Kant 39 (2):30-35 (
The purpose of the study is to reveal the main determinants for improving quantitative criteria in the future of improving the strategic management of a regional territory, based on the developed mechanism of a structured approach in a strategic plan for each participant in the construction of territorial indicators. The work highlights the problems of strategic management in a regional context, special attention is paid to research in the field of evaluation criteria in strategic planning. In particular, the problems of determining the effectiveness of making and implementing management decisions are considered. Particular attention is paid to the preparation and development of the process of strategic forecasting, namely the use of the quantitative forecasting method in assessing strategic management. Obviously, when developing a strategic direction, the adapted elements require adjustments and additions, which is being carried out at the present time. Such changes and additions are promoted not only through legislative and regulatory activities, but also by scientific research, which, in turn, develop new directions of strategies for the development of the country's territories. Scientific novelty lies in the disclosure of the main determinants for improving quantitative criteria in assessing the strategic management of a regional territory, based on the developed mechanism of a structured approach for all participants in territorial indicators. As a result of the study, a new approach to solving the problem of quantitative assessment of strategic management for economic entities and sectors of the economy of the territories was developed.