Granì 20 (3):27-34 (
An organizational culture is considered to be the social phenomenon, which ground and integral characteristic is the well-organized system of values, ideas, persuasions and normative standards of behaviour. This provides the internal integration and external adaptation of the organization to the conditions of the transitional society. Its main components are societal, value-normative and organizational administrative ones, thus an organizational culture can be studied in the various sectors of society. One of elements of the organizational culture’s societal component is a societal identity, which can be found in the multidimensional psycho-social reality. The sectoral approach has been used in order to describe the peculiarities of the societal identity. The empiric base of research is the results of the mass-scale sociological poll among the productive population of the Zaporizhzhya area in age between 18 to 65 years, who work in institutions, enterprises, organizations of different sectors of society: state, commercial (private) and socially-public. This poll was conducted by the author in June, 2016 (n = 1200). It was suggested to the respondents to define the degree of their equation with different social groups and communities, behavioral strategies and psycho-social drags. Most identification strategies have middle results (answers «sometimes»), but the precedence of the social identity, which characterizes modern society, i.e. family, age-related group, profession, should be noted. Among important societal identifications it is possible to distinguish: nationality, unity of opinions (world view, religious, political and others like that), some behavioral strategies of those who create their fate by themselves. It is interesting to note that the identification with the European values has rather small index, only 10% fully equate themselves with the Europeans, third (34,5%) - never do this. There are not so many substantial statistical differences by the age-related groups, it should be noted that between young people the tendency of formation of the societal identity is expressed more vividly: identification by achievements (those, who do their fate, who achieved a success), ideas, nationality (especially in the aspect of European mentality). In total, it is possible to speak about the domination of social identification practices and strategies in modern transitional Ukrainian society on a background of the trend of societal identity’s formation among the young generation. Thus, substantial divergences have not been founded among the representatives of different sectors of society, but at the level of tendencies it is necessary to mark the following: - at first, public sector workers more than other identify themselves by the age-old belonging and nationality, support the European values; - secondly, in a commercial sector there is a higher index of identification strategies and practices, which are connected with the achievement of success, material prosperity and responsibility for person’s life. - thirdly, the social identity dominates in the structure of identity of governmental workers (family, people of the same generation, age, work colleagues, people of the same profession, sphere of business). It is relate to social-demographic and professional characteristics.