The author analyzes the social phenomenon of mass communication as a process of political power over society and the role in this process, the main mechanism of political power – the state. In this regard, the communicator as an authority has the ultimate goal of at least preferential access to resources and values, as well as a maximum – a monopoly control over their distribution. According to the problem of the distribution of resources and power in society social communications should be divided into two basic groups: – non-political type of communication, the subjects of which can serve any part of society, political communication made through political institutions, especially the state and law. Communicators in this case may act only entities that administer separated from the public authorities is concentrated in the hands of a certain circle of people. Systematic regulate, authorize and control the behavior of individual or combined in formal and informal community individuals social institutions and organizations that are actually main channel massive social communications. At the macro level social system noticeable impact on the social processes it creates regulatory system that sets the dominant society ideals and values of the hierarchy, and provides legitimacy value criteria collective and individual consciousness. This regulatory system is formalized through the common law, and in a class society – and the state law that protected all the mechanism of government. State as a mechanism of targeted systemic activities to change behavior society rightly regarded as one of the central elements of mass social communications. Thus, the system of mass social communication are closely connected with the system of government and is kind of an add-on society and the economy, its nature, properties and functions are largely determined by economic relations, which form the foundation of social order.