Discussion of God’s Knowledge is among the most important problems of Philosophy and theology. Great philosophers have expressed different and opposing views on God’s knowledge of Himself and the things other than God. Based on his main works, the present article attempts to study Plato’s view on this subject. So the author selects and explains some phrases drawn from Plato’s works such as the Parmenides, Sophist, Republic and Timaeus; at the same time, the author pays attention to the opinions of the expounders of Plato’s views, particularly to those of Neo-Platonist expounders. Another point in the problem of God’s knowledge is the how of God’s action and its relation to the divine knowledge; taking the Dialogue of Timaeus into consideration, the author tries to explain the how of God’s activity. Meanwhile, it examines themes such as the relation between idea of good and the world of ideas as well as Demiurge, place of the world of idea, the six causes, and the reason of creating the universe.