Agora 40 (2):109-133 (
In recent years, at least in the so-called western societies, a clear trend has been established to consume products that aim to promote a state of nostalgia in the consumer: fashion, cinema, television... everything that concerns mass consumption, in its aesthetics, it dresses with elements that try to evoke part of its target's past, and it works. In this article we will analyse, understanding consumption only as the most obvious expression, what motivates us to seek stimuli that evoke the past, what pushes us to it and how much does the state of anguish to which the type of circumstance draws us have to do with it that we live. We will try to demonstrate how nostalgia, beyond topics, is offered as the most accessible and effective refuge to temporarily mask that anguish caused by a medium perceived as inhospitable and fragmented, and without the need to renounce itself.