This chapter introduces the Embodied Sonic MeditationMeditation practice by elaborating three proof-of-concept case studies, their social impact, and an evaluation framework that examines the body-sound relationship. Embodied Sonic MeditationMeditation is a sonic and multimedia art practice based on the combination of sensing technology and human sensibility. It is based on Tibetan contemplativeContemplative practices culture and arts, Pauline Oliveros’ of “Deep Listening” practice, and embodied cognitionEmbodied cognition. It invites new ways of using sensorimotor coupling through auditory feedback to create novel artistic expressions and to deepen our engagement in the world that we are living in. This series of works demonstrates that through the practice of “Embodied Sonic MeditationMeditation” and her own work, a media artist can not only promote traditional underrepresented culture but also project these cultural values and identities into the cutting-edge art and technology of contemporary society.