Time, as we know, belongs to the subjects not only of science but also of metaphysics and it certainly is an entity of a special kind; one needs adequate methodological tools to research it. Currently, one of such widespread tools is interdisciplinary approach. However, it appears that its use runs into a difficulty associated with the fact that reality of a scientific theory is set by its ontology. This means that the ontology of time in various scientific theories, strictly speaking, should be different. The ontology of scientific and metaphysical theories of time will differ even more. Consequently, the study of time as an interdisciplinary subject from a methodological point of view requires the introduction of such epistemological presupposition to understand the reality, to which the constructions of time both in the natural sciences and metaphysics could be considered ontologically coherent. It appears that the role of such one can play the premise associated with the belief in the existence of an external world independent from the perceiving subject. Coherent interdisciplinary ontology of time is, in this case, a part of the study of ontology of the ultimate reality which is the subject both of science and metaphysics.