Results for ' Body avoidance'

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  1.  20
    Stress and Sleep Disorders in Polish Nursing Students During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic—Cross Sectional Study.Iwona Bodys-Cupak, Kamila Czubek & Aneta Grochowska - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    IntroductionThe world pandemic of the virus SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19 infection was announced by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. Due to the restrictions that were introduced in order to minimize the spread of the virus, people more often suffer from stress, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. The aim of this study was evaluation of the stress levels and sleep disorders among nursing students during the pandemic SARS-CoV-2.Materials and Study MethodsThis is a cross-sectional study conducted among 397 nursing (...)
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    The Mediating Effect of Specific Social Anxiety Facets on Body Checking and Avoidance.Anne Kathrin Radix, Mike Rinck, Eni Sabine Becker & Tanja Legenbauer - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Objective: Body checking (BC) and avoidance (BA) form the behavioral component of body image disturbance. High levels of BC/BA have often been documented to hold a positive and potentially reinforcing relationship with eating pathology. While some researchers hypothesize, that patients engage in BC/BA to prevent or reduce levels of anxiety, little is known about the mediating factors. Considering the great comorbidity between eating disorders and in particular social anxieties, the present study investigated whether socially relevant types of (...)
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    Exploring Responses to Body Weight Criticism: Defensive Avoidance When Weight Is Seen as Controllable.Susanne Täuber, Stuart W. Flint & Nicolay Gausel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In Western society, weight moralization is reflected in the belief that weight is controllable across the weight spectrum. However, the effect of holding such beliefs is unclear. We therefore propose that these beliefs affect people differently depending on their BMI. When confronted with negative, self-related feedback, people’s coping strategies are often reflected in the ways they relate to their self. We examine three such self-to-self relations (i.e., reassured, inadequate, and hated self). Extending prior research, we predict that weight controllability beliefs (...)
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  4. Avoiding Perennial Mind-Body Problems.Mostyn W. Jones - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (9-10):111-133.
    Russell argued that we can’t know what brains are really like behind our perceptions of them, so minds can conceivably reside in brains. Physicalist-leaning Russellians from Feigl to Strawson try to avoid physicalist and dualist issues with this Russellian idea. Strawson also tries to avoid emergentist issues through panpsychism. Yet critics feel that these Russellians don’t really avoid these issues, but just recast them in new forms. For example, dualist issues arguably remain because it’s hard to see how private pains (...)
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    Interaction of Body and Soul: What the Hellenistic Philosophers Saw and Aristotle Avoided.R. A. H. King - 2006 - In Common to Body and Soul: Philosophical Approaches to Explaining Living Behaviour in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Walter de Gruyter.
  6.  56
    Galen: Psychological Writings: Avoiding Distress, Character Traits, the Diagnosis and Treatment of the Affections and Errors Peculiar to Each Person's Soul, the Capacities of the Soul Depend on the Mixtures of the Body.P. N. Singer (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    All Galen's surviving shorter works on psychology and ethics - including the recently discovered Avoiding Distress, and the neglected Character Traits, extant only in Arabic - are here presented in one volume in a new English translation, with substantial introductions and notes and extensive glossaries. Original and penetrating analyses are provided of the psychological and philosophical thought, both of the above and of two absolutely central works of Galenic philosophy, Affections and Errors and The Capacities of the Soul, by some (...)
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    Body and World.Samuel Todes, Hubert L. Dreyfus & Piotr Hoffman - 2001 - MIT Press.
    Body and World is the definitive edition of a book that shouldnow take its place as a major contribution to contemporary existentialphenomenology. Samuel Todes goes beyond Martin Heidegger and MauriceMerleau-Ponty in his description of how independent physical natureand experience are united in our bodily action. His account allows himto preserve the authority of experience while avoiding the tendencytoward idealism that threatens both Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty.Todes emphasizes the complex structure of the human body ;front/back asymmetry, the need to balance (...)
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    Persons and Bodies: How to Avoid the New Dualism.Michael B. Burke - 1997 - American Philosophical Quarterly 34 (4):457 - 467.
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  9.  37
    Avoiding Exploitation in Phase I Clinical Trials: More than (Un)Just Compensation.Matt Lamkin & Carl Elliott - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (1):52-63.
    Lowering compensation to research subjects to protect them from “undue inducement” is a misguided attempt to shoehorn a concern about exploitation into the framework of autonomy. We suggest that oversight bodies should be less concerned about undue influence than about exploitation of subjects. Avoiding exploitation in human subjects research requires not only increasing compensation, but enhancing the dignity of research participation.
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    Lived Body and Intentional Embodiment.Jagna Brudzińska - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (4):245-259.
    The body, the bodily condition of the human being, or embodiment as an essential aspect of the human situation in the lived world are important topics of phenomenological research and phenomenologically oriented anthropology. On the other hand, today also cognitive research and neurosciences are dealing with the topic of embodiment, mainly focusing on so-called embodied cognition. Modern neuroscience claims that both, thought and action can only be interpreted in the light of interactions between brain, body and environment. New (...)
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  11. How the Body Shapes the Mind.Shaun Gallagher - 2005 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    How the Body Shapes the Mind is an interdisciplinary work that addresses philosophical questions by appealing to evidence found in experimental psychology, neuroscience, studies of pathologies, and developmental psychology. There is a growing consensus across these disciplines that the contribution of embodiment to cognition is inescapable. Because this insight has been developed across a variety of disciplines, however, there is still a need to develop a common vocabulary that is capable of integrating discussions of brain mechanisms in neuroscience, behavioural (...)
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    Mind-body identity revised.Chenyang Li - 1994 - Philosophia 24 (1-2):105-114.
    The materialist thesis that there is a type-type identity between certain mental phenomena and certain physical phenomena has encountered serious criticisms. This paper is to propose a revised form of mind-body identity theory which moves forward from the token identity theory and can stand the major criticism made against the type-type identity theory. In the first part of the paper, through a very brief review of the issue I show what needs to be done; in the second part, I (...)
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  13.  56
    Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Contraindication or Ethical Justification for Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery in Adolescents.Merle Spriggs & Lynn Gillam - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (9):706-713.
    Is Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery for an adolescent with Body Dysmorphic Disorder ever ethically justified? Cosmetic genital surgery for adolescent girls is one of the most ethically controversial forms of cosmetic surgery and Body Dysmorphic Disorder is typically seen as a contraindication for cosmetic surgery. Two key ethical concerns are that Body Dysmorphic Disorder undermines whatever capacity for autonomy the adolescent has; and even if there is valid parental consent, the presence of Body Dysmorphic Disorder means (...)
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  14.  59
    Body and space relationship in the research field of phenomenological anthropology: Blumenberg’s criticism of Edmund husserl’s “anthropology phobia”.V. Prykhodko & S. Rudenko - 2018 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 13:30-40.
    Purpose. The article suggested for consideration is aimed at clarifying the shift in human perception from the spatial turn announced by Michel Foucault, to a performative turn. The performative turn has an anthropological footing. It is based on the all-round investigation of the body’s principal role for cultural existence, as a result of a reverse reaction to artificial conceptual gap between space and body, which basically means ignoring the embodiment theme. An example of such theoretical deformation was Edmund (...)
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  15.  7
    Body Against Soul: Gender and Sowlehele in Middle English Allegory.Masha Raskolnikov - 2009 - Ohio State University Press.
    In medieval allegory, Body and Soul were often pitted against one another in debate. In _Body Against Soul: Gender and _Sowlehele_ in Middle English Allegory,_ Masha Raskolnikov argues that such debates function as a mode of thinking about psychology, gender, and power in the Middle Ages. Neither theological nor medical in nature, works of _sowlehele_ described the self to itself in everyday language—moderns might call this kind of writing “self-help.” Bringing together contemporary feminist and queer theory along with medieval (...)
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  16.  14
    Processing Body Image on Social Media: Gender Differences in Adolescent Boys’ and Girls’ Agency and Active Coping.Ciara Mahon & David Hevey - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Although scholars continue to debate the influence of social media on body image, increased social media use, especially engaging in appearance-related behaviors may be a potential risk factor for body dissatisfaction in adolescents. Little research has investigated how adolescents process appearance-related content and the potential strategies they use to protect body image perceptions on social media. To investigate coping strategies used by adolescents, four qualitative focus groups were conducted with 29 adolescents aged 15–16 years in mixed-gender Irish (...)
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  17. The mind-body problem and Quine's repudiation theory.Nathan Stemmer - 2001 - Behavior and Philosophy 29:187-202.
    Most scholars who presently deal with the Mind-Body problem consider themselves monist materialists. Nevertheless, many of them also assume that there exist (in some sense of existence) mental entities. But since these two positions do not harmonize quite well, the literature is full of discussions about how to reconcile the positions. In this paper, I will defend a materialist theory that avoids all these problems by completely rejecting the existence of mental entities. This is Quine's repudiation theory. According to (...)
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  18.  65
    Avoiding Circularities on the Empathic Path to Transcendental Intersubjectivity.Peter Shum - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):1-14.
    The foundational status that Edmund Husserl envisages for phenomenology in relation to the sciences would seem to suggest that the successful unfolding of contemporary debates in the field of social cognition will be conditioned by progress in resolving certain central controversies in the phenomenology of intersubjectivity, notably in long-standing questions pertaining to the priority of subjectivity in relation to intersubjectivity, and the priority of empathy in relation to other forms of intersubjectivity. That such controversies are long-standing is in no small (...)
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  19.  28
    Rhythm is it: effects of dynamic body feedback on affect and attitudes.Sabine C. Koch - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:89430.
    Body feedback is the proprioceptive feedback that denominates the afferent information from position and movement of the body to the central nervous system. It is crucial in experiencing emotions, in forming attitudes and in regulating emotions and behavior. This paper investigates effects of dynamic body feedback on affect and attitudes, focusing on the impact of movement rhythms with smooth vs. sharp reversals as one basic category of movement qualities. It relates those qualities to already explored effects of (...)
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  20. Erasure and Assertion in Body Aesthetics: Respectability Politics to Anti-Assimilationist Aesthetics.Madeline Martin-Seaver - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics 64 (4):461-481.
    Marginalized people have used body aesthetic practices, such as clothing and hairstyles, to communicate their worth to the mainstream. One such example is respectability politics, a set of practices developed in post-Reconstruction black communities to prevent sexual assault and convey moral standing to the white mainstream. Respectability politics is an ambivalent strategy. It requires assimilation to white bourgeois aesthetic and ethical standards, and so guides practitioners toward blandness and bodily erasure. Yet, it is an aesthetic practice that cultivates moral (...)
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  21.  10
    Astral Bodies and Cartesian Souls.Dean A. Kowalski - 2018 - In Marc D. White (ed.), Doctor Strange and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 99–110.
    Despite the obvious duality of physical and non‐physical astral forms in Doctor Strange, the film can't avoid the numerous problems with interactionism and substance dualism in general. This chapter utilizes the good Doctor Stephen Strange to look at how some philosophers attempt to answer the question: Are we simply flesh and bone, as Strange seems to think, or is there more—especially when it comes to the nature of our minds and souls. In the process, the chapter gains some deeper insights (...)
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  22. AVOIDING RUSSELLIAN MONISM's PROBLEMS.Mostyn W. Jones - manuscript
    Russellian monism (RM) attributes experience to the intrinsic nature of physics’ abstract mathematical accounts of the world. It’s touted as a promising mind-body solution, for it avoids dualist and physicalist issues. Yet this status is imperiled by its deeply obscure ideas of mental combination, protophenomenal entities, emergent experience, grounded abstractions, et cetera. This “metaphysical magical mystery tour” may render RM as problematic as competing views. A clear, simple panpsychism akin to Strawson’s might avoid these issues. In this theory (NPP), (...)
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  23.  36
    Informed Consent, Body Property, and Self-Sovereignty.Radhika Rao - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (3):437-444.
    Recent cases involving biosamples taken from indigenous tribes and newborn babies reveal the emptiness of informed consent. This venerable doctrine often functions as a charade, a collective fiction which thinly masks the uncomfortable fact that the subjects of human research are not actually afforded full information regarding the types of research that may be contemplated, nor do they provide meaningful consent. But if informed consent fails to provide adequate protection to the donors of biological materials, why not turn to principles (...)
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  24.  58
    Body‐intentionality.Corbin Collins - 1988 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 31 (December):495-518.
    Phenomenologists such as Merleau?Ponty have argued that the ordinary teleological relation between an embodied agent and the world is neither ?subjective? nor ?cognitive?, i.e. that it is not normally mediated by a chain of explicit cognition occurring within a distinct mental subject. Yet, while this seems true from a first?person, phenomenological perspective, I argue that teleological forms of explanation require the ascription of Intentional states. Intentional states, however, are usually regarded as subjective, cognitive states. In order to reconcile the phenomenology (...)
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  25.  9
    The body as an obstacle and the “other”. How patients with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases view their body, self and the good life.Anke Erdmann, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Florian Schrinner & Claudia Bozzaro - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-15.
    Background Treatment of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) aims to improve patients’ quality of life and the extent of treatment success is measured via patient reported outcomes (PROs). However, questionnaires used to collect PROs often include scales that are not specific to IBDs. Improving these scales requires a deeper understanding of patients’ lived experience. With this study we give first insights and develop hypotheses on how patients with IBDs experience their body and self and how they adjust their life (...)
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  26.  28
    The "Quarantine 15," Prepandemic Bodies, and Diet Culture.Sophia Pavlos - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):102-103.
    In March of 2019, with a modicum of superiority and significant financial strain, I made the decision to buy a Peloton bike. I was in good company; many other Americans reacted to social distancing measures and citywide closures by investing in personal exercise equipment, and I imagine at least some did for the same reasons as I did: namely, to avoid the pitfalls of pandemic-related weight gain aka Stay in Shape. I entered into my own personal "emergency maintenance" mode, unwilling (...)
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  27. Mind-body unity, dual aspect, and the emergence of consciousness.José-Luis Diaz - 2000 - Philosophical Psychology 13 (3):393 – 403.
    Dual aspect theory has conceptual advantages over alternative mind-body notions, but difficulties of its own. The nature of the underlying psychophysical ground, for one, remains problematic either in terms of the principle of complementarity or if mind and matter are taken to be aspects of something like energy, movement, or information. Moreover, for a dual aspect theory to be plausible it should avoid the four perils of all mind-body theories: epiphenomenalism, reductionism, gross panpsychism, and the problems of emergence. (...)
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  28.  7
    The Body Politic Is of Two Minds: Political Ambivalence on Norms of Justice.Jill Delston - 2021 - Routledge.
    How should we respond to political ambivalence when conflicting avenues for political action arise? Some theories of justice, such as objective theories, tell us to follow whatever norms realize a set of independently determined objective goods. I argue such theories are incomplete because they specify political goods to aim at, but do not specify which norms to follow, and thus yield an ineliminable ambivalence. Through analysis of a series of significant obstacles, I show that the objective goods that theorists defend (...)
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  29.  25
    Body Images and Breasted Experience: Toward Better Clinical Conversations About Mastectomy.Rachelle Barina - 2015 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 8 (1):86-112.
    Research on mastectomy recommends better preoperative counseling to manage struggles with body image. This article problematizes the popular concept of body image and instead describes body imaging as an embodied and ongoing process that involves a multiplicity of body images. More preoperative information cannot ensure an easy shift to favorable body images because body imaging resists and exceeds the scope of medicine and the patient’s cognitive anticipation. Thus, medical professionals should avoid decontextualizing or medicalizing (...)
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  30.  17
    The Ontological Distinction between Persons and Their Bodies.Mohammad Reza Tahmasbi - 2022 - Metaphysica 23 (2):307-317.
    Lynne Rudder Baker’s constitution theory of persons explains the relationship between persons and their bodies. Baker’s theory can explain the ontological status of persons. However, her explanation of the distinction between persons and their bodies faces a problem. In this paper, first, I show that her account, in fact, does not amount to a real distinction between persons and their bodies. Then, by discussing the notion of ‘derivatively having property,’ I propose a notion of constitution which is compatible with the (...)
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  31.  16
    Research on Body Type Correction of FINA Diving Difficulty Coefficient Based on Rigid Body System.Su Zhang, Wen Xiang & Guozhong Zou - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    In order to reduce the influence of athlete’s body shape on the difficulty coefficient of diving, a more reasonable calculation method of body shape correction coefficient is proposed based on the original calculation rules of diving difficulty coefficient. First, the composition of the original diving difficulty coefficient and influencing factors is analyzed and the relationship between the various structural parts is fully clarified. Second, a coupled nonrigid body dynamics model is established and a 2-body model is (...)
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  32.  32
    The Problem of Habitual Body and Memory in Hegel and Merleau-Ponty.Elisa Magrì - 2017 - Hegel Bulletin 38 (1):24-44.
    In this paper, I shall focus on the relation between habitual body and memory in Hegel’sPhilosophy of Subjective Spiritand Merleau-Ponty’sPhenomenology of Perception. Both Hegel and Merleau-Ponty defend a view of the self that is centred on the role of habituality as embodied activity situated in a context. However, both philosophers avoid committing to what Edward Casey has defined habitual body memory, i.e., an active immanence of the past in the body that informs present bodily actions in an (...)
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  33.  35
    The Body Speaks: Using the Mirror Game to Link Attachment and Non-verbal Behavior.Rinat Feniger-Schaal, Yuval Hart, Nava Lotan, Nina Koren-Karie & Lior Noy - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:388728.
    The Mirror Game (MG) is a common exercise in dance/movement therapy and drama therapy. It is used to promote participants’ ability to enter and remain in a state of togetherness. In spite of the wide use of the MG by practitioners, it is only recently that scientists begun to use the MG in research, examining its correlates, validity and reliability. This study joins this effort by reporting on the identification of scale items to describe the nonverbal behaviour expressed during the (...)
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  34.  87
    Phenomenology without “the body”?Chris Nagel - 2012 - Studia Phaenomenologica 12:17-33.
    French phenomenology focused on “the body” to avoid the supposed transcendental idealism of Husserl’s phenomenology, and to provide an “existential” or “empirical” account of the origin of meaning, as Ricoeur put it. In practice, however, this has implicitly presupposed a Cartesian problematic of the relation between body and mind or “subject.” This is the source of the ultimate frustration of this effort, as well as the persistence of a “mystery” of meaning (to cite Merleau-Ponty and Henry). This essay (...)
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  35.  13
    Body and Time in Sesemann's Philosophy of Culture: Preface to the Publication of the Vasily Sesemann's Manuscript "Sport and Contemporary Culture".Dalius Jonkus - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):524-532.
    This publication presents manuscript of the famous Russian-Lithuanian philosopher Vasily Seseman accompanied by a preface. The manuscript "Sport and Contemporary Culture" is the text of Seseman's manuscript collection, which is located in Vilnius University. Manuscript is a preparatory text for the article "Time, Culture and Body". In "Time, Culture and Body" Sesemann develops his ideas concerning the objectifying attitude, which leads to human's alienation towards body and time. Sesemann claims that the time is perceived as a meaningful (...)
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  36.  18
    Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: Body ed. by Elliot N. Dorff and Louis E. Newman.Geoffrey Claussen - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (1):213-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: Body ed. by Elliot N. Dorff and Louis E. NewmanGeoffrey ClaussenJewish Choices, Jewish Voices: Body Edited by Elliot N. Dorff and Louis E. Newman Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 2008. 134 pp. $16.00This volume, focused on Jewish attitudes toward the human body, is the first volume of the Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices series published by the Jewish Publication Society. Subsequent volumes focus (...)
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  37.  62
    Mind, body and world in the philosophy of Hilary Putnam.Hilary Putnam & Léo Peruzzo - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (2):211-216.
    O artigo visa analisar, em linhas gerais, a arqueologia do sujeito operada por Alain de Libera, o que será feito pela concentração no estudo de duas teses fundamentais: Descartes chegou ao sujeito menos por reflexão e mais por refração, em seu debate com Hobbes e Regius, ao tentar escapar da redução do indivíduo à vida corporal e, portanto, à passividade; Tomás de Aquino e Pedro de João Olivi teriam sido os responsáveis por dar certo acabamento a uma temática elaborada desde (...)
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  38.  41
    Psychological and ethical themes in Galen. P.n. singer) Galen: Psychological writings. Avoiding distress, character traits, the diagnosis and treatment of the affections and errors peculiar to each person's soul, the capacities of the soul depend on the mixtures of the body. With contributions by Daniel Davies and Vivian nutton. With the collaboration of Piero tassinari. Pp. XVIII + 539, fig., Map. cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2013. Cased, £90, us$140. Isbn: 978-0-521-76517-6. [REVIEW]David Leith - 2016 - The Classical Review 66 (2):381-383.
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    Perverse Ethics: The Body, Gender and Intersubjectivity.Lara Merlin - 2003 - Feminist Theory 4 (2):165-178.
    This article explores the possibility of an ethical intersubjective relationship through the reconfiguration of the body. The violence of Western culture derives from a particular gendered fantasy of bodily organization. The Western body is constituted through a fear of lack and of loss, or, in psychoanalytic terms, of castration. The subject defined by castration attempts to defend itself against these dual threats by folding in upon itself, thereby precluding any relation with an other. The belief in lack and (...)
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    Looking into your eyes: observed pupil size influences approach-avoidance responses.Marco Brambilla, Marco Biella & Mariska E. Kret - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (3):616-622.
    ABSTRACTThe eyes reveal important social messages, such as emotions and whether a person is aroused and interested or bored and fatigued. A growing body of research has also shown that individuals with large pupils are generally evaluated positively by observers, while those with small pupils are perceived negatively. Here, we examined whether observed pupil size influences approach-avoidance tendencies. Participants performed an Approach-Avoidance Task using faces with large and small pupil sizes. Results showed that pupil size influences the (...)
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    What is Zoopoetics?: Texts, Bodies, Entanglement.Kári Driscoll & Eva Hoffmann (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book brings together essays dealing with the question of zoopoetics both as an object of study—i.e. texts from various traditions and periods that reflect, explicitly or implicitly, on the relationship between animality, language and representation—and as a methodological problem for animal studies, and, indeed, for literary studies more generally. What can literary animal studies tell us about literature that conventional literary studies might be blind to? How can literary studies resist the tendency to press animals into symbolic service as (...)
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  42. (1 other version)The Sixth Meditation: Mind-Body Relation, External Objects, and Sense Perception.Gary Hatfield - 2009 - In Andreas Kemmerling (ed.), Meditationen über die erste Philosophie. Akademie. pp. 123-146.
    Descartes entitled the Sixth Meditation "The existence of material things, and the real distinction between mind and body." But these topics take up only two paragraphs, about one-third of the way into the Sixth Meditation (which is the longest of the six). The other topics in the Meditation partly pertain to the cognitive faculties that a seeker after knowledge must employ: senses, imagination, and intellect. They also concern the mind–body relation: not only is it to be shown that (...)
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  43.  19
    Mind and Body in early China: Beyond Orientalism and the Myth of Holism by Edward Slingerland.Bongrae Seok - 2020 - Philosophy East and West 70 (3):1-6.
    In this book, Edward Slingerland criticizes and rejects a pervasive and widely accepted viewpoint in Chinese philosophy: holism. Simply speaking, holism is a non-discrete and non-analytic pattern of thinking that avoids the adoption of mutually exclusive and dualistic concepts such as mind-body, theory-practice, reason-emotion, and macrocosm-microcosm typically found in many Western philosophical theories. In the context of Chinese philosophy, it is understood as an interpretational framework where Chinese philosophy is characterized as a fundamentally and essentially non-dualistic system of thought. (...)
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  44.  23
    An Inexplicable Effect of Imagination. Mothers’ Imagination and Its Impact on the Perceptions and Body of the Fetus. Successes and Refutations of the Malebranchist Paradigm in the 18th Century or the Fascinating Question of Psychophysical Interaction.Véronique Costa - 2024 - Iris 44.
    An error that medicine has long shared is to attribute to a desire or an effect of the mother’s imagination during gestation, the deformities, growths or spots that a child bears at birth. The imagination would be capable of imprinting external modifications on a matter and would have an impact on the perceptions and sensory development of the fetus. Returning briefly to the genealogy and posterity of the topos, this article focuses on the successes and refutations of the Malebranchist paradigm (...)
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    Let Me Make You Happy, and I'll Tell You How You Look Around: Using an Approach-Avoidance Task as an Embodied Emotion Prime in a Free-Viewing Task.Artur Czeszumski, Friederike Albers, Sven Walter & Peter König - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The embodied approach of human cognition suggests that concepts are deeply dependent upon and constrained by an agent's physical body's characteristics, such as performed body movements. In this study, we attempted to broaden previous research on emotional priming, investigating the interaction of emotions and visual exploration. We used the joystick-based approach-avoidance task to influence the emotional states of participants, and subsequently, we presented pictures of news web pages on a computer screen and measured participant's eye movements. As (...)
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  46.  26
    That Thou Art: Aesthetic Soul/Bodies and Self Interbeing in Buddhism, Phenomenology, and Pragma.David Jones - 2020 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (3):37-47.
    The inheritance of dualism from Plato to Descartes, and since, has impoverished the human relation with nature, the world, other humans, and other species. The division of soul and body, and its counterpart of mind and body, gave us a world from which we believe ourselves to be separate from and superior to other species. This self-othering standpoint has had devastating consequences socially, politically, economically, and ecologically. This essay seeks to identify some resources in the Western tradition in (...)
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    (Im)pure bodies and the Body of Christ: Judith Butler and Bruno Latour on (im)purity and the implications for contemporary Eucharistic participation.Whitney Harper - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (1):18-34.
    Recent discussions about Eucharistic practice in the United States have received increased public attention with stories of pro-life politicians being excluded from participation. In this practice of exclusion, there is a depiction of protecting the Eucharist from impurity, with the priests citing the pro-life framework as the basis for inclusion. Using this site for reflection, this article seeks to interrogate these representations of (im)purity specifically with reference to the abortion debate and the Eucharist. Taking the concept of impurity found in (...)
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    ‘Only Angels Can do without Skin’: on Reproductive Technology’s Hybrids and the Politics of Body Boundaries.Irma Van Der Ploeg - 2004 - Body and Society 10 (2-3):153-181.
    Medical reproductive technologies have generated two new types of patients: ‘couples’ in infertility treatment and ‘fetuses’ in prenatal medicine. Using concepts from science and technology studies, specifically Latour’s (1993) notions of hybridity, mediation and purification, this article argues that these new patients are constructed in the very process of technological intervention in women’s bodies, while at the same time their constitutive role is erased from the medico-scientific accounts of these practices. Focusing on two discursive patterns found in the scientific discourses (...)
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    Mechanisms of Mind-Body Interaction and Optimal Performance.Yi-Yuan Tang & Brian Bruya - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
    Based on recent findings, we propose a framework for a relationship among attention, effort and optimal performance. Optimal performance often refers to an effortless and automatic, flow-like state of performance. Mindfulness regulates the focus of attention to optimal focus on the core component of the action, avoiding too much attention that could be detrimental for elite performance. Balanced attention is a trained state that can optimize any particular attentional activity on the dual-process spectrum.
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    Background: The feeding modalities used in school meal programs—such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and take-home rations—are influenced by various factors, including supply chain constraints and technical challenges in food distribution. The methods of supply sourcing, whether through domestic or foreign food reserves via in-kind donations or purchases, play a critical role in shaping the feeding options provided. Aim: This study aims to examine the association between supply-sourcing strategies, i.e., domestic and foreign in-kind donations and national-international purchases, with the feeding (...)
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