The paper attempts to stress the concept of immanence, as it has been developed by Deleuze and Guattari through Spinoza, in order to provide a critique of the so called platform capitalism. The digital dimension of economy and politics in fact represents a sort of a counter-attack versus Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophical perspective of emancipation and the goal of the paper becomes to re-activate such a perspective by reading the works of two important contemporary scholars: Frédréric Lordon and Antoinette Rouvroy. While Lordon represents a powerful way to reactivate Spinoza’s immanence in order to provide a new affirmative politics, Rouvroy shows to what degree contemporary capitalism, through its «algorithmic governmentality», is short-circuiting some of the concept developed by the French Theory. With the help of these authors and of Benjiamin Bratton, the paper finally shows Immanence’s symptoms of weakness in front of such a capitalism, and it attempts to recharge or reload the very immanence taking care of “ingenium”, conceived as the fundamental concept of a new micropolitics.