Arabian Education in the Middle Age and the Cultural Fusion of the West and the East
Middle Ages the Arabian Peninsula dramatically change the social system. In the Arabian Peninsula's economic, political, cultural, ethnic, language, geography and many other factors and cultivation, the Arab nation by a number of reform believe a God, God of Islam, at the same time the birth of the Islamic culture. Medieval Arab culture largely created by the river, the development period, peak period, the litter period of four stages in its formation and development process, the absorption of ancient Greece and ancient oriental culture. Medieval Arab Islam-based education for East-West cultural exchange and dissemination play an important role, such as the absorption of Greece, Rome, Byzantium, Syria, Persia, India, China and other ancient cultures complementary nutrition, mastery, combine to promote East and West cultures. The process of formation of Arab science itself is a major East-West cultural integration process. This medieval Arab culture from research and development and production of a century translation movement start to explore the medieval Arab education in promoting the role of Chinese and Western cultures blend