Results for ' Faculties of soul'

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  1. Analytical essay on the faculties of the soul, 1760.Charles Bonnet - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    In the course of the eighteenth century, understanding human cognitive life came to be construed as something to be explored in terms of the physiology of the sensory organs, the nerves, and the brain: a form of naturalization that effectively moved cognition out of the realm of philosophy as it had traditionally been understood. Bonnet's Analytical Essay on the Faculties of the Soul was at the forefront of these developments, and this is its first English translation. Drawing on (...)
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    Faculties of the Soul and Descartes’s Rejection of Substantial Forms.Adam Wood - 2023 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 97 (4):577-601.
    In a 1642 letter to Regius, Descartes elaborates several reasons for rejecting Aristotelian substantial forms including that (1) they are explanatorily impotent, (2) they are explanatorily unnecessary, and (3) they threaten the incorporeality and immortality of the human soul. Various ideas have already been proposed as to why Descartes thought Aristotelian substantial forms are susceptible to these criticisms. Here I suggest one further such idea, centered on the ways Descartes and medieval scholastics thought substantial forms—and souls in particular—are related (...)
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  3. The faculties of the soul and some medieval mind-body problems.Adam Wood - 2011 - The Thomist 75 (4):585-636.
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    Contributions of Aristotle’s biological works to the theory of the faculties of the soul.Javier Aoiz & Laura Febres-Cordero - 2017 - Apuntes Filosóficos 26 (51):61-80.
    De anima is the fundamental reference to Aristotle’s theory of the faculties of the soul. Its treatment is abstract and Aristotle refers it to further and more precise explanations. The article considers these indications and shows that one of the main contributions of Aristotle’s biological works to complement De anima centers on the consideration of the relationships between the vegetative and perceptive faculties of the soul and between the perceptive and noetic faculties.
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    The Practical-Technical Reason in the Aristotelian Concept of the Faculties of the Soul.Aleksandra Mathiesen - 2017 - Peitho 8 (1):359-370.
    When analyzing the structure of the soul, Aristotle distinguished three faculties: the theoretical, the practical and the technical one. The latter two are the focus of this paper. The division could be perceived as an abstract description of diverse functions and purposes of the faculties, but it does not imply factual dissociation between them if we take under consideration their functioning. On the contrary, Aristotle suggested that it would be impossible to detach the practical reasoning from the (...)
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    Ontology of the soul and faculties of knowledge. Soul, body and knowledge in Ramon Llull’s psychological work.Celia López Alcalde - 2016 - Anuario Filosófico 49 (1):73-95.
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    Analytical essay on the faculties of the soul[REVIEW]Catherine Wilson - 2023 - Annals of Science 80 (4):420-423.
    The Genevan naturalist, Charles Bonnet (1720–1793), was one of the best-known scientific observers and theorists of the second half of the eighteenth century. His first interests lay in the microsc...
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    Kant on the faculty of apperception.Patricia Kitcher - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (3):589-616.
    Although I begin with a brief look at the idea that as a faculty of mind, apperception must be grounded in some power of the soul, my focus is on claims about the alleged noumenal import of some of Kant’s particular theses about the faculty of apperception: it is inexplicable, immaterial, and can provide evidence that humans are members of the intelligible world. I argue that when the claim of inexplicability is placed in the context of Kant’s standards for (...)
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    Charles Bonnet: Analytical Essay on the Faculties of the Soul[REVIEW]Jeremy Dunham - 2023 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 13 (2):554-557.
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  10. Unity in the multiplicity of Suárez's soul.Marleen Rozemond - 2012 - In Benjamin Hill & Henrik Lagerlund (eds.), The Philosophy of Francisco Surez. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Suárez held that the vital faculties of the soul are really distinct from the soul itself and each other and that they cannot causally interact. This means that he needed to account for the connections between the activities of the faculties: they both interfere with and contribute to each other’s activities. Suárez does so by giving the soul a direct causal role in these activities. This role requires the unity of the soul of a (...)
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  11. Alexander of Aphrodisias. Supplement to "on the Soul".R. W. Alexander & Sharples (eds.) - 2004 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    The "Supplement" transmitted as the second book of "On the Soul" by Alexander of Aphrodisias is a collection of short texts on a wide range of topics from psychology, including the general hylomorphic account of soul and its faculties, and the theory of vision; questions in ethics ; and issues relating to responsibility, chance and fate. One of the texts in the collection, "On Intellect", had a major influence on medieval Arabic and Western thought, greater than that (...)
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    From soul to mind in Hobbes’s The Elements of Law.Alexandra Chadwick - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (3):257-275.
    This paper examines the significance and originality of Hobbes’s use of ‘mind’, rather than ‘soul’, in his writings on human nature. To this end, his terminology in the discussion of the ‘faculties of the mind’ in The Elements of Law, Natural and Politic (1640) is considered in the context of English-language accounts of the ‘faculties of the soul’ in three widely-read works from the first half of the seventeenth century: Thomas Wright’s The Passions of the Minde (...)
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  13. From Husserl's Formulation of the Soul - Body Issue to a New Differentiation of Human Faculties.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1983 - Analecta Husserliana 16:3.
  14. The Soul's Faculties.Dag Nikolaus Hasse - 2010 - In Robert Pasnau & Christina van Dyke (eds.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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    Epistles of the Brethren of Purity: Sciences of the soul and intellect.Paul E. Walker, Ismail K. Poonawala, David Simonowitz & Godefroid de Callataÿ (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press, in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies.
    The Ikhwan al-Safa (Brethren of Purity), the anonymous adepts of a tenth-century esoteric fraternity based in Basra and Baghdad, hold an eminent position in the history of science and philosophy in Islam due to the wide reception and assimilation of their monumental encyclopaedia, the Rasa'il Ikhwan al-Safa (Epistles of the Brethren of Purity). This compendium contains fifty-two epistles offering synoptic accounts of the classical sciences and philosophies of the age; divided into four classificatory parts, it treats themes in mathematics, logic, (...)
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    Faculties in Medieval Philosophy.Dominik Perler - 2015 - In The Faculties: A History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 97-139.
    What kind of entities are faculties? How are they related to the soul and to the entire living being? How can they be classified? And in what sense are they responsible for a large variety of activities? This chapter examines these questions, which were extensively discussed by scholastic authors, and focuses on the metaphysical models established by William of Auvergne, Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockham, and Francisco Suárez. It argues that there was no unified scholastic doctrine. While some (...)
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  17. Ibn Sînâ (Avicenna) and René Descartes on the faculty of imagination.Hulya Yaldir - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (2):247-278.
    Throughout their life Ibn Sînâ and Descartes firmly believed that the soul or mind of a human being was essentially incorporeal. In his ‘On the Soul’ (De anima), the psychological part of his vast...
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    Unity in the multiplicity of Suárez's soul.Marleen Rozemond - 2012 - In Benjamin Hill & Henrik Lagerlund (eds.), The Philosophy of Francisco Surez. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    A prominent argument for the immateriality of the soul is the so-called "Achilles Argument", which relies on the claim that the soul is simple or indivisible. It was not widely used in the Aristotelian tradition, however. But a version of the argument played a crucial role in Suárez’s contention that a human being contains only one unitary soul. On an alternative view that was widespread at the time, living substances may contain several souls, such as a sensitive (...)
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    Aristotele sull’analogia tra le facoltà cognitive degli esseri umani e degli altri animali / Aristotle on the Analogy between the Cognitive Faculties of Human Beings and Other Animals.Giuseppe Feola - 2023 - Aristotelica 4 (4):79-108.
    In _Historia animalium_ VIII 1.588a18 ff., Aristotle describes the cognitive powers of non-human animals as sketches of human cognitive powers. According to the wording he chooses here, the cognitive powers of non-human animals are “traces” or “footprints” (ἴχνη, 588a19) of human ones. In this paper I explore the conceptual framework that lays behind this image, in order to show that it is much more than a rhetorical figure, and that Aristotle’s wording encompasses a whole articulated theory, whose details are set (...)
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    The Soul’s Process of Perfection in al-Fārābī's Philosophy.Rıza Tevfik Kalyoncu - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (2):1733-1768.
    This article provides a reading of al-Fārābī's (d. 950) thought on the soul in the context of the theory of perfection. Although al-Fārābī's theory of the soul has been the subject of various studies and the importance of the subject of perfection in al-Fārābī's philosophy has been revealed, how this subject pervades al-Fārābī's narrative and philosophy in general has not been shown in detail through texts with a phenomenological approach. With phenomenological approach here, the article aims to analyze (...)
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  21. Mirrors of the soul and mirrors of the brain? The expression of emotions as the subject of art and science.Machiel Keestra - 2014 - In Gary Schwartz (ed.), Emotions. Pain and pleasure in Dutch painting of the Golden Age. nai010 publishers. pp. 81-92.
    Is it not surprising that we look with so much pleasure and emotion at works of art that were made thousands of years ago? Works depicting people we do not know, people whose backgrounds are usually a mystery to us, who lived in a very different society and time and who, moreover, have been ‘frozen’ by the artist in a very deliberate pose. It was the Classical Greek philosopher Aristotle who observed in his Poetics that people could apparently be moved (...)
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    An Explanation and Assessment of "The Soul in its Unity is all Faculties" from Mulla Sadra s Viewpoint.Barakatullah Sinovi - 2019 - Metafizika 2 (3):131-145.
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  23. Mechanizing the Sensitive Soul.Gary Hatfield - 2012 - In Gideon Manning (ed.), Matter and form in early modern science and philosophy. Boston: Brill. pp. 151–86.
    Descartes set for himself the ambitious program of accounting for the functions of the Aristotelian vegetative and sensitive souls without invoking souls or the faculties or powers of souls in his explanations. He rejects the notion that the soul is hylomorphically present in the organs of the body so as to carry out vital and sensory functions. Rather, the body’s organs operate in a purely mechanical fashion. That is what is involved in “mechanizing” these phenomena. The role of (...)
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    A Being of Self‐Made Soul.Onkar Ghate - 2016 - In Allan Gotthelf & Gregory Salmieri (eds.), A Companion to Ayn Rand. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 105–129.
    As a novelist who self‐consciously identified with the Romantic school of literature, Ayn Rand was intensely concerned with an individual's choices. For Rand man is a being of self‐made soul in two senses. By his specific choices, man necessarily creates the kind of person he becomes: the basic premises and values that move him. And man's faculty of volition gives him the power to (re)shape his soul in the image of his moral ideal. This chapter examines why, given (...)
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    Writing the poetic soul of philosophy: essays in honor of Michael Davis.Michael Davis & Denise Schaeffer (eds.) - 2019 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    What is it about the nature of "soul" that makes it so difficult to adequately capture its complexity in a strictly discursive account? Why do some of the most profound human experiences elude our attempts to theorize them? How can a written document do justice to the dynamic activity of thinking, as opposed to merely presenting a collection of thoughts-as-artifacts? Finally, what can we learn about the activity of philosophizing, and about the human soul, by reflecting on the (...)
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    Samuel Colliber on the Soul and Immortality.Roomet Jakapi - 2015 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 5 (4):127-147.
    This paper presents and discusses Samuel Colliberʼs theory of the soul in its philosophical and theological setting. His reflections on the soul have not been studied methodically, but, as I hope to show, they deserve more attention for at least two reasons. First, Colliber appropriates a set of terms, concepts and views from Lockeʼs Essay, but he modifies them for the sake of his own scheme in historically interesting ways. He provides a closed list of cognitive acts or (...)
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    The Reality of the Mind: St Augustine's Philosophical Arguments for the Human Soul as a Spiritual Substance.Ludger Hölscher - 1986 - Routledge.
    Among the various approaches to the question of the nature of the mind , Augustine’s philosophical arguments for the existence of an incorporeal and spiritual substance in man and against materialism are here thoroughly examined on their merits as a source of insight for contemporary discussion. This book, originally published in 1986, employs Augustine’s method of introspection, and argues that, as a philosopher, Augustine can teach the modern mind how to detect the reality of such a spiritual subject in and (...)
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    Descartes on the Human Soul: Philosophy and the Demands of Christian Doctrine (review).Richard A. Watson - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):120-121.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Descartes on the Human Soul: Philosophy and the Demands of Christian DoctrineRichard A. WatsonC. F. Fowler. Descartes on the Human Soul: Philosophy and the Demands of Christian Doctrine. International Archives of the History of Ideas, 160. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. Pp. xiii + 438. Cloth, $168.00.As Defender of the Faith, René Descartes wrote his Meditations to fulfill the request of the Fifth Lateran Council in (...)
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    Kepler’s theory of the soul: a study on epistemology.Jorge M. Escobar - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 39 (1):15-41.
    Kepler is mainly known among historians of science for his astronomical theories and his approaches to problems having to do with philosophy of science and ontology. This paper attempts to contribute to Kepler studies by providing a discussion of a topic not frequently considered, namely Kepler’s theory of the soul, a general theory of knowledge whose central problem is what makes knowledge possible, rather than what makes knowledge true, as happens in the case of Descartes’s and Bacon’s epistemologies. Kepler’s (...)
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  30. Review of The Powers of Aristotle's Soul, Thomas Kjeller Johansen. [REVIEW]Caleb Cohoe - 2013 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
  31. Does Malebranche need efficacious ideas? The cognitive faculties, the ontological status of ideas, and human attention.Susan Peppers-Bates - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (1):83-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 43.1 (2005) 83-105 [Access article in PDF] Does Malebranche Need Efficacious Ideas? The Cognitive Faculties, the Ontological Status of Ideas, and Human Attention Susan Peppers-Bates But whatever effort of mind I make, I cannot find an idea of force, efficacy, of power, save in the will of the infinitely perfect Being. Malebranche, Elucidation 15 One of the signatures of 17th century rationalists (...)
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    Authentic Selfhood in the Philosophy of Proclus: Rational Soul and its Significance for the Individual.Timothy Riggs - 2015 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 9 (2):177-204.
    _ Source: _Volume 9, Issue 2, pp 177 - 204 This article presents a synoptic account of the faculties of rational soul in the philosophy of Proclus and an interpretation of the unity which this soul constitutes despite the plurality of its faculties and objects of its attentions. It seeks to demonstrate that Proclus, through his conceptual construction of a rational soul grounded in an objective and cosmic framework, accounts for at least some of the (...)
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    Is Descartes' Conception of the Soul Orthodox ?Zbigniew Janowski - forthcoming - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale.
    In the Letter to the Faculty of Theology of the Sorbonne, Descartes makes a reference to Leo's X's encyclical Apostolici Regiminis (1513), which supports the Aristotelian-Scholastic conception of the soul as anima corporis forma According to Descartes' doctrine of the eternal truths, God's power is absolutely unlimited. One of the consequences of this doctrine is that God could join a rational (human) soul to any body, which implies that the union of soul and the body in the (...)
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    The Invisible Hand of God in Seeds: Jacob Schegk's Theory of Plastic Faculty.Hiro Hirai - 2007 - Early Science and Medicine 12 (4):377-404.
    In his embryological treatise De plastica seminis facultate , Jacob Schegk , professor of philosophy and medicine at the University of Tübingen, developed, through a unique interpretation of the Aristotelian embryology, a theory of the "plastic faculty" , whose origin lay in the Galenic idea of the formative power. The present study analyses the precise nature of Schegk's theory, by setting it in its historical and intellectual context. It will also discuss the hitherto unappreciated Neoplatonic dimension of Schegk's notion of (...)
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    The Powers of The Soul in Late Franciscan Thought: The Case of Peter of Trabibus.José Filipe Silva & Tuomas Vaura - 2024 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 31 (1):105-130.
    In the late medieval period, the issue of the composed nature of human beings and its relation to medieval faculty psychology became central. There is ample scholarship on this topic, focusing primarily on authors such as the Dominicans Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas, and the Franciscans Alexander of Hales, Hugh of St. Cher, John of La Rochelle, and Peter John Olivi. In this paper, we want to examine the view of one of Olivi’s disciples, the Franciscan theologian Peter of (...)
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    Imagination and Memory in Marsilio Ficino’s Theory of the Vehicles of the Soul 1.Anna Corrias - 2012 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 6 (1):81-114.
    The ancient Neoplatonic doctrine that the rational soul has one or more vehicles—bodies of a semi-material nature which it acquires during its descent through the spheres—plays a crucial part in Marsilio Ficino’s philosophical system, especially in his theory of sense-perception and in his account of the afterlife. Of the soul’s three vehicles, the one made of more or less rarefied air is particularly important, according to Ficino, during the soul’s embodied existence, for he identifies it with thespiritus, (...)
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    The Fifteenth Meeting of the Southeast-European Association for Ancient Philosophy, “Difficulties concerning the soulˮ, Plotinus, Enn. IV.3.1 – IV.4.5. [REVIEW]Dimka Gicheva-Gocheva - 2023 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 32 (4):452-461.
    The piece sketches in brief the history of the Southeast-European Association for Ancient Philosophy, established in Delphi in 2002. It became respected academic community and unites scholars from the region regularly, usually once a year, for several days. Already fifteen such seminars have happened, dedicated to the close reading of (a section of) a writing, belonging to some of the most influential ancient thinkers. The topics of the previous fourteen seminars are mentioned in the text and special attention is paid (...)
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    Ears are not the Subject of Hearing in Aristotle’s On the Soul II 8, 420a3–12.Abraham P. Bos - 2010 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 154 (2):171-186.
    On the Soul II 8, 420a3–12 is always explained as if Aristotle there considered the ears to be the seat of the faculty of hearing. However, Aristotle there identifies the instrument of sense perception not with external parts of the visible body but with the soul’s instrumental body, situated in the heart and connected with the ears. That also appears to be the case in Generation of Animals V 2.
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    Soul and Mind.Terence Irwin - 1988 - In Aristotle's first principles. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Aristotle views perception as a single faculty of the soul. Thus, he should display the unity of the faculty in different animals that have it. The perceptive faculty is shared by rational and non-rational animals; a common account of perception should show that it is not a mere homonym present in non-rational animals. The general account of perception should require no more than can be ascribed to non-rational animals, and in rational animals, the account should not be falsified by (...)
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    The Powers of Aristotle’s Soul by Thomas Kjeller Johansen.Mary Katrina Krizan - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (1):162-163.
    In The Powers of Aristotle’s Soul, Thomas Kjeller Johansen offers a fresh treatment of Aristotle’s De Anima, showing that Aristotle can successfully explain the cause of life and activities of living things by appealing to a minimal number of definitionally independent capacities, in much the way that a faculty psychologist would. Johansen situates Aristotle’s account of the soul within the framework of his natural philosophy, arguing that the definitional independence of the soul’s capacities does not conflict with (...)
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    The Soul: A Psychological Enquiry.Frederic Peters - 2023 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 23 (5):477-521.
    Soul beliefs are universal among religious folk but vary tremendously from culture to culture, In fact, in tribal societies without formal religious dogmas, soul beliefs can vary from individual to individual. A review of notions regarding the soul (or souls) amongst tribal and post-tribal societies does evidence, nonetheless, a recurring pattern of focus on the soul envisaged as the vital life energy of the body and/or as encapsulating one of more mental faculties. Not surprisingly, theories (...)
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    Kant on the ‘Wise Adaptation’ of Our Cognitive Faculties: The Limits of Knowledge and the Possibility of the Highest Good.Dylan Shaul - forthcoming - Kantian Review:1-21.
    This article provides a new reconstruction and evaluation of Kant’s argument in §IX of the second Critique’s Dialectic. Kant argues that our cognitive faculties are wisely adapted to our practical vocation since their failure to supply theoretical knowledge of God and the immortal soul is a condition of possibility for the highest good. This new reconstruction improves upon past efforts by greater fidelity to the form and content of Kant’s argument. I show that evaluating Kant’s argument requires settling (...)
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  43. Dreamless sleep and soul: A controversy between vedanta and buddhism.H. S. Prasad - 2000 - Asian Philosophy 10 (1):61 – 73.
    In this paper, perhaps the first of its kind, an attempt is made to elucidate and examine the Vedantic theory of soul constructed on the basis of the experience of dreamless sleep which, being radically and qualitatively different from waking and dreaming states, is considered by the Vedantins as a state of temporarily purified individual soul (atman), a state of pure substantial consciousness. They take the experience of dreamless sleep as a model experience of the soul's final (...)
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    Spiritual Formation and Soul Care on a College Campus: The Example of the Ignatian Center at Santa Clara University.Thomas G. Plante - 2018 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 11 (2):241-252.
    Religiously affiliated colleges and universities typically take spiritual formation and soul care very seriously and are usually intentional about the spiritual and religious development of not only their students but of their faculty and staff as well. The religious tradition, size of the campus community, financial and other resources, along with the will of senior administrators, donors, trustees, and the general university community all determine how these interests and agendas are nurtured and developed as well as the kinds of (...)
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    The constitution of the soul: Aristotle on lack of deliberative authority.Karen Margrethe Nielsen - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (2):572-586.
    My aim in this paper is to examine Aristotle's puzzling and contentious claim inPolitics1.13 that the deliberative faculty in women is ‘without authority’ :The freeman rules over the slave after another manner from that in which the male rules over the female, or the man over the child; although the parts of the soul are present in all of them, they are present in different ways. For the slave lacks the deliberative faculty altogether; the woman has it, but it (...)
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  46. A New Testimonium for Numenius: Proclus on the Origin of Evil.Kasra Abdavi Azar - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):484–488.
    In the course of examining the origin of evil in the De malorum subsistentia, Proclus reproduces a position that considers the maleficent (world-)soul as cause of evil. The same entity is held to co-govern the material realm alongside the beneficent world-soul. While scholarship tends to associate the testimonium with Plutarch (and Atticus), this survey shows why Numenius of Apamea is a much more probable candidate. The discussion concludes with further proposals for a new edition of Numenius, including possible (...)
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    Aristotle’s Theory of perception.Roberto Grasso - 2012 - Dissertation,
    In this work I reconstruct the physical and mental descriptions of perception in Aristotle. I propose to consider the thesis that αἴσθησις is a μεσότης (DA II 11) as a description of the physiological aspect of perception, meaning that perceiving is a physical act by which the sensory apparatus homeostatically counterbalances, and thence measures, the incoming affection produced by external perceptible objects. The proposal is based on a revision of the semantics of the word mesotês in Plato, Aristotle and later (...)
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    Useful Immortality of the Soul.Predrag Finci - 2024 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 44 (1):75-86.
    Immanuel Kant discusses the problem of the soul in different ways in all of his Critiques. In his Critique of Pure Reason, Kant points out the limits of the soul in the subject’s understanding. In Critique of Practical Reason, the concept of the soul assists in the regulation of moral issues, and in the Critique of Judgement Kant sees the soul as a creative faculty and the power of the subject which is a force for good (...)
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    The Explanatory Power of the Soul.Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2020 - Journal of Religious Ethics 48 (1):101-121.
    Liberalism and naturalism are the reigning orthodoxies of most faculties today, while dualism is overwhelmingly rejected. The overarching claim defended in this paper is that liberals should consider dualism more seriously than what currently seems to be the case. This claim will be defended in two stages. First, I will argue that dualism provides better resources with which to defend foundational liberal commitments to human equality and human agency than those naturalism offers. Secondly, I will argue that dualism is (...)
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    (3 other versions)Philosophical Theology. By F. R. Tennant D.D., B.Sc,, Fellow of Trinity College and Lecturer in the University of Cambridge. Vol. I. The Soul and its Faculties. (Cambridge University Press. 1928. Pp. xvi + 422. Price 21s. net.). [REVIEW]W. G. De Burgh - 1928 - Philosophy 3 (12):537-.
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