Results for ' De Helmbold'

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  1.  15
    Zwei Entwicklungslinien einer Forschungstechnologie: Zur Geschichte der Analytischen Ultrazentrifugen und Gasultrazentrifugen.Bernd Helmbold & Christian Forstner - 2015 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 23 (3-4):177-201.
    In a historical perspective the ultracentrifuge is often taken as perfect example of a research technology according to Shinn and Joerges. Research technologies are defined by a generic device, its own metrology and the interstitiality of the historical actors connected with the device. In our paper we give a detailed analysis of the development of the ultracentrifuge and thereby reveal two different lines of development: analytical ultracentrifuges and gas ultracentrifuges used for isotope separation. Surprisingly, we could not find any interstitial (...)
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  2. Reconciling Rigor and Intuition.Silvia De Toffoli - 2020 - Erkenntnis 86 (6):1783-1802.
    Criteria of acceptability for mathematical proofs are field-dependent. In topology, though not in most other domains, it is sometimes acceptable to appeal to visual intuition to support inferential steps. In previous work :829–842, 2014; Lolli, Panza, Venturi From logic to practice, Springer, Berlin, 2015; Larvor Mathematical cultures, Springer, Berlin, 2016) my co-author and I aimed at spelling out how topological proofs work on their own terms, without appealing to formal proofs which might be associated with them. In this article, I (...)
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  3. Seeing and inviting participation in autistic interactions.Hanne De Jaegher - forthcoming - Transcultural Psychiatry.
    What does it take to see how autistic people participate in social interactions? And what does it take to support and invite more participation? Western medicine and cognitive science tend to think of autism mainly in terms of social and communicative deficits. But research shows that autistic people can interact with a skill and sophistication that are hard to see when starting from a deficit idea. Research also shows that not only autistic people, but also their non-autistic interaction partners can (...)
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  4. A Modal Account of Essence.Michael De - 2020 - Metaphysics 3 (1):17-32.
    According to the simple modal account of essence, an object has a property essentially just in case it has it in every world in which it exists. As many have observed, the simple modal account is implausible for a number of reasons. This has led to various proposals for strengthening the account, for example, by adding a restriction to the intrinsic or sparse properties. I argue, however, that these amendments to the simple modal account themselves fail. Drawing on lessons from (...)
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    From Shattered Goals to Meaning in Life: Life Crafting in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Elisabeth M. de Jong, Niklas Ziegler & Michaéla C. Schippers - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Saving the armchair by experiment: what works in economics doesn’t work in philosophy.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (8):2483-2508.
    Financial incentives, learning, group consultation, and increased experimental control are among the experimental techniques economists have successfully used to deflect the behavioral challenge posed by research conducted by such scholars as Tversky and Kahneman. These techniques save the economic armchair to the extent that they align laypeople judgments with economic theory by increasing cognitive effort and reflection in experimental subjects. It is natural to hypothesize that a similar strategy might work to address the experimental or restrictionist challenge to armchair philosophy. (...)
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  7.  27
    Effects of Self-Regulation vs. External Regulation on the Factors and Symptoms of Academic Stress in Undergraduate Students.Jesús de la Fuente, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Jose Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Paul Sander, Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova & Lucía Zapata - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The SRL vs. ERL theory has shown that the combination of levels of student self-regulation and regulation from the teaching context produces linear effects on achievement emotions and coping strategies. However, a similar effect on stress factors and symptoms of university students has not yet been demonstrated. The aim of this study was to test this prediction. It was hypothesized that the level of student self-regulation (low/medium/high), in interaction with the level of external regulation from teaching (low/medium/high), would also produce (...)
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    “Self-Variation”: A Problem of Method in Husserl’s Phenomenology.Daniele De Santis - 2020 - Husserl Studies 36 (3):255-269.
    This paper aims at offering a concise, yet systematic, presentation of the Husserlian method of “self-variation” in connection to eidetic variation sic et simpliciter. After a brief review of the different meanings of this method in Husserl’s writings, I will focus on the way in which Husserl employs it to bring the eidos “ego” to the fore. To this end, I will take into account the specific subject matter of self-variation by resorting to a twofold concept of essence as well (...)
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  9. Differential Effects of Self- vs. External-Regulation on Learning Approaches, Academic Achievement, and Satisfaction in Undergraduate Students.Jesús de la Fuente, Paul Sander, Douglas F. Kauffman & Meryem Yilmaz Soylu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The aim of this research was to determine the degree to which undergraduate students’ learning approach, academic achievement and satisfaction were determined by the combination of an intrapersonal factor (self-regulation) and a interpersonal factor (contextual or regulatory teaching). The hypothesis proposed that greater combined regulation (internal and external) would be accompanied by more of a deep approach to learning, more satisfaction and higher achievement, while a lower level of combined regulation would determine a surface approach, less satisfaction and lower achievement. (...)
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    Free Will and Quantum Mechanics.Mario De Caro & Hilary Putnam - 2020 - The Monist 103 (4):415-426.
    In the last few decades, the relevance of quantum mechanics to the free-will debate has been discussed at length, especially in relation to the prospects of libertarianism. Basing his interpretation on Anscombe’s seminal work, Putnam argued in 1979 that, given that quantum mechanical indeterminacy is holistic at the macrolevel—i.e., it is not traceable to atomistic events such as quantum jumps of single atoms—it can provide libertarians with the kind of freedom they seek. As shown in this article, however, Putnam ultimately (...)
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  11.  43
    Euclid’s Common Notions and the Theory of Equivalence.Vincenzo De Risi - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (2):301-324.
    The “common notions” prefacing the Elements of Euclid are a very peculiar set of axioms, and their authenticity, as well as their actual role in the demonstrations, have been object of debate. In the first part of this essay, I offer a survey of the evidence for the authenticity of the common notions, and conclude that only three of them are likely to have been in place at the times of Euclid, whereas others were added in Late Antiquity. In the (...)
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    The Art of Revolt: Snowden, Assange, Manning.Geoffroy de Lagasnerie - 2017 - Stanford University Press.
    More than mere whistleblowers, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Chelsea Manning are exemplary figures who are inventing new political practices and calling old conceptions of the state and citizenship into question.
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  13. Harm as Negative Prudential Value: A Non-Comparative Account of Harm.Tanya de Villiers-Botha - 2020 - SATS 21 (1):21-38.
    In recent attempts to define ‘harm’, the most promising approach has often been thought to be the counterfactual comparative account of harm. Nevertheless, this account faces serious difficulties. Moreover, it has been argued that ‘harm’ cannot be defined without reference to a substantive theory of well-being, which is itself a fraught issue. This has led to the call for the concept to simply be dropped from the moral lexicon altogether. I reject this call, arguing that the non-comparative approach to defining (...)
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  14.  33
    Ecological Psychology and Enactivism: A Normative Way Out From Ontological Dilemmas.Manuel de Pinedo García - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  15.  81
    The Ethics of Genetic Cognitive Enhancement: Gene Editing or Embryo Selection?Marcelo de Araujo - 2020 - Philosophies 5 (3):20.
    Recent research with human embryos, in different parts of the world, has sparked a new debate on the ethics of genetic human enhancement. This debate, however, has mainly focused on gene-editing technologies, especially CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats). Less attention has been given to the prospect of pursuing genetic human enhancement by means of IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) in conjunction with in vitro gametogenesis, genome-wide association studies, and embryo selection. This article examines the different ethical implications of the (...)
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    Williamson On the Margins of Knowledge: A Criticism.Ciro De Florio & Vincenzo Fano - 2020 - Foundations of Science 28 (1):273-285.
    In this paper, we argue that Williamson’s arguments against luminosity and the KK principle do not work, at least in a scientific context. Both of these arguments are based on the presence of a so-called “buffer zone” between situations in which one is in a position to know p and situations in which one is in a position to know ¬p. In those positions belonging to the buffer zone ¬p holds, but one is not in a position to know ¬p. (...)
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    Virtue Ethics in the Military: An Attempt at Completeness.Peer de Vries - 2020 - Journal of Military Ethics 19 (3):170-185.
    This article elaborates on Alasdair MacIntyre’s virtue ethics, exploring the plausibility of his claim that each praxis has its own appropriate set of virtues. The exploration will be applied to what I term military praxis. Firstly, the article analyses what is meant by the concept of a praxis and how a military praxis can be defined, as well as the wider purpose of military praxis. From there it proceeds to the “internal goods”, the desires, to be realized in joining the (...)
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  18. Addressed Blame and Hostility.Benjamin De Mesel - 2020 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 18 (1):111-119.
    Benjamin Bagley ('Properly Proleptic Blame', Ethics 127, July 2017) sets out a dilemma for addressed blame, that is, blame addressed to its targets as an implicit demand for recognition. The dilemma arises when we ask whether offenders would actually appreciate this demand, via a sound deliberative route from their existing motivations. If they would, their offense reflects a deliberative mistake. If they wouldn't, addressing them is futile, and blame's emotional engagement seems unwarranted. Bagley wants to resolve the dilemma in such (...)
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  19.  20
    Uptake in action.Maximilian De Gaynesford - 2017 - In Savas L. Tsohatzidis, Interpreting J. L. Austin: Critical Essays. Cambridge University Press.
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    Germline Gene Editing: Minding the Past and the Future.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (8):36-38.
    Volume 20, Issue 8, August 2020, Page 36-38.
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  21.  65
    Fair trade in building digital knowledge repositories: the knowledge economy as if researchers mattered.Giovanni De Grandis - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (4):549-563.
    Both a significant body of literature and the case study presented here show that digital knowledge repositories struggle to attract the needed level of data and knowledge contribution that they need to be successful. This happens also to high profile and prestigious initiatives. The paper argues that the reluctance of researchers to contribute can only be understood in light of the highly competitive context in which research careers need to be built nowadays and how this affects researchers’ quality of life. (...)
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  22. Metaphilosophy: Defining Latin American and Latinx Philosophy,.Lori Gallegos de Castillo & Francisco Gallegos - 2019 - In Sanchez Eli, Introduction to Latin American and Latinx Philosophy.
    Some of the central questions that have been explored by Latin American and Latinx philosophers are questions of metaphilosophy. "Metaphilosophy" refers to philosophical reflections on the nature of philosophy itself. For example, we might ask: What is the purpose of doing philosophy? How does philosophy compare and contrast with other disciplines, such as science, theology, or literature? And what is the best way of categorizing the different kinds and traditions of philosophy? These are philosophical questions about philosophy as an activity (...)
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    On the application of compression-based metrics to identifying anomalous behaviour in web traffic.Gonzalo de la Torre-Abaitua, Luis F. Lago-Fernández & David Arroyo - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (4):546-557.
    In cybersecurity, there is a call for adaptive, accurate and efficient procedures to identifying performance shortcomings and security breaches. The increasing complexity of both Internet services and traffic determines a scenario that in many cases impedes the proper deployment of intrusion detection and prevention systems. Although it is a common practice to monitor network and applications activity, there is not a general methodology to codify and interpret the recorded events. Moreover, this lack of methodology somehow erodes the possibility of diagnosing (...)
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  24.  11
    Assessing and Mapping Reading and Writing Motivation in Third to Eight Graders: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective.Fien De Smedt, Amélie Rogiers, Sofie Heirweg, Emmelien Merchie & Hilde Van Keer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:552620.
    The twofold aim of this study was to substantiate the validity of the Self-Regulation Questionnaire-Reading Motivation and Self-Regulation Questionnaire-Writing Motivation for third to eight graders and to map motivational trends in elementary and secondary education students’ academic and recreational reading and writing. More specifically, we adopted the innovative and coherent theoretical framework of the Self-Determination Theory to study qualitatively different motives for reading and writing and to examine the relationships between them. In total, 2,343 students from third to eighth grade (...)
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    Der Meister der Wesensschau Acts of Translation in Husserl’s Plato Without Platonism.Nicolas de Warren - 2020 - Husserl Studies 36 (3):271-286.
    The aim of this paper is understand Husserl’s “Platonism” through an understanding of how the method of eidetic variation and a phenomenological conception of essences reformulates by means of a conceptual and historical translation Plato’s doctrine of essences. In arguing that a theory of essences and method for the discovery of essences proves indispensable to a proper conception of phenomenology, Husserl positions himself as a philosophical “friend of essences” without thereby adopting a Platonic conception of essences. In addition to a (...)
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    The COVID-19 Pandemic and Ethics in Mexico Through a Gender Lens.Amaranta Manrique De Lara & María De Jesús Medina Arellano - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):613-617.
    In Mexico, significant ethical and social issues have been raised by the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the most pressing issues are the extent of restrictive measures, the reciprocal duties to healthcare workers, the allocation of scarce resources, and the need for research. While policy and ethical frameworks are being developed to face these problems, the gender perspective has been largely overlooked in most of the issues at stake. Domestic violence is the most prevalent form of violence against women, which can (...)
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  27. The Main Dimensions of Sport Personality Traits: A Lexical Approach.Reinout E. De Vries - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    To uncover the main dimensions of sport personality traits, a lexical study was conducted. In the first two phases, 321 adjectives denoting the way somebody practices sports were selected. In the third phase, 555 respondents self-rated the adjectives. Congruence analyses provided evidence of six factors, five of which are sport personality trait factors plus one physical individual difference factor. Marker scales from the sport personality trait factors show convergent correlations with the generic HEXACO personality obtained years earlier. Furthermore, meaningful relations (...)
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  28. Conjunctive and Disjunctive Limits: Abstract Logics and Modal Operators.Edelcio G. de Souza & Alexandre Costa-Leite - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (3-4):66-71.
    Departing from basic concepts in abstract logics, this paper introduces two concepts: conjunctive and disjunctive limits. These notions are used to formalize levels of modal operators.
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  29. What Philosophers say about Philosophy.Ulrich De Balbian - manuscript
    Hundreds of short, one sentence descriptions of what famous philosophers say philosophy is or is about. Useful for children, pupils, interested in philosophy.
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    De nostri temporis studiorum ratione.Giambattista Vico & Vincenzo De Ruvo - 1941 - Padova,: CEDAM, Casa editrice dott. A. Milani. Edited by Ruvo, Vincenzo de & [From Old Catalog].
    Electronic text edition of Giambattista Vico, De nostri temporis studiorum ratione, in Latin. It includes the page numbers of the original edition of 1709, available among the online resources of the ISPF web portal
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  31. Consciousness's conceptualizations.Ulrich de Balbian - manuscript
    Exploration of phenomena that need to be considered so as to conceptualize consciousness types of different biological organisms or living things, levels, dimensions, aims, types, stages of the process of consciousness and organs involved.
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  32. Prefacio.Adolfo García de la Sienra & Pablo Lorenzano - 2015 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 5:1--4.
  33.  77
    Improving Production of Treated and Untreated Verbs in Aphasia: A Meta-Analysis.Vânia de Aguiar, Roelien Bastiaanse & Gabriele Miceli - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  34.  71
    References to women in Plato’s Timaeus.Pia De Simone - 2020 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 30:03035-03035.
    This work aims to investigate the occurrences of the female lexicon, in particular γυνή and μήτηρ, in the Timaeus, to bring out Plato's position regarding women that can be deduced from the hermeneutics of the examined passages. It is necessary to consider all the problems related to Plato's writings, including the argumentative structures used and the complexity of some concepts. The occurrences in the Timaeus, although not numerically conspicuous, are significant in terms of content, given the very nature of this (...)
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  35.  61
    “An Ocean of Difficult Problems” Husserl and Jean Hering’s Dissertation on the A Priori in R. H. Lotze.Daniele De Santis - 2020 - Husserl Studies 37 (1):19-38.
    The present paper provides the first presentation of Jean Hering’s dissertation Lotzes Lehre vom Apriori in light of Husserl’s assessment of Lotze’s theory of knowledge in the Logik. After a preliminary discussion of some of the main aspects of Husserl’s dismissal of both the metaphysical presuppositions and the absurd consequence of Lotze’s stance on knowledge, the case will be made for considering Hering’s critical approach to Lotze’s view on the a priori as a further development of Husserl’s position. In the (...)
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    Experimentation, “models” and the turn to practice: Isabelle F. Peschard and Bas C. Van Fraassen (Eds.): The experimental side of modeling. University of Minnesota Press, 2018, 336pp, $40 PB.Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira - 2020 - Metascience 29 (3):395-398.
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    Chthonic Restitutions: Madness and Oblivion.Javier Berzal de Dios - 2020 - Substance 49 (3):3-18.
    Abstract. This essay theorizes madness as a chthonic emplacement to dishevel existentially insufficient and detached interpretations of disorder. Reflecting on Nietzsche’s emphasis on poetry over systematic thought, I take up Lorca and Baudelaire’s visceral language on death and the earthly to revisit chthonic myths as expressing an underworld uncontrollable sphere beyond systematicity. Written from the phenomenologically precarious position of my own mental illness, this essay develops a sincere rhetoric to approach the chthonic from within rather than at sterilized distance. This (...)
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  38.  27
    A Non-Spatial Reality.Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (1):143-170.
    It is generally assumed, and usually taken for granted, that reality is fully contained in space. However, when taking a closer look at the strange behavior of the entities of the micro-world, we are forced to abandon such a prejudice and recognize that space is just a temporary crystallization of a small theatre for reality, where the material entities can take a place and meet with each other. More precisely, phenomena like quantum entanglement, quantum interference effects and quantum indistinguishability, when (...)
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  39.  34
    Attuning film and philosophy: the space-time continuum.Maximilian De Gaynesford - 2023 - In Craig Fox & Britt Harrison, Philosophy of Film Without Theory. Palgrave Macmillan.
    Ordinarily, what we experience does not jump from one place or time to another—we have to pass through all the intermediate times and places. But in films, what we experience can jump in both dimensions, both separately and together. This phenomenon has been memorably described in film criticism by Rudolph Arnheim and it has been deployed philosophically by Suzanne Langer and Colin McGinn. But discussion of space-time discontinuity remains hampered by the lack of attunement between film critical and philosophical investigations. (...)
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  40.  26
    The old quarrel.Maximilian De Gaynesford - unknown
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    Biography and Tragedy in Plutarch.Phillip de Lacy - 1952 - American Journal of Philology 73 (2):159.
  42.  13
    La volontarietà dell'azione tra Antichità e Medioevo.Fulvia De Luise & Irene Zavattero (eds.) - 2019 - Trento: Università degli studi di Trento, Dipartimento di lettere e filosofia.
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    Politici aan het woord.Christ’L. De Landtsheer & Dieter Vertessen - 2010 - Res Publica 52 (2):173-197.
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    Plutarch gegen Kolotes; seine Schrift "Adversus Colotem" als philosophiegeschichtliche Quelle.Phillip de Lacy & Rolf Westman - 1956 - American Journal of Philology 77 (4):433.
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    Moral and Conventional Violations in Childhood: Brazilians Tolerate Less but Expect More Punishment than U.S. Americans.Susana K. de M. Oliveira, Deise M. L. F. Mendes, Ebenézer A. de Oliveira & Luciana F. Pessôa - 2020 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 20 (3-4):282-303.
    Brazilian and US American children were compared for differences in tolerance and punishment expectancy. We hypothesized that participants would be less tolerant and more punishing of moral than conventional violations; tolerance and punishment expectancy would relate with age; Brazilians would tolerate less and expect more punishment than US Americans; and social domain would moderate effects of age and nationality. The sample had 129 matched children from Brazil and the USA. Moral/conventional-violation vignettes were used. Mixed-model GLMs suggested that children were less (...)
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    Ensino Religioso em contexto democrático: debate nas escolas públicas contempor'neas.Aurenéa Maria de Oliveira - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (55):15-15.
    This article aims to examine the contemporary presence of religions in the Brazilian public space, having as its axis of debate in this process the Religious Teaching. In this aspect, it is in dialogue with the secular dimension of educational establishments, specifically public, questioning the relevance or not of the discipline in question in them and emphasizes, along the way, reflections that can broaden this discussion, especially with the curriculum. Thus, it is assumed that the current Religious Teaching curriculum advocates (...)
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  47.  21
    The Ethics of Writing Services for Graduate Students.Becky De Oliveira - 2019 - Teaching Ethics 19 (2):245-254.
    One area of ethical concern in higher education is writing services for graduate students, which can range from simple proofreading to rewriting content for flow, coherence, and structure to extensive content creation akin to ghostwriting. There are various ways to look at the use of writing services: 1) as a clear violations of ethics, presenting the student as a more capable writer than he or she is; 2) as a “necessary evil” resulting from greater numbers of individuals with inadequate writing (...)
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    In Search of Authenticity, Happiness and the Good: A Collection of Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy.Craig J. N. De Paulo, Catherine Conroy De Paulo & Patrick Messina - 2020 - Dubuque, IA, USA: Kendall Hunt. Edited by Craig J. N. De Paulo, Catherine Conroy De Paulo & Patrick Messina.
    An anthology of writings from Plato and Aristotle, including an introductory essay on the history of ancient Greek philosophy and Greek Glossary.
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    Bestuurskracht binnenshuis. Doorwerking van het Gemeentedecreet op bestuurskracht van Vlaamse gemeenten.Filip De Rynck, Ellen Olislagers & Johan Ackaert - 2009 - Res Publica 51 (3):303-331.
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    Expediente - Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, v. 18, n. 55, jan.-abr. 2020.Carlos Frederico Barboza de Souza - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (55):5-5.
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