Denver, CO: Divina. Edited by Arne A. Wyller (
Ours is a literal world. We spend so many words arguing the fundamental truth of a few ancient metaphors that we finally close them to personal meaning. Or we commit our energies to washing every literary form and figure of speech cleanly away to protect our definitions of correctness and to make everyday thinking even safer. But the arguing gives us doctrines. And the purging denies us poetry. And when all the metaphors are gone, we find we've lost the richest ways of knowing. We find we've even narrowed the possibility. Divina is a line of speculative, dimensional, and metaphorical books that will Challenge conventional wisdom, Offer alternative theories, Recreate noumenal experiences, Reach for poetry, and Promise other ways of knowing. The most rewarding reading addresses us personally and challenges what we believe. Divina will bring you books that do just that, chosen and published with the same dedication and editorial sensibility that have established our commitment t literary quality.An ambitious, open-minded inquiry revealing that science itself may be the language of the creator.