The Problem of Nihilism: From Nietzsche to Baudrillard
Nihilism is Nietzsche's diagnosis of Western culture. Nietzsche believes that it is necessary to get rid of nihilism revaluation, reiterated the will to power of the creative forces. Although Heidegger and Deleuze on Nietzsche's evaluation of different, but the will to power in the creative features of the understanding, they have similarities. Baudrillard believes that this idea is still a creative idea of modernity, it is the "real" condition, is to create a real vision. This creative idea is still in line with the ideology of the logic of capital. In the "super-real" time, is a kind of nihilism to follow the disappearance of logic. Only this logic, in order to get rid of the effects of modern ideology, and as a basis to explore alternative models of modern culture