Results for ' Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy'

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  1.  33
    Essentials of Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy.Gerhard Stemberger, Katharina Sternek, Bernadette Lindorfer, Angelika Böhm, Andrzej Zuczkowski, Doris Beneder, Thomas Fuchs, Giancarlo Trombini, Elena Trombini & Edward S. Ragsdale - 2022 - Norderstedt, Deutschland: BoD.
    The "Essentials of Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy" offer for the first time in English an insight into the guiding ideas of this integrative psychotherapy method, which is consistently anchored in Gestalt psychology (and in this respect also differs substantially from most streams of Gestalt therapy, with which it should not be confused). The anthology includes ten contributions by authors from Austria, Italy, Germany and the USA. These deal with fundamental questions and concepts of any (...): The role and meaning of consistency in practical life and in psychotherapy; the question of human epistemic possibilities and an epistemology appropriate for psychotherapy; the personality theory of Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy; the basic principles of therapeutic relationship and practice; the role of emotions in the example of phenomenal causality of feelings; the task of diagnostics in Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy; a clinical example related to anorexia; Gestalt psychological viewpoints for therapy progress; the role of relational determination in intrapsychic and interpersonal experience. (shrink)
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  2. Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy.Gerhard Stemberger - 2008 - In H. Bartuska, M. Buchsbaumer, G. Mehta, G. Pawlowsky & S. Wiesnagrotzki (eds.), Psychotherapeutic Diagnostics - Guidelines for the new standard. pp. 97-108.
    The Diagnostic Understanding of Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy: In accordance with the basic thoughts of the Guideline, Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy acts on the conviction that diagnostic revelations and therapeutic change processes are inseparable. Even if each of them is related to different functions and thus to particular demands, an efficient patient support requires the professional and proper interplay of discovery and change processes throughout her therapy. Each new discovery is per se related to a change (...)
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  3.  45
    Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy – A Clinical Example.Thomas Fuchs - 2021 - Gestalt Theory 43 (1):87-99.
    Summary The case of an anorectic patient is presented to demonstrate how well-known symptomatic phenomena such as a supposedly distorted body perception can be understood. Further theoretical suggestions are made to explain the motive to starve, without making complicated psychodynamic assumptions. To do so, genuine gestalttheoretical concepts such as ‘centring’ and ‘reference system’ are used. This leads to hints for a temporarily perception-focused formation of the therapeutic relationship.
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    Personality Theory in Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy: Kurt Lewin’s Field Theory and his Theory of Systems in Tension Revisited.Bernadette Lindorfer - 2021 - Gestalt Theory 43 (1):29-46.
    Summary With regard to the dynamics of human experience and behavior, Gestalt theoretical psychotherapy (GTP) relies mainly on Kurt Lewin’s dynamic field theory of personality. GTP is carried out by including a re-interpretation of Lewin’s theory in some aspects of psychotherapeutic practice in relation to critical realism. Human experience and behavior are understood to be functions of the person and the environment (including the other individuals therein) in a psychic field (life space), which encompasses both of these (...)
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    Critical Realism: The Epistemic Position of Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy.Katharina Sternek - 2021 - Gestalt Theory 43 (1):13-27.
    Summary In this contribution, I discuss the relevance of epistemological models for psychotherapy. Despite its importance epistemology is seldom explicitly dealt with in the psychotherapeutic landscape. Based on the presentation of “Critical Realism (CR),” the epistemological position of Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy (GTP), I intend to show to which extent this explanatory model supports a differentiated understanding of problems between human beings, arising from the differences in experiencing “reality.” The presentation deals explicitly with some conclusions that can (...)
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  6.  30
    Basic Principles for Therapeutic Relationship and Practice in Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy.Angelika Böhm - 2021 - Gestalt Theory 43 (1):69-86.
    Summary Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy, in the broader sense of the term, has developed in various forms on both sides of the Atlantic since the 1920s. Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy, in the narrower sense of the term, came into being in the second half of the 1970s in German-speaking countries. In Austria, it is a state-approved, independent scientific psychotherapy method since 1995, and an integrative psychotherapeutic approach based on the Gestalt theory of the Berlin (...)
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  7. Feldprozesse in der Psychotherapie. Der Mehr-Felder-Ansatz im diagnostischen und therapeutischen Prozess.Gerhard Stemberger - 2009 - Phänomenal 1 (1):12-19.
    The article outlines the Multiple-Field-Approach ("Mehr-Felder-Ansatz") in Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy and in psychotherapy in general. This Gestalt theory based approach deals 1) with the conditions under which a secondary phenomenal field (containing a secondary phenomenal ego and a secondary phenomenal environment) segregates within the primary phenomenal field, 2) with the dynamic field interaction between primary and secondary field and their role in psychotherapy, 3) with psychotherapeutic techniques favouring the segregation and favouring the dissolution of (...)
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  8. Reorganizing One’s World: The Gestalt Psychological Multiple-Field Approach to “Mind-Wandering”.Gerhard Stemberger - 2022 - In Nadia Dario & Luca Tateo (eds.), New Perspectives on Mind-Wandering. Springer. pp. 77-101.
    Mind-wandering is often seen as the result of a certain attention behavior or even an attention deficit. However, Gestalt psychological research points to other explanations: The phenomena referred to as “mind-wandering” can be understood as a reorganization of the total phenomenal field of perception and experience as a result of experiencing serious discrepancies in this field (“non-Prägnanz” or “Imprägnanzen” in Gestalt psychological terminology). If the “non-Prägnanz” in the field is strong enough, the related facts and events are experienced (...)
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  9. Psychotherapy: The Challenge and Power of Consistency.Gerhard Stemberger - 2021 - Gestalt Theory 43 (1):1-12.
    Summary The article substantiates the possibility and meaningfulness of a coherent theoretical system for psychotherapy, as it is strived for in Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy and presented in several articles in this issue of the journal "Gestalt Theory". The necessity of consistency in the theoretical assumptions and concepts of a psychotherapy method is not derived from scientific considerations alone, but already arises from the elementary role of consistency in human life. This also results (...)
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  10.  16
    Philosophy and Gestalt Psychotherapy.Paul O'Grady - 2021 - In James M. Ambury, Tushar Irani & Kathleen Wallace (eds.), Philosophy as a way of life: historical, contemporary, and pedagogical perspectives. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 223–240.
    The chapter begins with a brief preliminary investigation of the nature and role of theory in psychotherapy in general. Then, it introduces Gestalt therapy in an institutional and historical context. The distinctive theoretical tenets of Gestalt psychotherapy are outlined next. The chapter looks at some of the philosophical underpinnings of this theory and notes how such underpinnings tend toward subjectivism and an anti‐theory stance. It also suggests some alternative underpinnings, which could lead to a more (...)
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  11. Abraham S. Luchins (1914–2005).Gerhard Stemberger - 2007 - American Psychologist 62 (2):143.
    An obituary for Abraham S. Luchins, who died December 27, 2005, in Monsey, New York, at the age of 91. Dr. Luchins was a second-generation Gestalt psychologist and psychiatrist, a pioneer in the field of problem solving and productive thinking, mental health and Gestalt theoretical psychotherapy, and a prolific researcher and author in several other areas of psychology.
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  12. Working Together, Working Against Each Other, And Working Past Each Other In Therapy And Supervision. A Gestalt Psychological View On Structure And Dynamics Of The Therapeutic Relationship.Thomas Fuchs & Gerhard Stemberger - 2022 - International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy 1 (4):41-57.
    Crises in therapist-patient relationship can also become a challenge in clinical supervision. However, success and failure in establishing and maintaining constructive relationships in therapy and supervision is not only subject to a lucky fit of personal characteristics (therapist A gets along well/badly with client B; supervisee A gets along well/badly with supervisor C). Rather, we can identify determining field conditions in the overall therapeutic and supervisory situation for this outcome. We do not only focus on the persons involved, but also (...)
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    Adolescence: Psychotherapy and the Emergent Self.Mark McConville - 1998 - Gestalt Press.
    Many therapists can attest to the fact that adolescents can be difficult and frustating clients-problems are seldom well defined, clearly delineated symptoms are more exception than the rule, and troubling situations often involve the entire family. Gestalt therapist Mark McConville draws on his more than twenty years of professional experience to offer clinicians an effective model for understanding and treating adolescents. He outlines the Developmental Tasks Model, which describes adolescents' struggles, "temporary insanity," and ultimately, triumph of development. He clearly (...)
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  14.  18
    Schöpferische Freiheit - Gestalttheorie des Lebendigen.Wolfgang Metzger, Marianne Soff & Gerhard Stemberger - 2022 - Wien, Österreich: Krammer.
    Info in English (book is in German): The book "Schöpferische Freiheit" ("Creative Freedom") is considered the third major work of Gestalt psychologist Wolfgang Metzger (1899-1979) - along with his "Psychology" and the "Laws of Seeing". According to Michael Stadler and Wolfgang Crabus, Metzger's real achievement in the further development of Gestalt theory is expressed in this book: "Metzger develops here, on the basis of Köhler's natural philosophical ideas of 'physical Gestalten' (1920) and incorporating the teachings of Zen Buddhism (...)
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  15. Psychische Störungen im Ich-Welt-Verhältnis.Gerhard Stemberger, Heinrich Schulte, Erwin Levy, Max Wertheimer, Michael Ruh, Paul Tholey, Marianne Soff, Peter Vitecek, Abraham S. Luchins, Daniel J. Luchins & Gerda Engelbracht - 2002 - Wien, Österreich: Wolfgang Krammer.
    Die vor allem unter der Bezeichnung Gestalt-Psychologie bekanntgewordeneGestalttheorie der Berliner Schule war lange Zeit vielen zu Unrecht nur für ihreBeiträge zur Wahrnehmungspsychologie ein Begriff. In letzter Zeit werden jedochdiesseits und jenseits des Atlantiks zunehmend die frühen gestalttheoretischenAnsätze für eine psychotherapierelevante Lehre des gesunden und gestörtenmenschlichen Erlebens und Verhaltens wiederentdeckt und neu aufgegriffen. Dervorliegende Sammelband stellt drei exemplarische frühe Beiträge zurPsychopathologie vor, die noch vom Begründer der Gestalttheorie MaxWertheimer geprägt wurden. Anhand der Analyse der paranoischenEigenbeziehung und Wahnbildung, der Manie und (...)
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  16. About the Ability to Be in Two Places at Once.Gerhard Stemberger - 2018 - Gestalt Theory 40 (2):207-234.
    Summary In 1915 the Danish psychologist Edgar Rubin describes in his famous work on figure-ground perception, the phenomenon that when you look attentively at a picture, a second, virtual ego arises, breaking away from the viewer-ego to wander around in the picture along the contours of the depicted. In 1982, German Gestalt psychologist Edwin Rausch expanded this observation of the emergence of a second phenomenal ego to the conclusion that not only does a second phenomenal ego emerge, but with (...)
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  17. Reconciliation of Time Perspectives as a Criterion for Therapy Completion.Gerhard Stemberger, Elena Trombini & Giancarlo Trombini - 2021 - Gestalt Theory 43 (1):101-119.
    Summary Giancarlo Trombini presents the continuation of his research on the question of which criteria can be used to assess the progress of therapy in an objectively verifiable way and to make the decision on the completion of therapy. In the first phase of his research, the phenomenological criterion of a qualitative change in the patient’s relations toward the positive and higher complexity was proposed for this purpose. In terms of the working method in analytic therapy, this meant concretely: attention (...)
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  18.  50
    Vierzig Jahre Gesellschaft für Gestalttheorie: Der wissenschaftliche Ertrag.Hellmuth Metz-Göckel - 2018 - Gestalt Theory 40 (3):257-280.
    The Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications (GTA) is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. The task of this article was to give a selection of gestalt theoretical research, which was created within the framework of the GTA. After a brief introduction to the theory, recent developments that have emerged since the founding of the Society and have found expression in the journal Gestalt Theory, as well as in many other publications, have been discussed. A (...)
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  19.  55
    A gestalt theoretic account for the coordination of perception and action in motor learning.Alf C. Zimmer & Hermann Körndle - 1994 - Philosophical Psychology 7 (2):249-265.
    A review of the scanty Gestaltist literature on motor behaviour indicates that a genuine Gestalt theoretic approach to motor behaviour can be characterized by three research questions: (1) What are the natural units of motor behaviour? (2) What characterizes the self-organization in motor behaviour? (3) What are the conditions for invariance in motor behaviour? Tentative answers to these questions can be found by analysing the parallels between Gestalt theory and Bernstein's theory of motor actions and by showing that (...)
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  20.  38
    Perceptual Analysis according to Rudolf Arnheim’s Gestalt Theoretical approach in Structuralist Landscape Planning.Ingrid Scharmann & Gerda Schneider - 2020 - Gestalt Theory 42 (1):43-61.
    Summary Landscape planning lacked an evidence-based method for the reflection of planning models on the imaginary level in order to present the image content and the relationships in the image as the basis for interpretation in a verifiable manner. The contribution is based on the thesis that the perceptual analysis according to Rudolf Arnheim can be translated into landscape planning. The case study, here an illustration with two plan sketches for urban and landscape development, is described and interpreted with the (...)
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  21.  19
    Manifest Dream/Association Comparison: A Criterion to Monitor the Psychotherapeutic Field (2nd part) Field Transformations: A Clinical Case.Giancarlo Trombini, Anna Corazza & Gerhard Stemberger - 2019 - Gestalt Theory 41 (3):241-261.
    Summary The present work focuses on the transformations of the psychotherapeutic field through the relationship dynamics that occur within it. The first part of this article starts with a brief outline of the Gestalt psychological understanding of the field concept, also in its application to the psychotherapeutic situation, followed by a brief review of the introduction of the field concept into the psychoanalytic theory formation. After this, the first author first presents the theoretical concept underlying a new approach (...)
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  22.  33
    What do you see?: phenomenology of therapeutic art expression.Mala Gitlin Betensky - 1995 - Bristol, Pa.: Jessica Kingsley.
    The author presents a varied menu of ideas and experiences in many areas - in research, in diagnosis, and in psychotherapy, each using art media with patients of all ages. She integrates art, phenomenology and gestalt psychology, describing specific techniques and findings. Part I of the book lays out the theoretical foundations and the techniques; Part II addresses the formal components used in art therapy - line, shape and colour in their interrelated dynamics and discusses other aspects (...)
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  23.  36
    Manifest Dream/Association Comparison: A Criterion to Monitor the Psychotherapeutic Field.Giancarlo Trombini, Anna Corazza & Gerhard Stemberger - 2019 - Gestalt Theory 41 (1):61-78.
    Summary The present work focuses on the transformations of the psychotherapeutic field through the relationship dynamics which occur within it. The first part of this article starts with a brief outline of the Gestalt psychological understanding of the field concept, also in its application to the psychotherapeutic situation, followed by a brief review of the introduction of the field concept into the psychoanalytic theory formation. After this, the first author first presents the theoretical concept underlying a new approach (...)
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  24.  26
    Beauty and Uncertainty as Transformative Factors: A Free Energy Principle Account of Aesthetic Diagnosis and Intervention in Gestalt Psychotherapy.Pietro Sarasso, Gianni Francesetti, Jan Roubal, Michela Gecele, Irene Ronga, Marco Neppi-Modona & Katiuscia Sacco - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:906188.
    Drawing from field theory, Gestalt therapy conceives psychological suffering and psychotherapy as two intentional field phenomena, where unprocessed and chaotic experiences seek the opportunity to emerge and be assimilated through the contact between the patient and the therapist (i.e., the intentionality of contacting). This therapeutic approach is based on the therapist’s aesthetic experience of his/her embodied presence in the flow of the healing process because (1) the perception of beauty can provide the therapist with feedback on the assimilation (...)
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  25. Conceptions of the self in Western and Eastern psychology.Yozan Dirk Mosig - 2006 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 26 (1-2):39-50.
    The concept of the self in Western psychology derives primarily from the work of Freud, Jung, and Rogers. To some extent Western formulations of the self evidence a homunculus-like quality lacking in some Eastern conceptions, especially those derived from the Vijnanavada and Zen Buddhist traditions. The Buddhist notion of self circumvents reification, being an impermanent gestalt formed by the interaction of five skandhas or aggregates . Each skandha is in turn a transient pattern formed by the interaction of the (...)
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  26.  59
    Gestalt theory and synergetics: From psychophysical isomorphism to holistic emergentism.Michael Stadler & Peter Kruse - 1994 - Philosophical Psychology 7 (2):211-226.
    Gestalt theory is discussed as one main precursor of synergetics, one of the most elaborated theories of self-organization. It is a precursor for two reasons: the Gestalt theoretical view of cognitive order-formation comes dose to the central ideas of self-organization. Furthermore both approaches have stressed the significance of non-linear perceptual processes (such as multistability) for the solution of the mind-brain problem. The question of whether Gestalt theory preferred a dualistic or a monistic view of the mind-body (...)
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  27.  13
    Gestalt Reconsidered: A New Approach to Contact and Resistance.Gordon Wheeler - 1996 - Gestalt Press.
    In this original and penetrating work, the origins of the Gestalt psychotherapy model are traced back to its roots in psychoanalysis and Gestalt cognitive and perceptual psychology. Drawing new implications for both Gestalt and psychotherapy in general from these origins - and with special emphasis on the neglected work of Lewis and Goldstein - Wheeler develops a revised model that is more fully "Gestalt" and at the same time more firmly grounded in the spectrum (...)
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  28. Perceptual Dynamics: Theoretical Foundations and Philosophical Implications of Gestalt Psychology (Acta Philosophica Gothoburgensia 16).Fredrik Sundqvist - 2003 - Göteborg: Acta Philosophica Gothoburgensia.
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    Theoretical practice-place of theory in psychotherapy.J. M. Heaton - 1976 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 7 (2):73-85.
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  30. Gestalt theory and Merleau-ponty's concept of intentionality.M. C. Dillon - 1971 - Man and World 4 (4):436-459.
    The intent of the article is to define merleau-ponty's place in the phenomenological tradition and, at the same time, to defend his standpoint, especially on those issues where his thought represents a departure from the tradition. although merleau-ponty espouses a form of the husserlian doctrine of the intentionality of consciousness, his understanding of intentionality differs in several fundamental respects from husserl's. the article attempts to show specifically where merleau-ponty's gestalt- theoretical orientation leads him to modify such basic aspects (...)
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  31. (2 other versions)Developing Your Theoretical Orientation in Counseling and Psychotherapy.Duane Halbur - 2011 - Boston: Pearson. Edited by Kimberly Vess Halbur.
    Why theoretical orientation is important -- Incorporating theory into practice -- Top ten ways to find your theoretical orientation -- Six schools of thought and their theories of helping -- Case examples for integrating theory to practice.
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    Gestalt Theory and Socioeconomic Analyses.Gisela Kubon-Gilke - 2022 - Gestalt Theory 44 (3):303-316.
    Summary The analysis of social and economic phenomena has a long Gestalt-theoretical tradition but is currently seen rather as a niche subject. In this article, recent important approaches are presented that explicitly or implicitly refer to Gestalt-theoretical considerations. The particular relevance of narratives is pointed out. In addition, further analytical challenges are discussed.
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  33. Gestalt Shifts in the Liar Or Why KT4M Is the Logic of Semantic Modalities.Susanne Bobzien - 2017 - In Bradley P. Armour-Garb (ed.), Reflections on the Liar. Oxford, England: Oxford University. pp. 71-113.
    ABSTRACT: This chapter offers a revenge-free solution to the liar paradox (at the centre of which is the notion of Gestalt shift) and presents a formal representation of truth in, or for, a natural language like English, which proposes to show both why -- and how -- truth is coherent and how it appears to be incoherent, while preserving classical logic and most principles that some philosophers have taken to be central to the concept of truth and our use (...)
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    Psychotherapy and science.Robert Langs - 1999 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    Through a warm and passionate investigation of the most fundamental properties of human behaviour, Psychotherapy and Science shows how a scientific foundation for psychotherapy is both necessary and feasible. Addressing psychotherapy's need for a coherent theoretical grounding, the book argues that there are striking parallels between the emotion-processing mind and phenomena that have been scientifically observed and charted in the areas of evolution, the immune system and the brain. The idea that scientific theories might be applied (...)
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    (2 other versions)Psychotherapy in Ireland.Edward Boyne (ed.) - 1993 - Dublin: Columba Press.
    The area of psychotherapy has grown considerably in Ireland since the original edition of this book was published in 1993, and in this revised edition twelve leading practitioners of psychotherapy working in Ireland offer an overview of the approach or school of psychotherapy that is within their area of competence. Among the topics covered are: psychoanalysis, child psychoanalytic psychotherapy, Jungian analysis, psychosynthesis and transpersonal theory, constructivist psychotherapy, family therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, gestalt theory, the person (...)
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  36. Gestalt Models for Data Decomposition and Functional Architecture in Visual Neuroscience.Carmelo Calì - 2013 - Gestalt Theory 35 (3).
    Attempts to introduce Gestalt theory into the realm of visual neuroscience are discussed on both theoretical and experimental grounds. To define the framework in which these proposals can be defended, this paper outlines the characteristics of a standard model, which qualifies as a received view in the visual neurosciences, and of the research into natural images statistics. The objections to the standard model and the main questions of the natural images research are presented. On these grounds, this paper (...)
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    Psychotherapy and moral discourse.Philip Cushman - 1993 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 13 (2):103-113.
    Argues that psychotherapy's claim to be a universal scientific practice that objectively treats ahistorical illnesses is untenable. PT is a cultural product, so it both reflects and reproduces its cultural context. Because cultural context is in part composed of moral traditions embedded in political structures, PT is unavoidably a moral practice with political consequences. Implicit moralities in current practices are discussed. Philosophical hermeneutics in PT practice are offered as an alternative. In a discussion of intersecting traditions, it is suggested (...)
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    Understanding experience: psychotherapy and postmodernism.Roger Frie (ed.) - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    Understanding Experience: Psychotherapy and Postmodernism is a collection of innovative interdisciplinary essays that explore the way we experience and interact with each other and the world around us. The authors address the postmodern debate in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis through clinical and theoretical discussion and offer a view of the person that is unique and relevant today. The clinical work of Binswanger, Boss, Fromm, Fromm-Reichmann, Laing, and Lacan is considered alongside the theories of Buber, Heidegger, Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Sartre (...)
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    The Gestalt of Gestalt pedagogy.Thomas Schübel - 2024 - Gestalt Theory 46 (1):51-62.
    Summary Applied Gestalt theory in the tradition of Gestalt psychology on the one hand and Gestalt pedagogy in the tradition of Gestalt therapy on the other hand are two different ways of thinking about education. Gestalt pedagogy proves to be compatible in many ways with current positions in education studies, in particular those of phenomenological pedagogy, dialogical pedagogy and theories of meaningful learning. All three approaches could provide a common ground for the two Gestalt (...)
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    Fredrik Sundqvist, Perceptual Dynamics: Theoretical Foundations and Philosophical Implications of Gestalt Psychology, Acta Philosophica Gothoburgensia 16, Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2003. 248 pp. [REVIEW]Jens Cavallin - 2004 - SATS 5 (1):183-190.
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    Philosophically-informed psychotherapy and the concept of transference.Edwin L. Hersch - 2006 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 26 (1-2):221-234.
    The theoretical and philosophical assumptions underlying our psychological practices greatly affect the ways that clinicians in the mental health field go about their work and to some extent how successful at it they are. This paper attempts to illustrate this by describing how a careful and systematic look at the underlying philosophical presuppositions surrounding the concept of transference yielded clear clinical benefits to my own practice of psychotherapy. More specifically, by contrasting the philosophical paradigm implied in the classical (...)
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    Psychotherapy During COVID-19: How the Clinical Practice of Italian Psychotherapists Changed During the Pandemic.Tommaso Boldrini, Arianna Schiano Lomoriello, Franco Del Corno, Vittorio Lingiardi & Silvia Salcuni - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:591170.
    _Aims:_ Italy was one of the first countries to be significantly affected by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, determining a unique scenario for Italian psychotherapists to consider changing the modality in which they deliver treatment. The present study aimed at studying which factors related to psychotherapists and their clinical practice had a major role in predicting two main outcomes: (1) the rate of interrupted treatments during lockdown and (2) psychotherapists’ satisfaction with the telepsychotherapy modality. _Methods:_ An online survey was (...)
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  43. Relational ethics in psychotherapy and counselling private practice: justice, solidarity, and care.Caz Binstead - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Nicholas Sarantakis.
    This book explores the ethics around everything connected with setting up and running a therapy private practice. Offering a hands-on approach to realistic ethical dilemmas encountered by the private practitioner, the book examines the everyday management of practice, and the context of ethical issues in contemporary private practice. Chapters explore the fundamentals of some of the most common ethical considerations in private practice, providing space for the reader to think creatively about how they use their preferred ethical framework, and how (...)
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    The great psychotherapy debate: the evidence for what makes psychotherapy work.Bruce E. Wampold - 2015 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Zac E. Imel.
    The second edition of The Great Psychotherapy Debate has been updated and revised to include a history of healing practices, medicine, and psychotherapy, an expanded theoretical presentation of the contextual model, an examination of therapist effects, and a thorough review of the research on common factors such as the alliance, expectations, and empathy.
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    Neuroscience, Psychotherapy and Clinical Pragmatism.William Borden - 2016 - Routledge.
    This volume explores how conceptions of pragmatism set forth in American philosophy serve as orienting perspectives in psychotherapy. Drawing on the influential contributions of William James and John Dewey, the author demonstrates how realistic, comparative approaches to understanding strengthen everyday therapeutic practice. He also examines recent developments in neuroscience that shape training and practice in the broader field of psychotherapy, encompassing psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive and humanistic traditions. By following a clinical pragmatism, psychotherapy can be viewed as an (...)
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    Clarifying and Furthering Existential Psychotherapy: Theories, Methods, and Practices.Stefan E. Schulenberg (ed.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This exciting volume brings together leading figures across existential psychology in a clear-sighted guide to its current practice and therapeutic possibilities. Its accessible yet scholarly presentation dispels common myths about existential psychotherapy while demonstrating core methods and innovative techniques as compatible with the range of clinicians' theoretical orientations and practical approaches. Chapters review the evidence for its therapeutic value, and provide updates on education, training, and research efforts in the field, both in the US and abroad. Throughout, existential (...)
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    The Ethical Visions of Psychotherapy.Kevin R. Smith - 2020 - Routledge.
    Psychotherapy helps one enact ideas about a good life, and therapists practice orientations rooted in their chosen approach. A 'good life' can therefore mean different things depending on the therapy. Building on the philosophy of Charles Taylor, Smith examines the link between therapy, ethics and the root of therapeutic views in comparison to modern, Western ideas about 'living well'. This is one of two complementary volumes. This volume explores the links between therapeutic aims and conceptions of wellbeing. It examines (...)
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  48.  21
    Psychoanalytic psychotherapies and the free energy principle.Thomas Rabeyron - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:929940.
    In this paper I propose a model of the fundamental components of psychoanalytic psychotherapies that I try to explicate with contemporary theories of the Bayesian brain and the Free Energy Principle (FEP). I first show that psychoanalytic therapies require a setting (made up of several envelopes), a particular psychic state and specific processes (transference, free association, dreaming, play, reflexivity and narrativity) in order to induce psychic transformations. I then analyze how these processes of transformations operate and how they can be (...)
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    Equine-facilitated psychotherapy: The gap between practice and knowledge.Keren Bachi - 2012 - Society and Animals 20 (4):364-380.
    Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy is widely used, and the uses to which it can be put are still being developed. However, existing knowledge about this field is insufficient, and most of the research suffers from methodological problems that compromise its rigor. This review will explore research into the linked fields of Animal-Assisted Therapy and Equine-Assisted Activities/Therapies related to physical health. Existing knowledge of mental, emotional, and social applications of EAA/T is presented. Evaluation studies in the subfield suggest that people benefit from (...)
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    Exploring the Metaphor–Body–Psychotherapy Relationship.Dennis Tay - 2017 - Metaphor and Symbol 32 (3):178-191.
    This article explores the interfaces between two constructs in linguistics and psychotherapy—metaphor and the human body—as a means of illustrating meaningful exchange between linguistic and mental health research. Three distinctly well-motivated research strands with underexplored overlaps: the theoretical relationship between metaphor and the body, the use and management of metaphors in therapy, and the body as a therapeutic resource complementing verbal interaction, are first described. Taking a practitioner-informed approach called “correspondent analysis,” which combines the methods and insights of (...)
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