Decoherence, Two-Mode Squeezing and Quantum Noise Reduction in a Cavity Raman Laser
Dissertation, Maharishi University of Management (
In this dissertation, we study squeezing for the Stokes and Anti-Stokes fields generated in a model of a single-mode Raman laser in a loss-less cavity with classical pump and unsaturated medium, for arbitrary homogeneous broadening and dispersion. Generalizing the notion of two-mode squeezing to allow for arbitrary linear combinations of the two modes in the definition of the quadrature variables, we find that the two output modes, for this general notion, always exhibit quadrature squeezing with noise reduction below the vacuum level. We also discuss our results and the general area of quantum optics in terms of the structures of intelligence as presented in Maharishi's Vedic Science. Finally, we report on a practical aspect of our dissertation research, the "European Alliance with Natural Law Project", whose purpose was to introduce Maharishi's programs, as presented in "Maharishi's Master Plan to Create Heaven on Earth", to our hometown Strasbourg, France, and in particular to the European Parliament located there