Technological Domination and the Twofold of Human Existence: A Review of Sun Zhouxing’s The Philosophy of the Anthropocene [Book Review]
Sun Zhouxing’s treatise, The Philosophy of the Anthropocene, confronts the profound challenges posed by the technologically dominant An thropocene while seeking to reconstruct our understanding of the life-world. This endeavor is central to his philosophy of the future, where the impact of modern technology on human existence emerges as a critical issue that must be addressed. Grounded in the philosophy of existence, Sun’s work positions Nietzsche’s concept of the overman (Übermensch) as the “Overman-Future Man” within a contemporary framework. Furthermore, drawing on Heideg_x0002_ger’s analysis of the essence of modern technology, the transformation of natural human beings into technological human beings is elucidated. Most crucially, Sun’s exploration highlights the twofold (Zwiefalt) nature of naturalness and technicality in human existence. It is through this revelation and the adoption of a stance of technological destinism that a unique solution is proposed for the redefinition of human existence under the conditions of technological domination.