INSPIRE-HEP, High Energy Physics (HEP) Database, CERN Online Publications; Hyper Article En Ligne, CNRS, (Collect. 2017), Université Paris 1 Sorbonne, France (
In Part I of this article, I provide a general overview of a number of current discontinuous approaches to fundamental physics. In Part II (the main part, Ref. [37]), as a new mathematical approach to origin of the laws of nature, using a new basic algebraic axiomatic (matrix) formalism based on the ring theory and Clifford algebras (presented in Sec.2), "it is shown that certain mathematical forms of fundamental laws of nature, including laws governing the fundamental forces of nature (represented by a set of two definite classes of general covariant massive field equations, with new matrix formalisms), are derived uniquely from only a very few axioms"; where in agreement with the rational Lorentz group, it is also basically assumed that the components of relativistic energy-momentum can only take rational values. Based on the definite mathematical formalism of this axiomatic approach, along with the C, P and T symmetries (represented by the corresponding quantum matrix operators) of the fundamentally derived field equations, it is concluded that the universe could be realized solely with the (1+2) and (1+3)-dimensional space-times. On the basis of these discrete symmetries of the derived field equations, it has been also shown that only left-handed particle fields (along with their complementary right-handed fields) could be coupled to the corresponding (any) source currents. Moreover, it is shown that the (1+3)-dimensional cases of uniquely determined two classes of general covariant field equations, represent, respectively, new massive forms of the bispinor fields of spin-2, and spin-1 particles; and (1+2)-dimensional cases of these equations represent (asymptotically) new massive forms of the bispinor fields of spin-3/2 and spin-1/2 particles, respectively. As a particular result, based on the definite formulation of the derived Maxwell equations (representing by the derived bispinor fields of spin-1 particles, including Yang-Mills equations compatible with two specified forms of gauge symmetry groups), it has been concluded that magnetic monopoles could not exist in nature. Furthermore, along with the known elementary particles, eight new elementary particles, including four new charge-less right-handed spin-1/2 fermions (two leptons and two quarks), a spin-3/2 fermion, and also three new spin-1 (massive) bosons, are predicted uniquely by this axiomatic approach.