On Corporatism and the Trend of Marxism in Eastern Europe
Corporatism is a new theory of civil society. In Eastern Europe, corporatism stressed that the Government, labor , capital the interests of the tripartite coordination and collusion, which labor and capital as the interests of the game with the government party, the abolition of labor and capital between the class antagonism. From Marx to Habermas's theory of civil society has never abandoned the class differences and struggle. Eastern Europe, Marxist theory of civil society is accompanied by the re-definition of the class, the result is the inability to construct an ideal model of civil society, corporatism unable to respond positively to this new theory of civil society. Corporatism is a new kind of theory on civil society. In Eastern Europe, corporatism stresses the importance of governments' coordination and complicity with labor and capital . This approach ignores the essential difference between labor and capital . The differences and struggles among different social classes have never been abandoned by civil theorists from Marx to Hahermas. Marxism in Eastern Europe champions a civil society with redefinition of "class", which can only result in the failure to set up an ideal civil society and respond to corporatism actively