In organisms, ribonucleic acid plays an essential role. Its function is being discovered more and more. Due to the conserved nature of RNA sequences, its function mainly depends on the RNA secondary structure. The discovery of an approximate relationship between two RNA secondary structures helps to understand their functional relationship better. It is an important and urgent task to explore structural similarities from the graphical representation of RNA secondary structures. In this paper, a novel graphical analysis method based on the triple vector curve representation of RNA secondary structures is proposed. A combinational method involving a discrete wavelet transform and fractal dimension with sliding window is introduced to analyze and compare the graphs derived from feature extraction; after that, the distance matrix is generated. Then, the distance matrix is analyzed by clustering and visualized as a clustering tree. RNA virus and noncoding RNA datasets are applied to perform experiments and analyze the clustering tree. The results show that the proposed method yields more accurate results in the comparison of RNA secondary structures.