Current research on the origin of DNA and RNA, viruses, and mobile genetic elements
prompts a re-evaluation of the origin and nature of genetic material as the driving force
behind evolutionary novelty. While scholars used to think that novel features resulted
from random genetic mutations of an individual’s specific genome, today we recognize
the important role that acquired viruses and mobile genetic elements have played in introducing
evolutionary novelty within the genomes of species. Viral infections and subviral
RNAs can enter the host genome and persist as genetic regulatory networks. Persistent
viral infections are also important to understand the split between great apes and
humans. Nearly all mammals and nonhuman primates rely on olfaction, i.e., chemoreception
as the basis of the sense of smell for social recognition, group membership, and the
coordination of organized social life. Humans, however, evolved other means to establish
social bonding, because several infection waves by endogenous retroviruses caused a loss
of odor receptors in human ancestors. The human independence from olfaction for social
recognition was in turn one driver of the rather abrupt human transition to dependence
on visual information, gesture production, and facial recognition that are at the roots of
language-based communication.