Crisis, social revolts, revolutionary moments in Marx and Lenin The examination of the link between crises and social revolts in Marxism is a task which is deeply problematic. « Revolt » would seem to have the status of a « hidden object » within the more general question of the relation between crises and revolutionary opportunities. The article begins by considering a series of preliminary questions : what do we mean by « crisis », « revolt » and by « revolutionary conjuncture » ? What is the role played by revolts within the revolutionary conjunctures opened up by crises ? The article then focuses on the Marxian analysis of the conjunctures of 1848 and 1870 and on Lenin’s analysis of 1905 and 1917. Marx and Lenin put forward two strongly contrasting ways of dealing with the problem of articulating crisis, revolt and revolution. Whereas Marx envisages the passage from revolt to revolution as a process of self-transformation and self-emancipation accomplished through the praxis of the masses, Lenin envisages this passage as a « leap » that only accomplishes itself through the dialectical relation between the avant-garde Party and the masses