The Freedom of Speech and the Freedom of Listening
Freedom of speech, which focuses only on the act of enunciation, in the full availability of information in the so-called pluralistic media, does not fulll its purpose, which is the constitution and maintenance of an autonomous subject. In this full availability, in an era in which the Being is nothing, the word that allows the freedom of speech is lost in the noise-dominant communication in the media. If the freedom of speech, viewed exclusively from the perspective of potential enunciation, without considering the dierences between dierent positions of enunciation, then this form of a free act shows as quite inert. For the link between the freedom of speech and the media, which is required for the true realization of the individual existence, it is necessary to take into account the backside of the freedom of speech, that is, the freedom of reception or listening, which is basically the key act of a responsible and thus free individual