20
    50 Years after OPW: History and Historiography.Nino Luraghi - 2024 - Polis 41 (1):5-8.
    This short preface is meant to explain the purpose of the present volume and point to the diverse approaches and lines of argument pursued by the contributors.
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  41. The «Alexandria to Baghdad» Complex of Narratives. A Contribution to the Study of Philosophical and Medical Historiography Among the Arabs.Dimitri Gutas & H. H. Biesterfeldt - 1999 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 10:155-193.
    L'A. mette in parallelo quattro fonti interrelate della tradizione narrativa relativa al passaggio delle conoscenze filosofiche e mediche da Alessandria a Baghdad. I testi esaminati, presentati in traduzione inglese, sono di Alfarabi , dello storico al-Masudi , del medico ibn-Ridwan del Cairo e del medico ibn-Gumay . Le origini della tradizione testuale sono individuate in un canone di insegnamenti ippocratici e galenici originatosi ad Alessandria poco prima della conquista araba, e comprendente i cosiddetti Summaria alexandrinorum. L'A. si sofferma inoltre sulla (...)
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  42.  93
    The concept &ldquosystem of philosophy&rdquo: The case of Jacob brucker's historiography of philosophy1.Leo Catana - 2005 - History and Theory 44 (1):72-90.
    In this essay I examine and discuss the concept “system of philosophy” as a methodological tool in the history of philosophy; I do so in two moves. First I analyze the historical origin of the concept in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Thereafter I undertake a discussion of its methodological weaknesses—a discussion that is not only relevant to the writing of history of philosophy in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, but also to the writing of history of philosophy in our (...)
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  43.  40
    Numbers in Greek poetry and historiography: quantifying Fehling.Catherine Rubincam - 2003 - Classical Quarterly 53 (2):448-463.
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    Chasing Poincaré: Reflections on Interdisciplinary Research and Historiography.David J. Stump - 2023 - Philosophia Scientiae 27 (2):177-194.
    I will present two examples of influential (and incorrect) interpretations of Poincaré, pinpointing their errors and documenting some of their diffusion. The first example, which appears to have been initiated by Moritz Schlick, is the widespread misinterpretation of Poincaré’s argument for geometric conventionalism by basing it on the underdetermination of theories in science. The second example, having to do with Poincaré’s claim that Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries are inter-translatable, stems from Louis Rougier and was spread in the English language literature (...)
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  45.  30
    Editors' Introduction: Forgetting Freud? For a New Historiography of Psychoanalysis.Lydia Marinelli & Andreas Mayer - 2006 - Science in Context 19 (1):1-13.
    How does the advancement of the sciences relate to the ways in which their founding figures are remembered? According to the stark picture painted by Alfred N. Whitehead in 1917, “the establishment of a reverential attitude towards any statement made by a classical author” had barred the progress of logic for several centuries: “Scholars became commentators on truths too fragile to bear translation. A science which hesitates to forget its founders is lost”. In the eyes of many critics, Sigmund Freud's (...)
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  46.  27
    Inventing China through History: The May Fourth Approach to Historiography.P. W. K. & Q. Edward Wang - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (3):533.
  47. Karl Marx's Contribution To Historiography.Eric J. Hobsbawm - 1968 - Diogenes 16 (64):37-56.
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  48.  14
    The Compilation of the Qingshi and Stylistic Innovation in Historiography.Chen Qitai & Guo Chengkang - 2009 - Chinese Studies in History 43 (2):33-54.
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    Presenting the Past: Hegel’s Epistemological Historiography.Jeffrey Reid - 2007 - In Real Words: Language and System in Hegel. University of Toronto Press. pp. 58-70.
    The paper examines the historiographic element in Hegel's philosophy of history, i.e. how the philosophy is constituted as a narrative whose objective truth is guaranteed through the incorporation of original accounts, which are reflected upon in secondary sources. It is these accounts that the philosophy of history further reflects upon and incorporates as the objective linguistic content of Science. Briefly, philosophy of history is a discourse that reflects upon other discourses and not on historical "events" themselves.
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  50. What is “national identity”? Definitions and applications in modern british historiography.Peter Mandler - 2006 - Modern Intellectual History 3 (2):271-297.
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