Philosophical Rationale and Social Implications of Gender Justice
Explorations of gender justice in the current sex education is an important issue where, but just the idea, is there another on gender "difference," emphasized the level of mutual respect for the solution, or should return to a more general level of homogeneity, from "people" are born with the natural level of emphasis on "equality"? Usually chose one of the other shortcomings have left behind. Taking into account the differences and homogeneity of course is the best proposal, but from the priority to discuss the case, what should first take into account the differences in compensation? I would first take into account the universality of "equality" meaning? Two different priority issues for gender equality mean? By the author of "equality" and "differences" of the concept of philosophical speculation, and the same in different, different in seeking the same dialectical thinking, trying for the "gender justice" philosophical thinking about the important value, according to the biological differences between men and women and the day after tomorrow environmental impact, from a gender perspective heterogeneous, Contemplation principle of compensation when in quest of the meaning of gender justice. In addition, by John • Rawls on the point of view of justice, and women's ethics of "care" point of view, discussion of gender justice and gender equality as the demands of significance. Hope to highlight the "gender justice" and its philosophy of thinking in gender equality issues in importance. Demanding and searching for gender justice is an important issue in gender education. However, should the concept of "justice" be interpreted as searching for mutual respects between both genders on the presumption that "differences" exist between the two sexes? Or should we resume to a more common homogeneity on the concept of "human being are born equal"? The answer usually falls in a dilemma. Satisfying both heterogeneous and homogeneous concepts in the search of gender justice is certainly the best approach. It yet has a question in the term of "priority": should we compensate the sexual differences first or to satisfy the common justice first? What implications can we incur from the hierarchy of the two different kinds of superiority? The author conducted philosophical rationale on the concepts of "equality" and "difference" to try to examine the important value of "gender justice", through identifying and distinguishing the "differences among the same" and "the common value in a variety". The author also adopted the viewpoint of sex heterogeneity based on biological sex differences and environment impacts to contemplate the implications of complimentary principles in the search of gender justice. In addition, the justice theory of John Rawls and the "care" approach in feminist ethics are also adopted to attest "gender justice" as the justification of searching for equal gender rights. It is hoped that this paper would manifest the importance of "gender justice" and its philosophical implications in issues of equal gender rights