The Meaning of Culture in Lonergan's Thought
Lang discussed the root Nepalese people's understanding of culture, there is a change from the cultural norms and cultural ideas into the experience of ideas. Cultural norms of ideas means that culture has a correct meaning and value, meaning and value of this group is that all cultural norms. Cultural experience is the idea that it knows there are many cultures, it study to compare the different cultures, understanding culture is causing it, and that there will be development and cultural decline. Cultural experiences to understand that there are many ideas of culture, as there are many different groups of meaning and value. Furthermore, Lang Nepalese recognize the cultural significance of the root control of three stages: primitive, classical and modern stage. The original meaning of cultural control is the meaning and value of the live stage in people's lives, but not to self-examination. Cultural significance of the classical phase control by asking the meaning of meaning and value of value, critical view culture. Cultural significance of the modern stage of control is concerned about the specific, individual, there is the main choice, human, social and cultural history. Lonergan argued that the understanding of culture has shifted from the normative notion of culture to the empirical notion of culture. The normative notion of culture means that the culture possesses the right set of meanings and values that are normative to all cultures. The empirical notion of culture is the culture that knows many cultures, that studies and compares them, that knows they are all man-made and subject to development and to decay. The empirical notion of culture realizes that there are as many cultures as there are distinct sets of such meanings and values. In addition, Lonergan recognized that there were three stages of controlled meaning of culture: primitive, classical, and modern stages. The primitive stage of controlled meaning of culture is that the meanings and values are lived in people's lives, but without reflection upon them. The classical stage of controlled meaning critically examined the culture by questioning the meaning of meanings and the value of values. The modern stage of controlled meaning of culture is concerned with the concrete and the particular, the existential subject's decision and the history of peoples, societies, and culture