Results for ' Cabala'

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  1. Prakseologiczna analiza działania.Paweł Cabała - 2007 - Prakseologia 147 (147):9-18.
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    The Cabala of Pegasus.Sidney L. Sondergard & Madison U. Sowell (eds.) - 2002 - Yale University Press.
    Giordano Bruno’s Cabala del cavallo pegaseo _ _grew out of the great Italian philosopher’s experiences lecturing and debating at Oxford in early 1584. Having received a cold reception there because of his viewpoints, Bruno went on in the Cabala to attack the narrow-mindedness of the university--and by extension, all universities that resisted his advocacy of intellectual freethinking. _The Cabala of Pegasus _consists_ _of vernacular dialogues that turn on the identification of the noble Pegasus and the humble ass. (...)
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    The Cabala: Its Influence on Judaism and Christianity.Bernhard Pick - 2014 - Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.
    Pick's The Cabala: Its Influence on Judaism and Christianity is a wonderful brief overview of the Cabala. In it, Pick describes the origin of the Cabala, the pre-Zohar, Zohar, and post-Zohar periods, and how the Cabala relates to Judaism and Christianity. A table of contents is included for easier navigation.
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    The Cabala of Pegasus.Giordano Bruno - 2002 - Yale University Press. Edited by Giordano Bruno.
    Giordano Bruno’s Cabala del cavallo pegaseo _ _grew out of the great Italian philosopher’s experiences lecturing and debating at Oxford in early 1584. Having received a cold reception there because of his viewpoints, Bruno went on in the Cabala to attack the narrow-mindedness of the university--and by extension, all universities that resisted his advocacy of intellectual freethinking. _The Cabala of Pegasus _consists_ _of vernacular dialogues that turn on the identification of the noble Pegasus and the humble ass. (...)
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    Cabala del cavallo pegaseo.Giordano Bruno - 2002 - In The Cabala of Pegasus. Yale University Press. pp. 91-152.
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    Cabala parva: la filosofia di Giordano Bruno fra tradizione cristiana e pensiero moderno.Fabrizio Meroi - 2006 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
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    Pensamiento, Cábala y polémica religiosa en el judaísmo hispano-hebreo medieval. Aproximación bibliográfica (Parte Segunda).Carlos N. Sainz de la Maza & Amparo Alba Cecilia - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 13:259-308.
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    La cabala dell'asino: asinità e conoscenza in Giordano Bruno.Nuccio Ordine - 1987 - Napoli: Liguori.
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    A cabala do dinheiro.Nilton Bonder - 1991 - Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora.
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    A cabala do asno. Asinidade E conhecimento em Giordano Bruno.Rosalie Helena De Souza Pereira - 2009 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 21 (29):593.
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    Myth and the Cabalas.Walter J. Ong - 1950 - Modern Schoolman 27 (3):169-183.
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  12. Saggi sulla Cabala> di Bruno.Rita Sturlese - 2007 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 27 (3):589.
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    Moshe Idel, Perfectiuni care absorb: Cabala si interpretare/ Absorbisg Perfections: Kabbalah and Interpretation.Petru Moldovan - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (9):173-175.
    Moshe Idel, Perfectiuni care absorb: Cabala si interpretare Ed. Polirom, Iasi, 2004, prefata de Harold Bloom, traducere de Horia Popescu.
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    Bruno’s Cabala and Italian Dialogue Form.Giordano Bruno - 2002 - In The Cabala of Pegasus. Yale University Press.
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  15. Bruno's Cabala: Satire of Knowledge and the Uses of the Dialogue Form.Henning Hufnagel - 2013 - In Anne Eusterschulte & Henning S. Hufnagel, Turning traditions upside down: rethinking Giordano Bruno's enlightenment. New York: Central European University Press. pp. 179.
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    Idel, M., Cábala hebrea y cábala cristiana. Buenos Aires, Editorial Prometeo, 2011, 112 pp. ISBN: 978-98-7574-517-9. [REVIEW]Alfredo Fredericksen Neira - 2022 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 26:137-139.
    Reseña de la obra de Idel, M., _Cábala hebrea y cábala cristiana_. Buenos Aires, Editorial Prometeo, 2011, 112 pp. ISBN: 978-98-7574-517-9.
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    Secretum secretorum. Joaquín de Fiore, Pedro Alfonso y la cábala.Noeli Dutra Rossatto - 2020 - Patristica Et Medievalia 41 (1):9-22.
    Dos corrientes principales dividen el debate sobre la relación entre Joaquín de Fiore, Pedro Alfonso de Huesca y la cábala judaica. Gershon Scholem firma la hipótesis de que el abad de Fiore y los cabalistas españoles del siglo XII, a la vez y sin conocerse, han producido trabajos similares. Esta hipótesis será parcialmente rechazada por una segunda que pone en evidencia algunos aspectos de la obra joaquinita derivados del filósofo judío-aragonés, converso al cristianismo, Pedro Alfonso de Huesca. Esta segunda hipótesis (...)
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    Magia naturalis e scientia cabalae in Giovanni Pico della Mirandola.Flavia Buzzetta - 2019 - Firenze: Leo S. Olschki editore.
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    Conversations with Angels: Cabala, Alchemy, and the End of Nature. Deborah E. Harkness.Nick Campion - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):385-385.
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    Bruno’s Design for the Cabala.Giordano Bruno - 2002 - In The Cabala of Pegasus. Yale University Press.
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    Giordano Bruno. The Cabala of Pegasus. Translated with annotations by, Sidney L. Sondergard and Madison U. Sowell. xlix +203 pp., bibl., index. New Haven, Conn./London: Yale University Press, 2002. $40. [REVIEW]Edward Gosselin - 2004 - Isis 95 (1):113-114.
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    Beyond Pico della Mirandola: John Dee’s ‘formal numbers’ and ‘real cabala’.Jean-Marc Mandosio - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (3):489-497.
    It is well known that, in both the Monas hieroglyphica and the Mathematicall praeface, Dee drew a part of his inspiration from Pico della Mirandola’s works. However, the nature and extent of Dee’s borrowings has not yet been studied. In fact, the only work of Pico really read and used by Dee was the 900 conclusions, where he found the conception of ‘formal numbers’: that is, mystical numbers carrying magical and divinatory powers. This is very important, since Dee sees these (...)
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  23. Philip Beitchman, Alchemy of the World: Cabala of the Renaissance.M. L. Stern - 2000 - Thesis Eleven 61:121-123.
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    The secret of pico's oration: Cabala and renaissance philosophy.Brian P. Copenhaver - 2002 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 26 (1):56–81.
  25. Erasmus, humanism, and the Christian cabala.Werner L. Gundersheimer - 1963 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 26 (1/2):38-52.
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    John Dee's Conversations with Angels: Cabala, Alchemy, and the End of Nature (review).Stuart Clark - 2002 - Common Knowledge 8 (1):206-207.
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    I Guicciardini e le scienze occulte: L'oroscopo di Francesco Guicciardini: Lettere di alchimia, astrologia e cabala a Luigi Guicciardini. Raffaella Castagnola.Paula Findlen - 1992 - Isis 83 (4):654-655.
  28. Concierto del alma / Annie Fremaux-Crouzet: Càbala y utopía en Fray Luis de León.Maria Martin - 2012 - Revista de Hispanismo Filosófico 17:228-229.
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    El reverso de lo numinoso. Ahistoricidad Y tiempo en la cábala Del sefer ha-Zohar.José Antonio Fernández López - 2018 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 25.
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  30. A vernacular text of the cabala-arcangelo-da-borgonovo'dechiaratione sopra il nome di giesu'.Pe Fornaciari - 1993 - Rinascimento 33:279-301.
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    On Flying Mules and the Southern Cabala: Flannery O'Connor and James Balwin in Georgia.Carole K. Harris - 2013 - Renascence 65 (5):327-349.
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  32. El exilio de Dios en la Cábala de Safed, según Scholem.Miquel Beltrán - 2008 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 35:85-96.
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    El Exilio de Dios en la cábala de Safed, según Scholem.Miquel Beltrán Y. Cesc Torvá - 2008 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 35:85-96.
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    Flavia Buzzetta, Magia naturalis e scientia cabalae in Giovanni Pico de la Mirandola. Studi pichiani 20, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2019, x-344 pp., ISBN: 9788822266309. Cloth €35. [REVIEW]Carlos Ortiz - 2020 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 26 (2):223-227.
    Reseñado por CARLOS ORTIZ DE LANDÁZURIUniversidad de Navarra, Pamplona,
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    Raffaella Castagnola I Guicciardini e le scienze occulte: L'oroscopo di Francesco Guicciardini, lettere di alchimia, astrologia e cabala a Luigi Guicciardini. Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, Studi e Testi XIX. Florence: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 1990. Pp. vii+ 397. ISBN 88-222-3761-7. L. 85000. [REVIEW]Martha Baldwin - 1991 - British Journal for the History of Science 24 (3):374-375.
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    Impronta del acosmismo luriánico en la "Ethica" de Spinoza.Miquel Beltrán - 2015 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 40 (2):63-81.
    El objetivo del artículo es exponer la doctrina acosmista que se halla en la cábala de Luria, tal como la describe Abraham Cohen de Herrera en Puerta del cielo, y cómo pudo ocurrir que a través de la lectura de esta obra aquella doctrina influyera en la concepción de Spinoza sobre la irrealidad de los modos.
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    Venturing beyond: law and morality in Kabbalistic mysticism.Elliot R. Wolfson - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Are mysticism and morality compatible or at odds with one another? If mystical experience embraces a form of non-dual consciousness, then in such a state of mind, the regulative dichotomy so basic to ethical discretion would seemingly be transcended and the very foundation for ethical decisions undermined. Venturing Beyond - Law and Morality in Kabbalistic Mysticism is an investigation of the relationship of the mystical and moral as it is expressed in the particular tradition of Jewish mysticism known as the (...)
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    Heidegger and Kabbalah: hidden gnosis and the path of poiesis.Elliot R. Wolfson - 2019 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, Office of Scholarly Publishing, Herman B Wells Library.
    Belonging together of the foreign -- Hermeneutic circularity: tradition as genuine repetition of futural past -- Inceptual thinking and nonsystematic atonality -- Heidegger's Seyn/Nichts and Kabbalistic Ein Sof -- Simsum, Lichtung, and bestowing refusal -- Autogenesis, nihilating leap, and otherness of the not-other -- Temporalizing and granting time-space -- Disclosive language: poiesis and apophatic occlusion of occlusion -- Ethnolinguistic enrootedness and invocation of historical destiny.
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  39. Giovanni Pico e la cabbalà.Fabrizio Lelli (ed.) - 2014 - Firenze: Leo S. Olschki editore.
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    Mile di-shemaya.Eleazar ben Moses Azikri - 2008 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Talmud Yosef". Edited by Shimʻon Ben Ḥamo.
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  41. Pirḳe hafakhim: Ṭohorat midot ha-nefesh, perak̮im 22-29 ; Orot ha-ḳodesh 3, ʻam. 242-253.Amir Doman - 2013 - Kokhav ha-Shaḥar: Aśiḥah. Edited by Abraham Isaac Kook.
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    Die metaphysik der Ethik Spinozas im quellenlichte der Kabbalah.Sigmund Gelbhaus - 1917 - Wien-Brünn,: M. Hickl.
  43. Derekh ʻets ḥayim: ṿe-hu haḳdamah la-sefer Pitḥe ha-ḥokhmah.Moshe Ḥayyim Luzzatto - 1996 - Bruḳlin, Nu Yorḳ: Hotsaʼat sefarim de-Bosṭon. Edited by Yechiel Papier & Daṿid Naḥum Shapira.
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  44. Sifre ḳabalah u-musar.Yaʼir ben Avraham Mah-Ṭov & Shalom ben Yosef (eds.) - 2008 - Bene Beraḳ: Yaʼir ben Avraham Mah-Ṭov.
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    Pico della Mirandola's encounter with Jewish mysticism.Chaim Wirszubski - 1989 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  46. Avraham Abulʻafyah: lashon, Torah ṿe-hermenoiṭiḳah.Moshe Idel - 1994 - Yerushalayim: Shoḳen.
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    Kabbala i russkoe slovo: prostranstva sovmestnosti.Valeriĭ Merlin - 2015 - Moskva: I︠A︡zyki slavi︠a︡nskoĭ kulʹtury.
    Цель книги - конфигурация каббалистической герменевтики с русской филологической и литературной традицией. Речь идет о сборке территорий, о многомерном ансамбле текстуальных и онтологических пространств. "Компаративизм без берегов" книги "Зоар" сопоставляется с интертекстуальным подходом и лингвистической компаративистикой. Каббала понимается как проект совместности, содержание которого раскрывается во встречных сближениях с текстами Пушкина, Достоевского, Пастернака. Книги на русском языке #ReadRussia.
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  48. Ḳabalah la-guf ṿela-neshamah: ha-guf be-filosofyah, be-madaʻ uve-ḳabalah: hashlakhot musariyot.Gil-Avraham Morali - 2012 - [Jerusalem: Ḥ. Mo. L.. Edited by An Goldshṭain & Shelomit Hendelsman.
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    Qabbalah.Isaac Myer - 1888 - New York,: S. Weiser.
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    Ḥavurot ṿe-ḥiburim: ʻiyunim be-sifrut ha-musar ha-ḳabalit shel ḥakhme Tsefat ba-meʼah ha-16 = Brotherhoods and writings.Mordechai Pachter - 2021 - Tel Aviv: Idra.
    Studies in Safed's kabbalistic-ethical literature in 16th century.
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