Is Mill a Rule-utilitarian?
Emile whether a rule benefit, then? Since E Rasmussen, after the paper presents its interpretation, have led to lively discussion. However, as John Stuart Mill and the times yet to rule utilitarianism behavioral differences, and the text on the moral nature of the rules there are many possibilities, it is difficult to get this issue resolved. This paper will present a variety of types of rule utilitarianism defined by the "utilitarianism" and other related work as John Stuart Mill's range, re-examine the possibility of E Rasmussen interpretation and its limits. Whether JS Mill is a rule-utilitarian or not? This question entails vigorous debates since JO Urmson interpreted Mill as a rule-utilitarian. But there was no distinction between rule and act-utilitarianism in the times of Mill, and the nature of moral rule in his text is ambiguous, so this question is hard to be resolved. According to the definitions of various types of rule-utilitarianism, and Mill's Utilitarianism and other related writings, I reexamine the possibility of Urmson's interpretation and its limits