How to Get Rid of the Subject? On Some Aspects of Nietzsche’s Critique of Subjectivity
The article deals with the concept of the subject in Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy and is based on a range of texts relating to the concept of the subject, especially his numerous posthumous fragments gathered as Nachlass in Colli/Montinari’s critical edition. The article argues that the question of the subject’s place and meaning in general carries crucial weight in Nietzsche’s thinking and forms anindispensable basis for understanding his morphology of the will to power. The importance of his critique of the concept of the subject is in fact largely overlooked, due to the fragmented treatment of this topic in his writings. This article is an attempt to re-establish Nietzsche as one of the most eminent proponents of the modern anti-subjectivist thinking and serves to indicate why his critique of the concept of the subject plays an integral role in the 20th century critical thinking. Keywords: Nietzsche, subject, subjectivity, self