Philosophy in Process [Book Review]
Woven in and among the insights and discussions of this fascicle there is a highly complex but extremely dense theory of knowledge. To get at this theory one must piece together the discussions on pages 441-444, 452-455, 471-474, 479-485, 486-497, and 501-503. These must be read as an Aristotelian treatise, a progressive sifting of insights and precisions, so that the "official" doctrine is never clearly stated but must be constructed from the elements and qualifications and clues provided. Nor are the discussions mono-directional, but point to the many interconnections between a pluralistic metaphysics and its coordinate theory of knowledge. Ideas must be related in many ways to many kinds and levels of entities as well as to the ultimate modes of being. These many relations must be cross-referenced and synthesized in a systematic unity, related in a special way to the mode of Actuality without becoming derivatives or projections of that mode. At best this fascicle supplies some of the tools for the job and some hints what the finished theory must accomplish.—W. G. E.