The Reception of Thomas S. Kuhn in Spain
Dissertation, The Union Institute (
The goal of this dissertation is to study the reception of Thomas S. Kuhn's philosophy of science in Spain in the last thirty years. By reception it is understood the introduction of this philosopher in Spain, the ways through which his views expanded, and the impact that Kuhn's ideas on the development of science have had among Spanish philosophers of science. ;In order to fulfill this goal, Zamora-Bano's approach has been two-fold. By using a quantitative method, and, especially the tool called bibliometric methodology, Zamora-Bano has been able to quantify the actual impact that Kuhn has had among Spanish authors, compared with that of other renowned philosophers of science such as Popper, Lakatos, Feyerabend, etc. Along with the impact in the philosophy of science, the impact has also been measured in the social sciences. ;With the critical study, the impact of Kuhn in Spain has been approached from a qualitative point of view. The creativity and originality of Spanish authors in relation to Kuhn has been afforded, both in the field of the philosophy of science and also in the field of the social sciences. Zamora-Bano has demonstrated that, in the field of the philosophy of science, Kuhn is the second author that raises the most interest among Spanish philosophers, immediately after Popper. In the social sciences, the situation is opposite: Kuhn is the author that is of the most interest to Spanish social scientists, with Popper well behind. ;Zamora-Bano's dissertation includes for the first time a chronologically comprehensive history of the philosophy of science in Spain. In this historical overview, the question of the influence of the contemporary authors of the philosophy of science in the modernization of Spain is afforded. The dissertation also includes a thorough bibliography on both the philosophy of science in Spain and on the history of the philosophy in the quoted country