Results for ' Dasein'

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  1.  32
    Dasein disclosed: John Haugeland's Heidegger.John Haugeland - 2013 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Joseph Rouse.
    At his death in 2010, the Anglo-American analytic philosopher John Haugeland left an unfinished manuscript summarizing his life-long engagement with Heidegger’s Being and Time. As illuminating as it is iconoclastic, Dasein Disclosed is not just Haugeland’s Heidegger—this sweeping reevaluation is a major contribution to philosophy in its own right.
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  2. “存在”、“此在”与“是非”——兼论庄子、海德格尔对人的存在问题观点之异同(“Sein”, “Dasein” and “Shi Fei”: Zhuang Zi and Heidgger’s Opinions on the Issue of Human Existence).Keqian Xu - 1999 - 南京师大学报(Journal of Nanjing Normal University) 1999 (6):25-30.
    The thorny problem, which we are confronted with in translating the term of “Sein”(Being) from western Philosophy into Chinese, highlights the ambiguity, paradoxy and vagueness of the issue of Sein from a specific viewpoint. Although there is no exact equivalent in Chinese for the word of “Sein”, we use several different words to express the meanings consisted in the issue of “Sein”. By comparison we may find that what is discussed by Zhuang Zi using the terms of “Shi” and “Fei” (...)
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    Vom Dasein Gottes.Franz Brentano - 1929 - Hamburg,: Meiner. Edited by Alfred Kastil.
    Äußerliche Argumente für die Behauptung, daß es gar keiner Beweise für das Dasein Gottes bedürfe . . . Leichtigkeit, mit der die Kinder den Glauben an Gott annehmen, und Übereinstimmung aller Völker in ihm deuten darauf, daß er priori ...
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  4. Dialogical Dasein: Heidegger on "Being-with," "Discourse," and "Solicitude".Bradley Warfield - 2016 - Janus Head 15 (1):63-85.
    In this paper, I shall show how Heidegger’s notions of Dasein’s “Being-with” (Mitsein), “discourse” (Rede), and “solicitude” (Fursorge) illustrate how he has a conception of the dialogical in Being and Time. There are at least three advantages to proposing that Heidegger is a dialogist in Being and Time. First, this paradigm offers an alternative, and more perspicuous, vocabulary for describing the discursive nature of Dasein’s Being-in-the-world as a Being-with others. Second, it provides a better way of recognizing and (...)
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    The dasein of peasant girls during the violence in colombia.María Victoria Uribe - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68:150-162.
    RESUMEN El texto explora, en mujeres mayores de 80 años, la experiencia vivida durante el pe ríodo conocido como La Violencia en Colombia. Se examina el "trauma" que, según la autora, se manifiesta como "rayones", lo que hace difícil traducirlo o interpretarlo, porque solo se percibe a través de la escucha. Se estudia lo que M. Heidegger exploró como "ser-ahí" y "ser-en-el-mundo", esto es, el estar lanzados al mundo en un de terminado contexto donde construimos nuestra subjetividad y aprendemos a (...)
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    Δύναµις and Dasein, Ἐνέργεια and Ereignis.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2018 - Research in Phenomenology 48 (3):409-432.
    The “destructive” appropriation of the Aristotelian concepts of δύναµις and ἐνέργεια played a central role in Martin Heidegger’s own reflection on the meaning of being. While this has been generally known for some time, it is only now that we can understand the full scope, complexity and evolving character of this appropriation. One reason is the fairly recent publication of notes and protocols for seminars Heidegger led on Aristotle as late as the 1940s and 1950s. Another is the existence of (...)
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    The anthropologization of dasein-psyche’s being by methods of neurophilosophy.O. A. Bazaluk - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 18:7-19.
    The purpose of the article is to reveal the anthropologization of Dasein-psyche’s being by methods of neurophilosophy. The anthropologization of Dasein-psyche’s being by methods of neurophilosophy allows considering the noogenesis from the perspective of philosophical traditions, which is much richer in comparison with the history of scientific knowledge about the psychology of meanings. The being of Dasein-psyche in the meaning of "philosopher’s soul" was firstly mentioned by Plato in "Phaedo". The anthropologization of Dasein-psyche’s being reveals the (...)
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    Bodily Dasein and Chinese Script Components: Uncovering Husserlian/merleau-pontian Connections.Kwan Tze-wan - 2017 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2017 (2):178-207.
    In the Shuowen, one of the earliest comprehensive character dictionaries of ancient China, when discussing where the Chinese characters derive their structural components, Xu Shen proposed the dual constitutive principle of “adopting proximally from the human body, and distally from things around.” This dual emphasis of “body” and “things around” corresponds largely to the phenomenological issues of body or corporeality on the one hand, and lifeworld on the other. If we borrow Heidegger’s definition of Dasein as Being-in-the world, we (...)
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    Dasein y auto-apropiación. El tiempo como constitutivo de nuestra realidad.Felipe Alberto Johnson Muñoz - 2018 - Co-herencia 15 (29):93-120.
    Este artículo se propone exponer el fenómeno del existir humano, denominado por Heidegger “Dasein”, en íntima relación con el problema de la constitución de la realidad. Para ello, se entenderá lo real como aquella multiplicidad de entes con los que la vida se confronta diariamente. En este sentido, se plantea que esta multiplicidad no pertenece a lo percibido, sino que deviene más bien de la estructura de la percepción sensible. Mediante advertencias de Heidegger en torno a la filosofía kantiana (...)
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    Dasein und Bestimmung: Kants Grund-Problem.Heinz Eidam - 2000 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Philosophie fragt nach dem Verhältnis von Sein und Denken, von Dasein und Bestimmung. Der frühe Kant begegnet diesem Grundproblem der Philosophie in der Form, wie sie durch die rationalistische Schulmetaphysik geprägt wurde. Ausgehend von der Erkenntnis, dass Dasein keine Bestimmung, kein Prädikat ist, sondern die absolute Position einer Sache, greift er in die onto-theologische Diskussion seiner Zeit ein und entwickelt aus der Differenzierung zwischen Real- und Erkenntnisgründen seinen eigenen philosophischen Ansatz. Der Autor zeichnet Kants Ringen um diese philosophische (...)
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    Das Dasein Und Das Ur-Ich: Heideggers Position hinsichtlich des Problems des Ur-Ich bei Husserl.Wen-Sheng Wang - 1994 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Diese Arbeit wirft neues Licht auf das Verhältnis zwischen dem späten Husserl und dem frühen Heidegger. Der Schwerpunkt liegt in den Rückbezügen auf die epistemische Position Husserls, die den Vergleich vorbereiten. Der Autor liefert vor allem in der Analyse des Evidenzproblems besondere Ansatzpunkte für weitere Untersuchungen. Grundlegend ist die Unterscheidung zwischen der auf das Ur-Ich bezogenen epistemischen Genesis und der auf das Vor-Ich bezogenen ontologischen Genesis, denen entsprechend zwei gegensätzliche Verhältnisse zwischen dem Zweitbewußtsein und dem kinästhetischen Bewußtsein entstehen. Konsequent gelangt (...)
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    Dasein Und Raum: Philosophische Untersuchungen Zum Verhältnis von Raumerlebnis, Raumtheorie Und Gelebtem Dasein.Walter Gölz - 1970 - Tübingen,: De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Dasein und Raum" verfügbar.
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  13. Dasein's struggle with 'others'.Josephine A. Seguna - 2010 - Emergent Australasian Philosophers 3 (1).
    Dasein’s struggle is an investigation of the writings of Martin Heidegger to consider whether his thoughts and beliefs would be useful and / or insightful in addressing contemporary society and its discriminatory practices towards disabled people. Heidegger‟s basic existential being Dasein, is in constant interaction and interconnection with others as it negotiates its best possibilities of Being-in-the-world. This pursuit of an „authentic‟ existence is interpreted as a struggle for individuality, acceptance, engagement and resistance to social conformity and anonymity. (...)
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    Dasein and World: Heidegger’s Reconceiving of the Transcendental After Husserl.Niall Keane - 2020 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 1 (3):265-287.
    The following examines Heidegger’s analysis of world and Dasein from a transcendental perspective. It is argued that Heidegger’s reflections on the interconnected themes of world and Dasein reveal the tensions that exist between the transcendental claims before and after Being and Time and the analysis of worldliness. It begins by looking at Heidegger’s early analysis of Husserl’s critique of psychologism and naturalism, assessing what this tells us about Heidegger’s analysis of world and nature. It subsequently addresses Heidegger’s transformation (...)
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  15. Intersubjectivity of Dasein in Heidegger’s Being and Time: How Authenticity is a Return to Community.K. M. Stroh - 2015 - Human Studies 38 (2):243-259.
    This essay discusses an alternative interpretation of the term “Dasein” as Heidegger uses it in Being and Time and, in particular, the possibility that Dasein is meant to contain an inherent form of intersubjectivity to which we must “return” in order to achieve authenticity. In doing so, I build on the work of John Haugeland and his interpretation of Dasein as a mass term, while exploring the implications such an interpretation has on Heidegger’s conception of “authenticity”. Ultimately, (...)
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  16. Destruktion og Dasein i ”Sein und Zeit”.Jens Kristian Larsen - 2007 - Filosofiske Studier 108 (108):1-18.
    En tolkning af “Sein und Zeit” (herefter SuZ) kræver en afklaring af værensspørgsmålets rolle i værket, thi holdningen hertil bestemmer vurderingen af de mange enkeltanalyser, der indgår deri. Essayets tese er, at værensspørgsmålet er bærende i hele SuZ – hvilket ikke er så indlysende, som det måske synes. En række tolkninger har søgt at vise, at værensspørgsmålet er et pseudo-spørgsmål, der bør glemmes, men at de enkelte analyser i SuZ i sig selv er interessante . Andre tolkninger går ud fra, (...)
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  17. Dasein's Spatiality and the Possibility of Being-in-the-world.Suraj Chaudhary - 2018 - In Heidegger Circle Proceedings. pp. 60-67.
    Interpretations of Heidegger’s discussion of space in Being and Time have predominantly focused on two related themes: Heidegger’s attempt to ground spatiality in temporality and the problem of embodiment. Little direct attention, however, has been given to the role Heidegger’s discussion of spatiality plays in his analysis of Dasein’s Being-in-the-world. This paper pursues the thesis that Heidegger’s account of Being-in-the-world, which is meant to avoid a subject-object dichotomy by representing a unitary phenomenon, falls prey to a charge of subjectivism (...)
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    The Destitution of Dasein.Mahon O'Brien - 2022 - In Luce Irigaray (ed.), Challenging a Fictitious Neutrality. Palgrave. pp. 13 - 72.
    In recent work Irigaray has continued to meditate on the myopic (we might say ‘monadic’) focus of the Western tradition when it comes to its failure to acknowledge sexuate difference. Irigaray has successfully diagnosed the patriarchally over-determined nature of that tradition masquerading behind a façade of objectivity and neutrality in ways that continue to open up interpretive and critical possibilities in terms of reading the canon today. In some of her work, Irigaray levels a powerful challenge against Heidegger’s conception of (...)
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    Sobre la anfibología del Dasein. En torno a la auto-lectura heideggeriana en sus escritos privados (1936-1944).César Gómez Algarra - 2022 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 55 (2):293-310.
    En este artículo nos gustaría analizar en detalle la transformación del sentido del Dasein como esencia del ser humano, particularmente en los escritos privados de los años 1930-1940. Nuestra hipótesis de trabajo es que, a través de la relectura de su propia obra, y para enfrentarse a las interpretaciones más “antropológicas” de su filosofía, Heidegger radicaliza sus conceptos en el marco de la historia de la ser y del pensar del Ereignis. Por esta vía, y en vistas a pensar (...)
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  20. Inauthentic Dasein and Its Relation to a "Chinese-like 'Constancy'".Irena Cronin - 2013 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):81-86.
    It has long been theorized that Heidegger’s idea for Dasein was highly influenced by the Chinese notion of the Dao. This is due to a misinterpretation on behalf of Heideggerian scholars and others of what the Dao represents. In fact, Heidegger, in explicating what he thought to be “the most extreme inversion of φύσης-ουσία [phusis-ousia],” made this equal to “Chinese-like ‘constancy,’” which is the basis of the Dao. Taking what Heidegger interpreted phusis to be (derived from Aristotelian metaphysics and (...)
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  21.  40
    Dasein's Fulfillment: The Intentionality of Authenticity.Leslie MacAvoy - unknown
    The existential analytic of Being and Time is set within the frame of the Seinsfrage. This question arises for Heidegger out of his critical engagement with Husserl's phenomenology. More careful attention to Heidegger's project as a phenomenological one reveals that Dasein, the entity who asks the Seinsfrage and who always has a pre-ontological understanding of Being, is also intentional. Dasein's existentiality is an intentionality. I will argue that inauthenticity and authenticity may be fruitfully understood in terms of the (...)
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    Dasein, Existence and Death.Carol J. White - 1984 - Philosophy Today 28 (1):52-65.
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    Dasein : Erkennen Und Handeln: Heidegger Im Phänomenologischen Kontext.Carl Friedrich Gethmann - 1993 - New York: De Gruyter.
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  24. Dasein’s Shadow and the Moment of its Disappearance.Rachel Aumiller - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (1):25-41.
    In his 1937 lectures, Heidegger searches for Nietzsche’s initial thought of “the Moment”. This paper mimics Heidegger’s pursuit of Nietzsche’s Moment by tracing Heidegger’s own early arrival at the Moment in Being and Time, published 10 years prior to his lectures on Nietzsche. Both Zarathustra and Dasein are chased in and out of an authentic relationship with the Moment by their own shadows, which disappear at midday. Dasein’s shadow is the being that is always closest-at-hand, the being in (...)
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    Dasein, monde et mouvement chez Heidegger.Thomas Jesuha - 2016 - Philosophiques 43 (1):67-91.
    Jesuha, Thomas | : Dans cet article nous cherchons à montrer comment, dans sa pensée des années 1925-30, Heidegger déploie une philosophie transcendantale de l’existence qui absolutise des catégories contingentes. En ce sens, il s’agit de comprendre en quoi le Dasein est constitué par une réceptivité ontologique, c’est-à-dire une assignation au sens dans toutes les modalités de sa structure. Ainsi, la reprise du projet kantien puis husserlien d’une analyse a priori de l’homme et de sa structure phénoménologique conduit Heidegger (...)
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    Dasein Comes after the Episternic Subject, But Who Is Dasein?Mariana Ortega - 2000 - International Philosophical Quarterly 40 (1):51-67.
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    Čiabūties (Dasein) egzistencinių (existenziell) ir egzistencialiųjų (existenzial) apriorinių struktūrų analizė M. Heideggerio veikale Būtis ir laikas.Tautvydas Vėželis - 2016 - Filosofija. Sociologija 27 (3).
    Straipsnio tikslas aptarti Martino Heideggerio veikale Būtis ir laikas nagrinėtas pagrindines idėjas. Knygos analizėje pirmiausia susitelkiama ties klasikinės ontologijos problemomis. Autorius susikoncentruoja ties pasaulio samprata ir pagrindinių apriorinių čiabūties (Dasein) egzistencialumo struktūrų analize. Šio veikalo egzistencinių struktūrų analizė atskleidžia čiabūčiai būdingus buvimo būdus. Supratimo ratas priklauso būties prasmės struktūrai, kuri yra pagrindinė ašis šioje filosofijoje. M. Heideggerio tvirtinimu, supratimo objektas gali būti aptinkamas pasaulyje. Tai reiškia, kad objektas gali turėti prasmę čiabūčiai tik tada, jei jis gali būti suvokiamas kaip (...)
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    Dasein-psyche Research: between Plato and Heidegger.Oleg Bazaluk - 2022 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 31 (3):207-218.
    The article answers the question: “How does the agathos of Dasein-psyche and Dasein-Intelligent-Matter come into being?” or “How does the meaningful-presence of Dasein-psyche and Dasein-Intelligent-Matter come about?” The author turns to the philosophy of Plato and Heidegger and presents Dasein-psyche as an elementary structure or a Dasein-Intelligent-Matter actor. The Dasein-psyche’s meaningful presence is significantly conditioned by the focus and limits of the arete potency, set by Dasein-Intelligent-Matter. The anthropologization of Dasein transforms (...)
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  29. Psychiatric Dasein.Christopher Heginbotham - 2004 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11 (2):147-150.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:'Psychiatric Dasein'Christopher Heginbotham (bio)Fulford and Colombo's pioneering work (2004)in linguistic analysis offers valuable insights and 'deconstructs' the often inter-related concepts of mental disorder and treatment. Their paper describes a combined philosophical and empirical research program developed to study "the role models of disorder in the community care of people with long-term schizophrenia" (2004, 130). They claim that the approach supplies a key explanatory insight into the nature of (...)
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    Dasein as Transcendence in Heidegger and the Critique of Husserl.Dermot Moran - 2015 - In Paul J. Ennis & Tziovanis Georgakis (eds.), Heidegger in the Twenty-First Century. Dordrecht: Springer.
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    La libertad metafísica del Dasein según la temprana interpretación heideggeriana del Freiheitsschrift de Schelling.Juan Velázquez González - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid):1-17.
    La libertad es el concepto fundamental de la “metafísica del Dasein”, que Heidegger desarrolló a finales de los años 20 en continuidad con la ontología fundamental de Ser y tiempo, y que se articula junto a otros dos conceptos: trascendencia y fundamento de la existencia. En ese periodo Heidegger realizó sobre el tratado de la libertad (Freiheitsschrift) de Schelling una temprana y positiva interpretación, diluida en sus relecturas posteriores y más críticas de la obra. Según la tesis de este (...)
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  32. Dasein, the Being that Thematizes.Robert Brandom - 1997 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 5 (1-2):1-38.
  33. Dasein als Dienst.Hans Bäcker - 1941 - Berlin,: K.H. Henssel.
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    Heideggers Dasein en de mechanica van de levende natuur.Haedewych van Kampen - 2005 - [Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
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    Dasein as an answer from nothingness.Maximilian Gregor Hepach - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 13:23-27.
    In Being and Time Heidegger analyses the structure of Dasein, making transparent how and what we are in the world. Yet Heidegger’s writing becomes increasingly vague the closer he comes to describing what Dasein actually is. It seems the possibility of authentic Being grounds in the state-of-mind of anxiety, confronting us with a meaningless world and making Dasein transparent to itself. In three grammatically ambiguous sentences, Heidegger explains that we experience nothingness, yet not ‘total’ nothingness, in moments (...)
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  36. Dasein, The Early Years: Heideggerian Reflections on Childhood.Lawrence J. Hatab - 2014 - International Philosophical Quarterly 54 (4):379-391.
    Like most philosophers, Heidegger gave little attention to childhood, but his philosophical emphasis on pre-reflective practice and understanding seems uniquely qualified to help make sense of a child’s experience and development. Moreover, it seems to me that many central Heideggerian concepts are best defended, exemplified, and articulated by bringing child development into the discussion. A Heideggerain emphasis on pre-theoretical world-involvement opens up a rich array of phenomena for studying child development, which can improve upon standard theories that have over-emphasized exclusive (...)
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  37. Heidegger and Dasein’s ‘Bodily Nature’: What is the Hidden Problematic?David R. Cerbone - 2000 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 8 (2):209 – 230.
    In Being and Time, Heidegger explicitly defers any consideration of ourselves (Dasein) as embodied. I try to account for Heidegger's reluctance to talk about 'the body' in connection with his explication of Dasein, by arguing that doing so would be at odds with the kind of investigation his 'phenomenology of everydayness' is meant to be. That Heidegger omits discussion of the body in Being and Time might lead one to think of the human body in terms of the (...)
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    For the Sake of Dasein: Praxis, Self-understanding, and Life.Bernardo Ainbinder - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (3):301-308.
    In his paper, Vardoulakis traces a genealogy of the concept of the ‘ineffectual’ that dominates many discussions in continental political philosophy back to Heidegger’s reading of Aristotle in the early 1920s. Although I sympathize with Vardoulakis’s suspicions concerning the ‘ineffectual’, I think his genealogy misses the main aspects of Heidegger’s analysis of praxis. In particular, Vardoulakis’s reading relies on two fundamentally ill-conceived assumptions: (a) that Heidegger’s thought can be read as a continuous endorsement of a series of fundamental claims, in (...)
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    (1 other version)Drawing from Heidegger: Dasein and the question of communication.Jessica N. Sturgess - 2016 - Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 7 (1):23-37.
    This article examines the only known diagram of being-in-the-world provided by Martin Heidegger. Approaching the diagram from a rhetorical perspective, the article highlights Heidegger’s fundamental concern with communication and language at the heart of Dasein. Dasein is always being-open and being-addressed, and thus essentially communicative. Furthermore, Heidegger’s diagram extends our thinking about communication by bringing into relief the excessive and hyperbolic nature of communication itself.
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    Dasein's Temporal Enaction: Heideggerian Temporality in Dialogue with Contemporary Cognitive Science.Marilyn Stendera - 2015 - Dissertation, The University of Melbourne
    This thesis argues that Heidegger’s accounts of practice and temporality in Being and Time are inseparable, and demonstrates the importance of temporality for contemporary dialogues between Heideggerian phenomenology and cognitive science. It proposes that enactive and action-oriented models of cognition are best suited to engaging with a Heideggerian view of the temporality of practice, and will benefit from the latter’s capacity to explain the purposive self-concern, possibility-directedness, and varying complexity of cognition in richly temporal terms. I begin by showing that (...)
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    Dasein's revenge: methodological solipsism as an unsuccessful escape strategy in psychology.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (1):78-79.
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    Phenomenology, Dasein, and Truth: Heidegger Reexamined.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Mark A. Wrathall (eds.) - 2002 - Routledge.
    First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Gottes Dasein denken: eine philosophische Gotteslehre für heute.Klaus Müller - 2001 - Regensburg: Pustet.
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  44. Dasein und ewiges Sein. Wie Edith Stein Martin Heidegger liest.Klaus Neugebauer - 2011 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 37 (1):197-214.
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  45. Dasein Is the Animal That Sorts Out Colors.Bernardo Ainbinder - 2017 - In Marcos Silva (ed.), How Colours Matter to Philosophy. Cham: Springer.
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    Dasein als Sein zum Tode oder Tod als Grenzsituation.Hans Martin Gerlach - 1991 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 39 (7-12).
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  47. Dasein after the turn.Jiri Michalek - 2011 - Filosoficky Casopis 59 (6):851-864.
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    Dasein and “Its” Time.Piotr Hoffman - 2005 - In Hubert L. Dreyfus & Mark A. Wrathall (eds.), A Companion to Heidegger. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 325–334.
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  49. Dasein and intersectional identity.Tina Fernandes Botts - 2022 - In Ingo Farin & Jeff Malpas (eds.), Heidegger and the human. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Beruf, Dasein y Ethik Un análisis de los textos de la polémica sobre La ética protestante y el espíritu del capitalismo de Max Weber.José Luis Villacañas Berlanga - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 43:145-162.
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