Inhabited Pasturage, Pasture Landscape and the Social Political Construction of Eastern Mongolia
Qing Dynasty Mongolian nomadic settlement there is only partial and did not affect the whole society in Mongolia. From 1950 to 1980 period, China's government to promote settle nomadic, so that Mongolia had a great grass-roots social change. Along with many fixed buildings and facilities, to settle nomadic people and livestock has led to relatively fixed, while drinking a fixed regime was extended to provide a full network down conditions. Mongolian Flag in Qing Dynasty in the institutional system, the flag features a simple regime, there is almost no grass-roots power of space; the nomadic settlement, the government has the power hematoxylin and complexity of the function space at the same time, the Mongolian People's grasslands use patterns have undergone major changes, from any nomadic, passively adapt to the grasslands, the transition to artificially transform grasslands. Inhabited Pasturage among Mongolian in Qing Dynasty was not popular therefore did not alter the whole structure of Mongolian society. However, during 1950 to 1980, the central government of China encouraged inhabited pasturage which remarkably changed the foundation of Mongolian society. Along with development of buildings and infrastructures, inhabited pasturage relatively secured people and animal, while the securing of people and animal in turn provided full condition for the consolidation of the state power. Since Qi's political power if rather weak in the Mongolian Qi system in Qing Dynasty, there was almost no power space in the bottom. Yet the Sumu government began to have the power space and complicated functions under the inhabited pasturage. Meanwhile, the way Mongolians use pasture changed also dramatically from a passive nomadism to the active reformation of the pasture