Sara Fortuna [6]Stefania Fortuna [4]Robert J. Fortuna [2]Tomasz Fortuna [1]
Francesca Fortuna [1]Blaž Fortuna [1]James J. Fortuna [1]Antonella Fortuna [1]

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  1. Stanley Cavell su Emerson e la redenzione del linguaggio dalla filosofia.Agnese Fortuna - 2008 - Annali Del Dipartimento di Filosofia 14:153-177.
    The issue of skepticism emerges in Experience by Ralph Waldo Emerson. In Finding as Founding Stanley Cavell reads Emerson's essay as a contribution to the idealistic debate in order to recuperate Kant's 'thing in itself'. Placing that question in the ordinary space of everyday life makes Emerson a precursor of the attacks by Austin and Wittgenstein particularly regarding philosophy and skepticism. The possibility of redeeming our linguistic praxis and gaining some intimacy between language and world rises through a conversion of (...)
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  2.  14
    Nature as a preferential habitat in growth and socialisation processes in autism. A structured intervention.Nancy Fazzini, Ramona Sorricchio, Sara Palladini, Antonella Fortuna, Grazia Pezzopane, Ferdinando Suvini, Annamaria Porreca & Alessandra Martelli - 2023 - Science and Philosophy 11 (2):116-126.
    Dysfunctionality in socialisation is undoubtedly the most crucial characteristic of autism. For a long time, social functioning and its improvement have been considered among the most important interventions in the literature. Individuals with autism are responsive to therapist-mediated and/or peer-mediated interventions that increase their social engagement. The present study examines the impact of outdoor integrated activities, such as music therapy, equine-assisted therapy, and art therapy, in autistic individuals (n=14). The analysis was carried out on the application of a questionnaire assessing (...)
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  3. A “inevitabilidade” das remoções de favelas como discurso legitimador do Porto Maravilha.Mônica Fort & Vania Oliveira Fortuna - 2025 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 31 (3):278-292.
    O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar a produção de sentidos do Porto Maravilha na cobertura jornalística de O Globo. Utilizando como metodologia a Análise de Discurso, nos moldes propostos por Eni Orlandi (1999) e Kleber Mendonça (2007), analisamos reportagens, veiculadas entre 2010 e 2015, sobre as remoções no Morro da Providência. A construção discursiva do consenso sobre o projeto neoliberal de cidade que prometia transformar o Rio de Janeiro em cidade global, silenciou e ou normalizou o agravamento de problemas sociais, (...)
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  4.  25
    Aspectualidad y lenguaje en la filosofía de Vico.Sara Fortuna - 2006 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 19 (20):23-46.
    Este trabajo plantea la necesidad de un análisis semántico de la noción de ‘aspecto’ en la Scienza nuova, y la afirmación de una instancia de comprensión filosófica. La dimensión de la aspectualidad, pensada filosóficamente, se sitúa en el origen de la correlación entre percepción imaginativa, por un lado, y, por otro, comunicación y comprensión de naturaleza expresiva, afectivamente marcada y multisensorial. En ella Vico ha indicado, mediante el modelo genético y funcional de las tres lenguas, la condición necesaria para comprender (...)
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    Clinician attitudes towards prescribing and implications for interventions in a multi‐specialty group practice.Robert J. Fortuna, Dennis Ross-Degnan, Jonathan Finkelstein, Fang Zhang, Francis X. Campion & Steven R. Simon - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (6):969-973.
  6.  12
    Cidade-empresa e megaeventos, uma construção discursiva sobre as cidades.Vania De Oliveira Fortuna - 2014 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 1 (24).
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    Ensayos sobre José Ingenieros: un homenaje.Oscar Fortuna (ed.) - 2019 - [Ciudad de Buenos Aires]: 3F Ediciones.
  8.  9
    Forme della negazione: mistica, ascesi e critica in Walter Benjamin e Theodor W. Adorno.Gianmarco Fortuna - 2023 - Roma: Aracne.
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  9.  53
    Einleitung.Sara Fortuna - 2004 - Die Philosophin 15 (29):7-10.
  10.  53
    Galen's de Constitutione Artis Medicae in the Renaissance.Stefania Fortuna - 1993 - Classical Quarterly 43 (01):302-.
    During the sixteenth century Galen's De constitutione artis medicae enjoyed a great success: in about fifty years it received four different Latin translations and three commentaries. Certainly this is also true of other medical classical texts, but such success is surprising for a treatise which did not have a wide circulation either in the Middle Ages or in the seventeenth century and later. In fact it is preserved in its entirety in only one Greek manuscript and in a Latin translation (...)
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  11.  26
    Gesichter, Wahrnehmung, Symbolisierung: Die Geschlechterdifferenz zwischen dritter und zweiter Person.Sara Fortuna - 2004 - Die Philosophin 15 (29):26-41.
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  12. (1 other version)Ii metodo della diagnosi in Galeno.Stefania Fortuna - 2001 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 22 (2):281-304.
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  13. Ontologia.Aloisius G. Peixoto Fortuna, Salvador Cuesta & Ángel González Álvarez - 1950 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 6 (3):328-329.
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  14.  42
    Paediatric experiences with work‐hour limitations.Robert J. Fortuna, Judith S. Palfrey, Steven P. Shelov & Ronald C. Samuels - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (1):116-120.
  15. Sprachnot, Lebensnot und der Ursprung der Menschheit in Vicos Philosophie.Sara Fortuna - 2017 - In Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky & Anna Tuschling (eds.), Conatus und Lebensnot: Schlüsselbegriffe der Medienanthropologie. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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  16.  66
    The Latin Editions of Galen's Opera omnia (1490–1625) and Their Prefaces.Stefania Fortuna - 2012 - Early Science and Medicine 17 (4):391-412.
    Between 1490 to 1625, twenty-two editions of Galen's opera omnia were published in Latin, while only two in Greek. In the Western world Galen's literary production was mostly known through Latin translations, even in the sixteenth century, when Greek medicine was being rediscovered in its original language. The paper discusses the twenty-two Latin editions of Galen's writings and how they evolved. In these editions the number of works increased, especially from 1490 to 1533, while later, from 1576–1577 to 1586, forged (...)
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  17.  23
    The New Deal and the Old Frontier: American Identity, Environmental Design, and the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933–42.James J. Fortuna - 2021 - Environment, Space, Place 13 (1):37-73.
    Abstract:As a flagship program of the New Deal, the CCC was one of several federal agencies which turned to the natural and built environment to promote socio-cultural homogenization between the First and Second World War. This article investigates the CCC's role as an agent of national transformation and considers the links between the New Deal's treatment of the American landscape and its promotion of a new, more pluralistic national identity. While historians of the interwar United States are quick to note (...)
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  18.  37
    Unconscious Communication.Tomasz Fortuna - 2015 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 6 (2):121-126.
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  19.  5
    Wittgensteins Philosophie des Kippbilds: Aspektwechsel, Ethik, Sprache.Sara Fortuna - 2012 - Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
    Ausgangspunkt dieser Untersuchung sind Wittgensteins Analysen der Kippbilder, seine Reflexionen über das Sehen-als und die damit verbundene Spannung zwischen Identität und Differenz. Wittgenstein, so lautet die zentrale These des Buches, beschäftigte sich mit solchen außergewöhnlichen Phänomenen, weil sie die übersichtliche Darstellung der komplexen, symbolischen Praktiken menschlicher Lebensformen erlauben. Anhand unterschiedlicher Beispiele – physiognomischer Ausdruck, Witz, Kunst, Dichtung, sadomasochistische Perversion – erstellt Sara Fortuna eine Grammatik der Aspekte, die eng auf ethische Fragestellungen bezogen bleibt. Dadurch erscheinen Wittgensteins späte Gedanken als Kritik (...)
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  20.  11
    The Feminine Condition and Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health in Brazil and France.Simone Santana da Silva, Cinira Magali Fortuna, Gilles Monceau, Marguerite Soulière & Anne Pilotti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionElements mark the reality of reading the female body in symbolic constructions and social symbols in the exercise of their reproductive health. The study aims to identify elements that characterize the female condition while analyzing the reproductive health of Brazilian and French women.Materials and MethodsA qualitative, multicenter, international study was conducted in Brazil and in France between 2016 and 2019. Data were produced through the use of semi-structured scripts. Focus group discussions and individual interviews were conducted with women who gave (...)
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