Sir, The recent report by Zhang et al. (2013) is very interesting. For sure, using CrossCheck might help identify some plagiarisms, especially for those with verbatim copy. However, the plagiarism can be seen in other forms including to figure and conceptual plagiarism (Wiwanitkit 2008, 2011). The figure plagiarism is a challenging thing for the journal since it is more difficult to detect than textual plagiarism (Wiwanitkit 2011). In addition, there are also more difficult cases of figure plagiarisms to be discussed. Sometimes, the author might perform “salami publications”, present highly similar papers to publish in different journals and conferences. For sure, there can be detectable textual and figure self-duplication in those reports (see and consider engineering papers from the same group of researchers in “Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 355–360, May–June, 2008”, “The International Journal of Computers and Applications (USA), Vol. 31, No. 2