As a form of in vivo knowledge, the transdisciplinary (TR) methodology suggests going beyond disciplines. According to Nicolescu, this methodology occurs at different levels of reality (ontological), different levels of perception (complexity), and within the logic of the included middle (logical) axioms that exist simultaneously. In addressing these levels, the researcher is the interlocutor between the external world of the Object and the internal world of the Subject. In architecture, this knowledge emerges through a variety of disciplines that need to be fused with an approach that is rhizomatic and nomadic, leading to thought without an image as characterized by Deleuze and Guattari. By following their “Pink Panther” metaphor for an imageless thought and approach (which does not imitate or reproduce something else) in TR, this article aims to understand the relationship between the TR methodology and the theory of thought without an image—an approach which can enable the comprehension of ambiguous architecture and urban design problems.