On Jacques Maritain's Ontology of Beauty
First, the establishment of the United States of ontology: from the metaphysical point of view, that there is beyond property contains one眞, goodness and beauty. The United States at least indirectly, is considered one of the attributes beyond there. Second, Thomas Aquinas on the United States of ontology clue: Thomas Aquinas pointed out the conditions for the United States there are three: the whole one or complete , the appropriate ratio or harmony ; and bright or clear . St. Thomas Aquinas pointed out that the concept of beauty in addition to the three conditions, he also pointed out that the relationship between beauty and rational, especially the United States and form relationships. Thomas Aquinas at the outset that the United States, the common good is based on the form. Thomas Aquinas also special emphasis on visual and auditory. Thomas Aquinas's aesthetic development of the route is to start with emotional pleasure as a starting point, and then rise to a rational judge to refer to the aesthetic. This line of thinking and his way into the metaphysics of thinking is exactly the same, the entity to explore the process, starting with Thomas Aquinas but also experience to know to start, and then elevated to the stage of rational knowledge. As Thomas Aquinas, the United States beyond the knowledge and experience is a feeling of special status, this transcendent state called "ecstasy" . In this state of ecstasy, also incorporates "love." Third, Maritain's further interpretation and development: the United States in the interpretation of Maritain's features, he emphasized the role of reason. He "beauty" as a rational pleasure. In addition, as "brilliant" is the beauty of the three characteristics of Thomas Aquinas, the most distinctive, and thus Maritain in the interpretation of this point dwell and more. Maritain defines "beauty" as "the proportion of various parts of material arranged in the form of brilliant," or "is reasonably rational arrangement of the material above the light." Maritain's aesthetic ideas in the interpretation of Thomas Aquinas, when not rigid but can utilize the眞real appreciation of art among activities. Fourth, Maritain's "beauty of the ontology" of meaning: first, to complement the study of scholasticism in the lack of aesthetics. Second, the emphasis on beauty in nature and reason are closely related, that she returned to find the rational aesthetic of the center line. Third, few can fully understand the philosophy and history of arts activities眞face, and then talk about aesthetic theory of the philosopher. The article is divided into four sections, ie., Section I: Establishment of Ontology of Beauty Section II: A clue to Ontology of Beauty according to Thomas Aquinas Section III: Further interpretation and development of Ontology of Beauty by Jacques Maritain Section IV: An evaluation of Maritain's Ontology of Beauty Form the perspective of metaphysics, Jacques Maritain proposes that the Beautiful can be regarded, at least indirectly, as a Transcendental Attribute on the par of the One, the True, and the Good. According to Thomas, the requirements for the Beautiful are threefold, they are integrity or perfection, due proportion or harmony, and brightness or clarity. In addition, Thomas points out the relationship between Beauty and reason, especially the relationship between Beauty and form. In the opinion of Thomas, both Beauty and Good are based on form. Besides, Thomas emphasizes sight and audition. His approach to aesthetics starts from sensible pleasures, then reaches to rational judgments. This line of thinking coincides with his approach to metaphysics. While investigating substance, Thomas begins with empirical knowledge which is followed by rational knowledge. To Thomas, aesthetic experience lies in a special union named ecstasy, which is beyond both knowledge and sensation. Love is also implicated in the state of ecstasy. In interpreting the characteristics of the Beautiful, Maritain lays special emphasis on the role played by reason. He looks upon "the Beautiful" as rational pleasures. What is more, "brilliance" is the most remarkable among the three characteristics of the Beautiful mentioned by Thomas, therefore Maritain says much more on this. Beauty as is defined by Maritain is "the splendor of the form on the proportional parts of matter", or "a flashing of intelligence on a matter intelligibly arranged". In interpreting the aesthetics of Thomas, Maritain does not abide by tradition, rather he transforms it into a creative thought which accords with real appreciation of artistic activities. As far as an evaluation of Maritain's Ontology of Beauty is concerned, first, it supplies the lack of aesthetic theotry on the part of scholasticism. Second, due to the emphasis it lays on the close relation between Beauty and reason when viewed from the essence of the former, it prompts aesthetic researches back to the line of thinking which centers on reason. Third, Maritain counts as one of few philosophers in history who do aesthetic researches after a true and full understanding of artistic activities