On Horkheimer's View on the Aesthetic Education and Its Modern Value
Horkheimer's article illustrates the concept of aesthetic education and its contemporary value, put forward his concept of aesthetic education is the main intermediary between the object of "critical theory of society" as the basis, in order to emphasize individuality and freedom to cultivate the ability to reflect human goals; his This not only affects the aesthetic concepts of education and aesthetic education of the modern German theory, but also affect the aesthetic education and artistic creation, for our contemporary aesthetic theory and teaching experiments and the development of cultural industries, have a positive reference and enlightenment. The paper introduces Horkheime's aesthetic education and its modern value, and puts forward that his aesthetic education is based on a social theory of subject and object being medium for each other and aims at bringing up people with introspection abilities and free characters. Horkermer's aesthetic education not only influences modem German aesthetic education theory, but also influences aesthetics teaching and art creation. It is also a positive reference and inspiration for our country's modern aesthetic education theory, teaching experiment and the development of cultural industry