Results for ' Episodic memory'

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  1. Episodic Memory as Representing the Past to Oneself.Robert Hopkins - 2014 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 5 (3):313-331.
    Episodic memory is sometimes described as mental time travel. This suggests three ideas: that episodic memory offers us access to the past that is quasi-experiential, that it is a source of knowledge of the past, and that it is, at root, passive. I offer an account of episodic memory that rejects all three ideas. The account claims that remembering is a matter of representing the past to oneself, in a way suitably responsive to how (...)
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  2. Episodic memory and theory of mind: a connection reconsidered.Christoph Hoerl - 2018 - Mind and Language 33 (2):148-160.
    In the literature on episodic memory, one claim that has been made by a number of psychologists, and that is also at least implicit in some of the accounts given by philosophers, is that being able to recollect particular past events in the distinctive way afforded by episodic memory requires the possession of aspects of a theory of mind, such as a grasp of the relationship between one’s present recollective experience and one’s own past perceptual experience (...)
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    Episodic Memory as a Propositional Attitude: A Critical Perspective.André Sant'Anna - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:370748.
    The questions of whether episodic memory is a propositional attitude, and of whether it has propositional content, are central to discussions about how memory represents the world, what mental states should count as memories, and what kind of beings are capable of remembering. Despite its importance to such topics, these questions have not been addressed explicitly in the recent literature in philosophy of memory. In one of the very few pieces dealing with the topic, Fernández (2006) (...)
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  4. Eliminating episodic memory?Nikola Andonovski, John Sutton & Christopher McCarroll - forthcoming - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
    In Tulving’s initial characterization, episodic memory was one of multiple memory systems. It was postulated, in pursuit of explanatory depth, as displaying proprietary operations, representations, and substrates such as to explain a range of cognitive, behavioural, and experiential phenomena. Yet the subsequent development of this research program has, paradoxically, introduced surprising doubts about the nature, and indeed existence, of episodic memory. On dominant versions of the ‘common system’ view, on which a single simulation system underlies (...)
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  5. Embodied Episodic Memory: a New Case for Causalism?Denis Perrin - 2021 - Intellectica 74:229-252.
    Is an appropriate causal connection to the past experience it represents a necessary condition for a mental state to qualify as an episodic memory? For some years this issue has been the subject of an intense debate between the causalist theory of episodic memory (CTM) and the simulationist theory of episodic memory (STM). This paper aims at exploring the prospects for an embodied approach to episodic memory and assessing the potential case for (...)
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  6. The impure phenomenology of episodic memory.Alexandria Boyle - 2019 - Mind and Language 35 (5):641-660.
    Episodic memory has a distinctive phenomenology: it involves “mentally reliving” a past event. It has been suggested that characterising episodic memory in terms of this phenomenology makes it impossible to test for in animals, because “purely phenomenological features” cannot be detected in animal behaviour. Against this, I argue that episodic memory's phenomenological features are impure, having both subjective and objective aspects, and so can be behaviourally detected. Insisting on a phenomenological characterisation of episodic (...)
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  7. Episodic Memory as a Mindshaped Capacity.Christopher McCarroll & Nikola Andonovski - forthcoming - In Tad Zawidzki, Routledge Handbook of Mindshaping.
    This chapter examines the hypothesis that episodic memory is a mindshaped capacity. Presenting evidence from cognitive, developmental, and cross-cultural psychology, we argue that episodic memory is mindshaped for the purposes of interpersonal and social coordination. We examine how cultural influences, parental reminiscing styles, and the constructive nature of memory contribute to such mindshaping, promoting cognitive and behavioral homogeneity. We propose that epistemic norms of remembering are gradually acquired and internalized in practices of joint reminiscing between (...)
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    Are episodic memory and episodic simulation different in kind?Arieh Schwartz - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Simulation theory is a radical and yet increasingly popular view about episodic memory. It is the view that episodic memory and episodic simulation are the same natural kind. I argue that while simulation theory offers an important insight, it also makes an overreach. While episodic memory and episodic simulation likely reflect a common natural kind, they also differ in natural kind. They differ in natural kind because episodic memory is partly (...)
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  9. Is Episodic Memory a Natural Kind?Nikola Andonovski - 2018 - Essays in Philosophy 19 (2):178-195.
    In a recent paper, Cheng and Werning (2016) argue that the class of episodic memories constitutes a natural kind. Endorsing the homeostatic property cluster view of natural kinds, they suggest that episodic memories can be characterized by a cluster of properties unified by an underlying neural mechanism for coding sequences of events. Here, I argue that Cheng & Werning’s proposal faces some significant, and potentially insurmountable, difficulties. Two are described as most prominent. First, the proposal fails to satisfy (...)
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    Is episodic memory uniquely human? Evaluating the episodic-like memory research program.Sarah Malanowski - 2016 - Synthese 193 (5):1433-1455.
    Recently, a research program has emerged that aims to show that animals have a memory capacity that is similar to the human episodic memory capacity. Researchers within this program argue that nonhuman animals have episodic-like memory of personally experienced past events. In this paper, I specify and evaluate the goals of this research program and the progress it has made in achieving them. I will examine some of the data that the research program has produced, (...)
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  11. Episodic memory, autobiographical memory, narrative: On three key notions in current approaches to memory development.Christoph Hoerl - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (5):621-640.
    According to recent social interactionist accounts in developmental psychology, a child's learning to talk about the past with others plays a key role in memory development. Most accounts of this kind are centered on the theoretical notion of autobiographical memory and assume that socio-communicative interaction with others is important, in particular, in explaining the emergence of memories that have a particular type of connection to the self. Most of these accounts also construe autobiographical memory as a species (...)
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  12. Can episodic memory deter cheating and promote altruism?Nazim Keven - 2024 - Synthese 203 (5):1-18.
    Episodic memory gives us the ability to mentally travel back in time to revisit and relive past experiences. In recent years, there has been an increased interest in the function of episodic memory. According to the orthodox view, episodic memory should be considered a part of a constructive system that simulates the future for sophisticated foresight and flexible planning. In this paper, I offer a novel alternative view. I argue that episodic memory (...)
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  13. Episodic memory without autonoetic consciousness.Felipe De Brigard - forthcoming - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
    Ever since Tulving’s influential 1985 article “Memory and Consciousness” it has become traditional to think of autonoetic consciousness as necessary for episodic memory. This paper questions this claim. Specifically, it argues that the construct of autonoetic consciousness lacks validity and that, even if it was valid, it would still not be necessary for episodic memory. The paper ends with a proposal to go back to a functional/computational characterization of episodic memory in which its (...)
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  14. Mental Time Travel: Episodic Memory and Our Knowledge of the Personal Past.Kourken Michaelian - 2016 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    What is it to remember an episode from one’s past? How does episodic memory give us knowledge of the personal past? What explains the emergence of the apparently uniquely human ability to relive the past? Drawing on current research on mental time travel, this book proposes an integrated set of answers to these questions, arguing that remembering is a matter of simulating past episodes, that we can identify metacognitive mechanisms enabling episodic simulation to meet standards of reliability (...)
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  15. Episodic Memory, the Cotemporality Problem, and Common Sense.César Schirmer dos Santos - 2018 - Essays in Philosophy 19 (2):253-273.
    Direct realists about episodic memory claim that a rememberer has direct contact with a past event. However, how is it possible to be acquainted with an event that ceased to exist? That is the so-called cotemporality problem. The standard solution, proposed by Sven Bernecker, is to distinguish between the occurrence of an event and the existence of an event: an event ceases to occur without ceasing to exist. That is the eternalist solution for the cotemporality problem. Nevertheless, some (...)
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  16. Episodic memory and common sense: how far apart?Endel Tulving - 2002 - In Alan Baddeley, John Aggleton & Martin Conway, Episodic Memory: New Directions in Research : Originating from a Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society. Oxford University Press.
  17. Elements of Episodic Memory.Endel Tulving - 1983 - Oxford University Press.
    Elements of Episodic Memory is a classic text in the psychology literature. It had a significant influence on research in the area has been much sought after in recent years. Finally, it has now been made available again with this reissue, the text unchanged from the original.
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  18. Episodic memory, amnesia, and the hippocampal–anterior thalamic axis.John P. Aggleton & Malcolm W. Brown - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):425-444.
    By utilizing new information from both clinical and experimental (lesion, electrophysiological, and gene-activation) studies with animals, the anatomy underlying anterograde amnesia has been reformulated. The distinction between temporal lobe and diencephalic amnesia is of limited value in that a common feature of anterograde amnesia is damage to part of an comprising the hippocampus, the fornix, the mamillary bodies, and the anterior thalamic nuclei. This view, which can be traced back to Delay and Brion (1969), differs from other recent models in (...)
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  19. What is episodic memory if it is a natural kind?Sen Cheng & Markus Werning - 2016 - Synthese 193 (5):1345-1385.
    Colloquially, episodic memory is described as “the memory of personally experienced events”. Even though episodic memory has been studied in psychology and neuroscience for about six decades, there is still great uncertainty as to what episodic memory is. Here we ask how episodic memory should be characterized in order to be validated as a natural kind. We propose to conceive of episodic memory as a knowledge-like state that is identified (...)
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  20. Episodic memory and autonoesis: Uniquely human.Endel Tulving - 2005 - In Herbert S. Terrace & Janet Metcalfe, The Missing Link in Cognition: Origins of Self-Reflective Consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 3-56.
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    The mnemonic functions of episodic memory.Alexandria Boyle - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (3):327-349.
    Episodic memory is the form of memory involved in remembering personally experienced past events. Here, I address two questions about episodic memory’s function: what does episodic memory do for us, and why do we have it? Recent work addressing these questions has emphasized episodic memory’s role in imaginative simulation, criticizing the mnemonic view on which episodic memory is “for” remembering. In this paper, I offer a defense of the mnemonic (...)
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  22. Remembering past experiences: episodic memory, semantic memory and the epistemic asymmetry.Christoph Hoerl - 2018 - In Kourken Michaelian, Dorothea Debus & Denis Perrin, New Directions in the Philosophy of Memory. New York: Routledge. pp. 313-328.
    There seems to be a distinctive way in which we can remember events we have experienced ourselves, which differs from the capacity to retain information about events that we can also have when we have not experienced those events ourselves but just learned about them in some other way. Psychologists and increasingly also philosophers have tried to capture this difference in terms of the idea of two different types of memory: episodic memory and semantic memory. Yet, (...)
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    Spatial navigation, episodic memory, episodic future thinking, and theory of mind in children with autism spectrum disorder: evidence for impairments in mental simulation?Sophie E. Lind, Dermot M. Bowler & Jacob Raber - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:113592.
    This study explored spatial navigation alongside several other cognitive abilities that are thought to share common underlying neurocognitive mechanisms (e.g., the capacity for self-projection, scene construction, or mental simulation), and which we hypothesised may be impaired in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Twenty intellectually high-functioning children with ASD (with a mean age of ~8 years) were compared to 20 sex, age, IQ, and language ability matched typically developing children on a series of tasks to assess spatial navigation, episodic memory, (...)
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    Episodic Memory and Unrestricted Learning.Simon Alexander Burns Brown - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (1):90-110.
    Our thinking often uses rich memories of particular past events. Yet frequently we would do better to use other forms of memory. I show that existing accounts of the function of episodic memory cannot account for such cases, then develop an account which can. Roughly: rich representations of particular past events are required for Unrestricted Learning, learning which is not limited in how much of the world’s complexity it can capture; and episodic memory’s selection for (...)
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    Episodic Memory and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Non-human Animals: A Methodological Proposal.Gabriel Corda - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 26:133-158.
    The traditional conception of episodic memory, as a capacity that enables the conscious and personal re-experience of a past event, has led to methodological difficulties in attributing it to non-linguistic beings. The present work proposes to study the attribution of this capacity in non-human animals based on animal models of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For this purpose, evidence is presented suggesting that flashbacks, a characteristic symptom of PTSD, are a product of the episodic memory system. If (...)
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  26. Episodic Memory as Re-Experiential Memory: Kantian, Developmental, and Neuroscientific Currents.James Russell - 2014 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 5 (3):391-411.
    Recent work on the early development of episodic memory in my laboratory has been fuelled by the following assumption: if episodic memory is re-experiential memory then Kant’s analysis of the spatiotemporal nature of experience should constrain and positively influence theories of episodic memory development. The idea is that re-experiential memory will “inherit” these spatiotemporal features. On the basis of this assumption, Russell and Hanna (Mind and Language 27(1):29–54, 2012) proposed that (a) the (...)
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    Episodic memory in semantic dementia: Implications for the roles played by the perirhinal and hippocampal memory systems in new learning.Kim S. Graham & John R. Hodges - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):452-453.
    Aggleton & Brown (A&B) propose that the hippocampal-anterior thalamic and perirhinal-medial dorsal thalamic systems play independent roles in episodic memory, with the hippocampus supporting recollection-based memory and the perirhinal cortex, recognition memory. In this commentary we discuss whether there is experimental support for the A&B model from studies of long-term memory in semantic dementia.
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    Episodic memory and the feeling of pastness: from intentionalism to metacognition.Denis Perrin & André Sant’Anna - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-26.
    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest among philosophers of memory in the questions of how to characterize and to account for the temporal phenomenology of episodic memory. One prominent suggestion has been that episodic memory involves a feeling of pastness, the elaboration of which has given rise to two main approaches. On the intentionalist approach, the feeling of pastness is explained in terms of what episodic memory represents. In particular, Fernández (...)
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    Episodic Memory Assessment and Remediation in Normal and Pathological Aging Using Virtual Reality: A Mini Review.Valentina La Corte, Marco Sperduti, Kouloud Abichou & Pascale Piolino - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  30. Aphantasia, SDAM, and Episodic Memory.Lajos Brons - 2019 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 28:9-32.
    Episodic memory (EM) involves re-experiencing past experiences by means of mental imagery. Aphantasics (who lack mental imagery) and people with severely deficient autobiographical memory (SDAM) lack the ability to re-experience, which would imply that they don't have EM. However, aphantasics and people with SDAM have personal and affective memories, which are other defining aspects of EM (in addition to re-experiencing). This suggests that these supposed aspects of EM really are independent faculties or modules of memory, and (...)
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    Episodic memory: It's about time (and space).Lynn Nadel, Lee Ryan, Katrina Keil & Karen Putnam - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):463-464.
    Aggleton & Brown rightly point out the shortcomings of the medial temporal lobe hypothesis as an approach to anterograde amnesia. Their broader perspective is a necessary corrective, and one hopes it will be taken very seriously. Although they correctly note the dangers of conflating recognition and recall, they themselves make a similar mistake in discussing familiarity; we suggest an alternative approach. We also discuss implications of their view for an analysis of retrograde amnesia. The notion that there are two routes (...)
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    Episodic memory is not immune to error through misidentification: against Fernández.Kourken Michaelian - 2020 - Synthese 198 (10):9525-9543.
    The claim that episodic memory is immune to error through misidentification enjoys continuing popularity in philosophy. Psychological research on observer memory—usually defined as occurring when one remembers an event from a point of view other than that that from which he originally experienced it—would seem, on the face of it, to undermine the IEM claim. Relying on a certain view of memory content, Fernández, however, has provided an ingenious argument for the view that it does not. (...)
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    Episodic Memory, Simulated Future Planning, and their Evolution.Armin W. Schulz & Sarah Robins - 2023 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (3):811-832.
    The pressures that led to the evolution of episodic memory have recently seen much discussion, but a fully satisfactory account of them is still lacking. We seek to make progress in this debate by taking a step backward, identifying four possible ways that episodic memory could evolve in relation to simulationist future planning—a similar and seemingly related ability. After distinguishing each of these possibilities, the paper critically discusses existing accounts of the evolution of episodic (...). It then presents a novel argument in favor of the view that episodic memory is a by-product of the evolution of simulationist future planning. The paper ends by showing that this position allows for the maintenance of the traditional view that episodic memory operates on stored memory traces, as well as explaining a number of key features of episodic memory: its being subject to frequent and systematic errors, its neural co-location with the capacity for simulationist future planning, and the potential existence of non-human episodic memory. (shrink)
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    Episodic Memory: New Directions in Research : Originating from a Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society.Alan Baddeley, John Aggleton & Martin Conway (eds.) - 2002 - Oxford University Press.
    The term 'episodic memory' refers to our memory for unique, personal experiences, that we can date at some point in our past - our first day at school, the day we got married. It has again become a topic of great importance and interest to psychologists, neuroscientists, and philosophers. How are such memories stored in the brain, why do certain memories disappear (especially those from early in childhood), what causes false memories (memories of events we erroneously believe (...)
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    Episodic memory for human-like agents and human-like agents for episodic memory.Cyril Brom, Jiří Lukavský & Rudolf Kadlec - 2010 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 2 (2):227-244.
  36. The history of episodic memory.Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack - 2024 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 379:20230396.
    Over the course of his research, Endel Tulving offered a number of somewhat different characterizations of episodic memory. Do they indicate that he changed his mind over time as to what episodic memory is, or did his core understanding of the nature of episodic memory stay the same? In this article, we offer some support for the latter claim, and in particular for thinking that, throughout his life, Tulving took as a defining feature of (...)
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    Episodic memory must be grounded in reality in order to be useful in communication.Hartmut Blank - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Diminished episodic memory awareness in older adults: Evidence from feeling-of-knowing and recollection.Céline Souchay, Chris J. A. Moulin, David Clarys, Laurence Taconnat & Michel Isingrini - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (4):769-784.
    The ability to reflect on and monitor memory processes is one of the most investigated metamemory functions, and one of the important ways consciousnesses interacts with memory. The feeling-of-knowing is one task used to evaluate individual’s capacity to monitor their memory. We examined this reflective function of metacognition in older adults. We explored the contribution of metacognition to episodic memory impairment, in relation to the idea that older adults show a reduction in memory awareness (...)
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  39. Episodic memory and autonoetic consciousness: A first-person approach.John M. Gardiner - 2002 - In Alan Baddeley, John Aggleton & Martin Conway, Episodic Memory: New Directions in Research : Originating from a Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society. Oxford University Press. pp. 11-30.
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    Episodic memory and the witness trump card.Jeremy Henry & Carl Craver - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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  41. SINGULARISM about Episodic Memory.Nikola Andonovski - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (2):335-365.
    In the philosophy of memory, singularism is the view that episodic memories are singular mental states about unique personally experienced past events. In this paper, I present an empirical challenge to singularism. I examine three distinct lines of evidence from the psychology of memory, concerning general event memories, the transformation of memory traces and the minimized role temporal information plays in major psychological theories of episodic memory. I argue that singularist views will have a (...)
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    Episodic memory is as much about communicating as it is about relating to others.Alin Coman - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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  43. Episodic memory impairment in preclinical Alzheimer's disease.Brent J. Small & Backman & Lars - 2006 - In Hubert D. Zimmer, Axel Mecklinger & Ulman Lindenberger, Handbook of Binding and Memory: Perspectives From Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press.
  44. Episodic memory: insights from semantic dementia.John R. Hodges & Kim S. Graham - 2002 - In Alan Baddeley, John Aggleton & Martin Conway, Episodic Memory: New Directions in Research : Originating from a Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society. Oxford University Press.
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    Episodic memory as an explanation for the insurance hypothesis in obesity.Kirsty Mary Davies, Lucy Gaia Cheke & Nicola Susan Clayton - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40:e113.
    In evaluating the insurance hypothesis as an explanation for obesity, we propose one missing piece of the puzzle. Our suggested explanation for why individuals report food insecurity is that an individual may have an impaired episodic ability to plan for the future.
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    Generic episodic memories.Megan Entwistle - 2025 - Synthese 205 (1):1-26.
    Remembering one’s past generically is a rather ordinary feature of mental life. I can recall my daily commute to campus, from my past perspective on my bicycle, without thereby picking out one specific occasion on which I made that commute. Memories of this form have received little theoretical attention in the philosophical literature, in part because it is difficult to see how to divorce _episodic_ modes of representation from representational _uniqueness_. The current paper makes progress on the question of how (...)
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    Episodic memory: Mental time travel or a quantum “memory wave” function?Jeremy R. Manning - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (4):711-725.
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    The sociocultural functions of episodic memory.Robyn Fivush - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
    The functional use of episodic memories to claim epistemic truth must be placed within sociocultural contexts in which certain truths are privileged. Episodic memories are shared, evaluated, and understood within sociocultural interactions, creating both individual and group identities. These negotiated identities provide the foundation from which epistemic claims to truth can be made.
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  49. Autism, episodic memory, and moral exemplars.Nathan Stout - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (6):858-870.
    This paper presents a challenge for exemplar theories of moral concepts. Some have proposed that we acquire moral concepts by way of exemplars of actions that are prohibited as well as of actions that are required, and we classify newly encountered actions based on their similarity to these exemplars. Judgments of permissibility then follow from these exemplar-based classifications. However, if this were true, then we would expect that individuals who lacked, or were deficient in, the capacity to form or access (...)
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    Episodic memory training in elderly: A systematic review.André Rocha Mendonça, Lucas Machado Loureiro, Carlos Eduardo Nórte & Jesus Landeira-Fernandez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Introduction:Episodic memory is a cognitive process that allows the recall of experiences, learning, and the pursuit of future goals. During the aging process, episodic memory declines negatively, impacting social and psychological aspects in the elderly. Such intervention strategies as cognitive training are non-pharmacological ways of reducing these losses.ObjectiveWe systematically reviewed studies of the cognitive training of episodic memory in healthy elderly individuals and elderly individuals with clinical conditions.MethodWe systematically searched the PubMed, PsycNET, Web of (...)
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